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Satellite Internet Service for Macs? 413

Untimely Ripp'd asks: "Satellite broadband has been available to PC users for half a decade, and still is not trivially available to Mac users. It can be done, but it's always an unsupported hack, or it requires buying expensive extra hardware and software. I cannot understand why Hughes and the other providers would refuse to spend the relatively few dollars necessary to develop a couple of device drivers and glue libraries. Time after time, the vendors have said, 'it's coming,' but it never does, and the promise eventually goes away. (Earthlink's FAQ page no longer says that Mac software is being developed, for example). I'm not gung-ho on conspiracy theories, but the only explanation I can figure is that they're either being paid or bullied. Does anyone know of any serious tech hurdle that would make it cost more than $100K or so to develop the necessary software?" this article mentions one-way Mac service coming online from OWC in a future expansion, along with nationwide service. A comment from that story does mention a simple solution, but why is it that Satellite service, even one way satellite service, depends on Windows-only software? What other solutions have Mac users resorted to when they wanted their Macs connected?
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Satellite Internet Service for Macs?

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  • Again? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Clue4All ( 580842 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @08:45PM (#4370826) Homepage
    I'm not gung-ho on conspiracy theories, but the only explanation I can figure is that they're either being paid or bullied.

    How many times can we go over this same point? It's the same for Linux and Mac, it's just not economically viable to develop software for something used by less than 5% of the computing masses. It doesn't pay, plain and simple, and companies aren't going to waste money developing with little to no returns. I await next week's Ask Slashdot with the same question.
    • Re:Again? (Score:3, Informative)

      by NineNine ( 235196 )
      Actually, there are more costs than just development... They'd have to spend money on support for the product, money on the marketing, etc. Rolling out a product for a different platform isn't as simple as paying some guy to write the code. There's a lot more that goes into it. So I guess I'm re-enforcing the parent here. It's just not economical, but even more so than saying "Well, it only costs $100K for development".
    • Re:Again? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Otter ( 3800 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @09:24PM (#4371008) Journal
      Also, while Mac users may be ~5% of the total, they're a vanishingly small percentage of the construction supervisors, petrologists and logging bosses who need a satellite link. This troll [slashdot.org] is essentially correct, even if he can't spell Shih-Tzu.
      • Re:Again? (Score:2, Insightful)

        by ek_adam ( 442283 )

        How about the people in rural locations who don't have any other options available?

        My father lives in northern Maine. He has a 56k modem, that can barely get 24k on his phone line. No cable available. Positively no DSL, he's about 15 miles from the central office.

        Reasonably priced satellite service would be great.

    • Re:Again? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by GlassHeart ( 579618 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @09:47PM (#4371147) Journal
      It's the same for Linux and Mac, it's just not economically viable to develop software for something used by less than 5%

      One way to make money is to build a product that 95% of the people use. Another way to make money is to build a product that 5% of the people use. Microsoft certainly made a boatload of money, but Apple is not exactly bankrupt. In fact, I'd expect that Mac sales of Adobe Photoshop account for significantly more than 5%.

      In practice, a lot of times you'll find that the reason a minority OS is not supported is not because somebody determined that it was not viable, but that nobody ever bothered to see if it was viable or not. Only the former is a good business decision.

    • This is why these bullshit reports from IDC and gartner should not be tolerated.

      Even based on THIER numbers, the Mac Marketshare of currently used computers accessing the internet is around %15 to %20. Making them prime candidates for this type of access.

      Furthermore, simple thought about who runs linux boxes tells you that the linux market would probably be profitable for them as well. Even if the linux market share was only %2 (I'm not saying it is)--- whats relevant is how much money you'll make from the customers, not how much of the market there is.

      For Mac software, for instance, its a very lucurative market. Mac users spend more and buy more software items than Windows users AND there's less competition. so its quite possible that if you release a good product you could be 4 times as profitable in the Mac space as the PC space-- even though its much smaller. Simply not having Microsoft there to take away your thunder is a big help in itself.

      Unfortunately, most of these decisions are made by newbie marketing types who don't understand the industry and don't think for themselves-- they just all do what everyone else is doing and so you end up with 10 different applications in category X on the Windows side, all loosing money, and one done by some guy in a garage on the Mac side making more than he can figure out how to spend.

      The value of a market is the number of people who will buy your service-- not the number of people you have to try and reach to tell you about the service. A 10,000 person market is more valuable than a 100 million person market if you can get 500 customers for $500 in the former and $250 customers for $1 million in the latter.

      • not that I am knocking you but do you have numbers to back up this claim...I fully agree that IDC and Gartner OFTEN have ulterior motives but a 10% difference is SIGNIFICANT.

        • Yeah-- they only count computers sold in a given year. People then take that number and call it the total addressable market. This ignores the fact that the average mac is kept around twice as long as the average PC.

          Furthermore, Gartner counts every computer sold with windows as a windows sale, and every sale of windows software as another windows sale-- so many computers which ship with windows and are then upgraded to another version of windows are counted twice.

          Furthermore, they count all computers sold with windows that are installed in a datacenter or otherwise have Linux installed as windows sales-- inflating the windows numbers and deflating the linux numbers.

          They don't do ANY RESEARCH into the actual operating system installed on customers computers.

          Nor do they account for the fact that many computers are bought for data centers or for business use that does not involve customer use. The business market and the consumer markets are quite different-- when you talk about selling software into a market, you're talking about the consumer market (unless you're talking business software). The huge distortion causes by counting computers that live in closets and computer rooms as addressable for software sales is very erronous-- nobody installs word or a movie editing package on these machines.

          Basically, their numbers are made up.

        • OH, I forgot another issue with their numbers: They dont' count mac sales.


          When they say Macs have "%3" of the market, they are saying that macs make up %3 of the x86 market-- that is companies that sell x86 boxes or distribute them, also often care apple hardware and report that to them. But they don't count sales made via mac mail order companies, local mac dealers, the apple retail stores or the apple online store.

          In other words, the ignore all the mac sales channels and only count sales thru x86 sales channesl as mac channels. Thus not counting most mac sales.

          (I'm sure there are irregularities in how they count linux and other unix on pc hardware sales as well.)

    • by Ungrounded Lightning ( 62228 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @10:40PM (#4371337) Journal
      How many times can we go over this same point? It's the same for Linux and Mac, it's just not economically viable to develop software for something used by less than 5% of the computing masses.

      Let's phrase this another way:

      How much would a company pay for ADVERTISING to get a 5% increase in sales? (And thus a MUCH greater than 5% improvement in profits, since the development is already amortized.)

      Now if that same amount bought you the development of an incremental feature (i.e. a Linux or Mac driver) that enables another 5% of the market to use your product, it's the same case. (Actually, if you're currently addressing 90% of the potential market and the new segment is an incremental 5% you're adding 5%/90% or about 5.6%).

      But wait, it's better ...

      Suppose that you're currently splitting the market evenly with one other competitor. If YOU do it and HE doesn't, that 5.55% about doubles to 11.1%. With an even split among three competitors the first mover gets about a 16.7% bump in potential sales (and more in profit), and so on.

      With something like networking you have a small number of competitors but MAJOR lock-in. First mover gets the prize and KEEPS it. With something (like a device) with more competitors and less lock-in you may not keep it, but you get a BIG boost until your competition wises up.

      But WAIT! You don't HAVE to develop it yourself! Publish enough of the interoperability specs and - at least for Linux - SOMEONE ELSE will do it FOR you! You get the benefits and do only a tiny fraction of the work.

      Your work consists mostly editing your internal documents into an externally-releasable one that will enable a developer without giving away your trade-secret farm. But don't get too paranoid: Your competitors are ALREADY reverse-engineering you. You should have your critrical IP already locked up in patent-pending, which will keep your competition at bay if you publish more than you intended. Meanwhile, better specs mean better and sooner community software to enable your sales.

      Network operators might have some issues with security - but that's already been addressed elsewhere. (Bottom line is that the black hats will get you anyhow if you're already BADLY broken, regardless of whether you publish, while if you're reasonably secure (i.e. only a little flakey) the exposure will get the white hats on your side and you'll probably increase your lead in the arms race.)
      • Wow....wait a minute here. I think you've seen too much /. math.
        ``Now if that same amount bought you the development of an incremental feature (i.e. a Linux or Mac driver) that enables another 5% of the market to use your product, it's the same case.''
        No, it's not. The increase you gain through advertising means that 5% of the people ARE using your product. The 5% you get from porting your software indicates the number of people that COULD use your product. In the first case, actual sales improve rather drastically, the increase from porting will at most be equal to this.If before advertising 5% of the people were using your software, the ad campaign has increased sales by 100%. The same is achieved with porting ONLY if ALL people who can use the port (5% of all users) ARE USING IT. This is highly unlikely (not 100% of Windows users want sattelite Internet, so it would be unreasonable to assume (without further data) that 100% of Mac|Linux users would).

        ``Suppose that you're currently splitting the market evenly with one other competitor. If YOU do it and HE doesn't, that 5.55% about doubles to 11.1%. With an even split among three competitors the first mover gets about a 16.7% bump in potential sales (and more in profit), and so on.''
        OK, I see what you're doing here. You have assumed that 100% is all people who want sattelite Internet. Then, if 90% of those people use Windows, and do in fact have sattelite access, and 5% use your new target platform, and all of those are going to use your software, you are right. However, these are a lot of assumptions to make. First of all, who says that 90% of those people are using Windows? This may be true for the total desktop market, but sattelite Internet is not only desktop market, nor is it _all_ of the desktop market. It's a different market, although it overlaps a bit.
        Then, not all people who _want_ sattelite access, _have_ sattelite access. Allright, maybe your 100% is all people who _would_ have sattelite access if software were available on their platform. OK. That also kind of removes my third objection, cause if these people are going to use software as soon as it comes available, and you port first (FP = First Port), then they are _all_ going to use your software. However, adoption of your software is going to take time, and your competitors might join you in the meantime and port their software as well...

        All in all, your reasoning is based upon assumptions that do not hold. Porting your software to a platform with 5% market share is more likely to increase your sales by 5% of your current sales than it is likely to increase your sales by 5% of _all_ sales. Try to keep in mind _what_ these percentages are of. I hope this post is more or less comprehensible, I just woke up after a long night...
      • You are basing your argument on an invalid assumption: That all 5% of Mac users would get this service, if it were made available. This is totally false.

        Most people neither want nor need satalite internet service, they either have a better form of high speed access (and basically anything would qualify as better, satalite service is super high latency) like DSL, cable modem, wireless, etc, or they are happy with their dialup. I am willing to bet the percentage of people that want this service is well below 1% of internet users, but pretend it is 1% for argument's sake.

        Now given that Mac users are going to be distributed roughly the same geographically as PC users (which determines need for alternative high speed access). But again, let's assume more are willing to get it, double in fact, so 2% of all internet using Mac users.

        So, we take 5% of the market, and multiply it by 2%. That's 0.1%. So realistically you are looking at an ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM increase of 0.1%, and probably much less than that. Now to get that you have to develop the software, do some advertising (to let people know it's not on the Mac), and add support staff for the Mac side.

        See why it's probably not worth their time?
        • You are basing your argument on an invalid assumption: That all 5% of Mac users would get this service, if it were made available. This is totally false.

          Holy shit! How many poeple on /. are making this same, simple math error! If you people are actually working as programmers, I fear for the world.

          He's not assuming that all Mac users are going to use the service. He's only making the reasonable assumption that roughly the same proportion of Mac users will use it.

          Let's break it down to small-ish numbers so you can understand.

          Let's take a pool of 19,000 PC users, and 1,000 Mac users.
          In other words, our Mac users are 5% of the total.
          Now lets say that product x has 1 percent market penetration with our PC group.
          That means they have 190 customers.
          Now, suppose the add Mac support, and pick up only 1 percent of our Mac users
          That means they have 10 new customers.
          That's about a 5.26% increase.

          See, you do not need to get all of the 5% of Mac users to get a 5% increase in sales. Do you get it now, or do you need to higher a math tutor outside of school hours?

        • You are basing your argument on an invalid assumption: That all 5% of Mac users would get this service, if it were made available. This is totally false.

          No, I'm not assuming that. In the sole-provider case I'm assuming you get the same percentage of adopters among Mac (or whatever) users as you got among Windoze users.

          In the multiple provider case I'm assuming that you end up with the same fraction of Mac users adopting the TYPE OF SERVICE/DEVICE as Windows users.

          For instance - if the product is satellite networking I'm assuming the same fraction of Mac users as Windows users would buy it - IF the Mac users could get it at all.

          That's a MUCH easer case than your strawman.
      • But WAIT! You don't HAVE to develop it yourself! Publish enough of the interoperability specs and - at least for Linux - SOMEONE ELSE will do it FOR you! You get the benefits and do only a tiny fraction of the work.

        Your work consists mostly editing your internal documents into an externally-releasable one that will enable a developer without giving away your trade-secret farm. But don't get too paranoid: Your competitors are ALREADY reverse-engineering you. You should have your critrical IP already locked up in patent-pending, which will keep your competition at bay if you publish more than you intended. Meanwhile, better specs mean better and sooner community software to enable your sales.

        This is great, logical and sound thinking....

        something that no CEO or Board of directors on this planet is capable of as it requires not only having deep insight and a great business mind... but also be more mature than a room full of 5 year olds...

        you sir, need to start a business and run it... you will become very rich.
  • by mindstrm ( 20013 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @08:47PM (#4370833)
    It's really too bad that satellite solutions for the masses always have to involve custom software on the computer. Why can't they just make it a normal ethernet device, like anything else?

    • by sam31415 ( 558641 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @08:52PM (#4370866) Journal
      It'd make sense to do that, so of course they won't do it. A completely random guess, though: if it were a normal ethernet device, they think it'd be a lot easier to share the connection, which they wouldn't want. Likewise, if the custom software ran under Linux, it'd be quite easy to set up a firewall and share the connection that way, so they won't do that, either. Besides, they wouldn't want people using Linux on their networks anyway, it's a hacking tool, right? Anyway..

      So yeah, the typical reasons.

      • >they think it'd be a lot easier to share the connection

        Uuh, hate to burst your "Linux makes NAT easy" bubble, but in WinMe/2K/XP, internet connection sharing is like 3 clicks from the desktop. It will even enable DHCP for your trusted network to make adding hosts trivial.

        >easy to set up a firewall

        Yet agian, WinXP to the rescue. In the same dialog used to share a connection, you can enable a basic firewall. It's fairly secure from the outside, but it will autoconfigure ports as they are requested from the inside. Once a trusted computer requests a port, it is opened automagically.

        I'm not bashing Linux, just pointing out that Windows can do it as well...

        • More to the point, even *old* windows had things you could add to it that made it into a firewall. So I don't think preventing multiple connections was the goal, unless their software disables this ability in Windows (nobody mentioned this so I think maybe not). Even a normal DSL if you want to connect to more than one machine requires purchase of a router, for some people it would be cheaper to sacrifice an existing Windows box.

          It is also true that Linux needs some smarter people doing the setup & installation. It has been able to do this for years, but as far as I know no system when installed will detect the existence of two network cards and assumme this is what you want to do.

      • by GigsVT ( 208848 )
        A completely random guess, though: if it were a normal ethernet device, they think it'd be a lot easier to share the connection, [...] Besides, they wouldn't want people using Linux on their networks anyway,

        You are totally wrong. Starband even gives you a shareware copy of winproxy to help you share your satellite connection and set up a firewall. They have some pages up to help you set up your internal network so you can use Linux and Macs and such. The only thing they require is that the computer connected to the satellite is Windows.

        Anyway, they specifically condone the use of connection sharing and using Linux behind it, they just don't support it, if you call them, they make you unplug your inside connection and shut down any firewall before they will help you.
    • Exactly... ethernet! (Score:4, Informative)

      by aquarian ( 134728 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @09:05PM (#4370923)
      Not only would standard ethernet be usable by everyone, it would work better, cutting down on tech support calls. In my experience, all this third-party Win-driver stuff tends to be pretty buggy. They would have been far better off just designing a standard ethernet device. If they have to supply network cards, so what. They can get 'em for ten bucks, a lot less than paying for endless tech support calls, waiting for Windows to reboot as people reinstall their crappy drivers.

      Cable and DSL companies have finally figured this out- in the beginning, many were supplying PCI card DSL modems that needed Win-drivers, or USB-only cable modems. Now virtually all of them are standard ethernet. Cable modems are usually both- ethernet and USB, in case someone doesn't have an ethernet card. But even USB networking is pretty flaky- most techs will suggest getting an ethernet card if someone's having trouble with their USB.

      The sattelite services might still be stuck with tons of this crappy Win-driver stuff, which they have to get rid of, before getting into something new.
      • by GigsVT ( 208848 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @09:29PM (#4371037) Journal
        Starband is already stardard ethernet now (you can still use USB if you want to). You still need Windows-only drivers on the computer connected to it, or you only get 56k modem speeds or so.

        I've discussed this with people that claim to be in-the-know about such things, and they say that revealing the specs of the accelerator software would allow competitors to get into the market, hence the reason they havn't given the specs to open source developers. The gist is that the software drivers package the TCP/IP into very large datagrams that are much more efficient for satellite use. Someone who knows more about this can fill in the details.

        Or so the argument goes at least.... Of course, MS being a (former?) big investor in Starband might have something else to do with it. And they could always release binary only non-windows drivers, like Nvidia does.

        I just put up with W2K on a Pentium 166 with 80 megs ram for my gateway/firewall, and use Linux basically everywhere else in the house. I hate it completely, but it's pretty good on the download speeds (100-130KBytes/sec max).

        One neat trick to get around the latency of the satellite for things like ssh: Use a dial in modem to dial in, and have your ppp-up scripts change the default route to the modem, but leave a route in for your satellite gateway. Then use the proxy on the satellite gateway for download intensive stuff like the web and ftp, and run everything else through the modem, like ssh. You get the high speed downloads and relatively bearable ssh speeds too this way. Of course you have to have some sort of ISP to dial your modem through, seperate from the satellite ISP.

        No cable or DSL options out here, but I don't live far from the cable service, so maybe someday soon....
        • I've discussed this with people that claim to be in-the-know about such things, and they say that revealing the specs of the accelerator software would allow competitors to get into the market, hence the reason they havn't given the specs to open source developers. The gist is that the software drivers package the TCP/IP into very large datagrams that are much more efficient for satellite use.

          Yeah, right, like anyone could just hack the stack and raise billions of dollars overnight to launch a bunch of sattelites. I'm sure anyone who could launch a sattelite network is capable of hiring a few engineers to build a TCP/IP stack that works.

    • by Malor ( 3658 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @09:35PM (#4371072) Journal
      Regular IP doesn't work well on satellite. It's not designed for such high-latency connections. Because satellites share the same data stream with a lot of people, each customer gets a small time slice every once in awhile during which they can send or receive data. On Starband, I suspect that this is about every 750ms. (it could be half that, 325ms). Pings on that network always have a granularity of about 750ms... ie, 750ms, 1.5 seconds, 2.25 seconds. Most real-life pings happen in 750ms, but many of them don't get through for 1.5 seconds. Normal TCP does not deal well with such high latency. It gives up and retransmits sooner than that... this results in many, many extra packets and tons of extra traffic on the link.

      When you consider that a new connection is SYN (one way), SYN/ACK (return) and ACK (final handshake)... times 750ms per trip, that's 2.25 seconds to set up a connection. To work around these problems, the satellite vendors are forced to do all kinds of tricks with the IP protocol, including spoofing ACKS at each end and running proxies and special compression algorithms. I don't remember all the details anymore. There's a little bit of info in this thread [slashdot.org].

      Basically, without a custom IP stack, two-way satellite is almost useless. And a custom IP stack is an expensive thing; given the dismal state of most networking companies, there's just not a lot of money to blow on 5% of the customer base.

      I don't know about Earthlink, but Starband's service is TERRIBLE. My mother signed up with them because she's really out in the sticks. The connection is very intermittent. It just fails at random times, and she has to reboot her Windows 2000 gateway machine all the time. (and I know the machine/OS is solid.. it's either the system or the software that sucks horribly.) A couple months ago, they dropped her entirely for two weeks. They were finally forced to roll a tech to fix the problem.... it turned out to be THEIR foulup, they'd changed access group for her modem without bothering to tell her. And they billed her quite a bit (maybe $200?) for the tech!! And needless to say they continued to charge her for the service she wasn't getting.

      Stay far, far, away from Starband unless you are truly desperate.

      • What I don't understand is why they don't go for a hardware solution instead of doing it in software. Of course the hardware has to do the IP Proxy with an optimized stack, but it seems like it makes the system more usable, and reduces long-term support needs. (You don't have to worry about different versions of windows, at a minimum.)

        The initial development cost might be higher, but wouldn't it pay for itself in reduced support, and have a longer life cycle?
      • I work there, and am the author of the TCP acceleration, so I know what Im talking about:
        What you get is a remote modem that you use through ethernet, just like a regular router.
        Basically the TCP is accelerated by the remote intercepting the TCP packets and reformatting them into something which works well over satellite.

        So it should work great with apples, or pretty much anything that goes over ethernet. Our stuff is kindof high-end, 9mit down, 2mbit up, and I have no idea what the pricing is but its more than cable.

        Allthough satellite will never be good for low-latency stuff (real time games, interactive shells) it works great for web-browsing, file downloads/file sharing, VOIP, etc.

    • The reason these things don't speak standard TCP/IP over Ethernet is because that would be painfully slow. As far as I know, the reason for special software is that you want to tunnel the TCP/IP over some non-standard layer.

      The reason for this is that the usual SYN-ACK-SYN/ACK connection setup sequence would be painfully slow with the huge latentcy of a satellite connection. If there's a 300ms delay each way, and establishing a connection requires the usual sequence, that's 900ms just to establish a connection, then you have the additional overhead imposed by the protocol (e.g. the HTTP GET request) Imagine if each request for an image on a web site took several seconds to set up before any data could actually flow. This would be mitigated to some degree if HTTP pipelining was used, but it would still be an issue -- consider browsers or servers that don't support it, as well as non-HTTP applications.

      Instead, it makes sense to do some kind of encapsulation so that, for example, a single outgoing packet would convey "establish a TCP connection to images.slashdot.org:80 and send a HTTP request for /foo.gif" rather than the multitude of packets exchanged that straight TCP/IP would require.

      So to do this translation/encapsulation takes some non-trivial software, which would either have to be ported to the Mac platform or implemented in hardware. Apparently, this task is non-trivial enough that it doesn't make sense to the bean counters. If the software was just a fluffy "connection manager" and the hardware was really speaking true TCP/IP (as is the case with cable/DSL modems) then I don't think you'd be in this situation.

    • "It's really too bad that satellite solutions for the masses always have to involve custom software on the computer. Why can't they just make it a normal ethernet device, like anything else?"

      Because satellite connections for PCs generally have to use a modem to send upstream. The special software is essentially a packet wrapper program that causes the response to those packets to be sent to your dish and not your modem. This wrapper, of course has to be written for each OS.

      Now if they would just release their source codem, some happy mac hacker would build a macintosh client and increase satellite providers' revenue at $0 upfront cost.

  • How hard would it be to write proxy software for a windows based PC that gave your Mac internet access? I know this isn't the optimal solution, but if you have no other way to get broadband internet access you have to do what you have to do. Besides, if you lived in a obscure location and you could have several of your neighbors hooked up via wireless internet/NAT.

    Microsoft does own share in ISP backbones, it is possible that they own share in a lot of these Satellite ISP companies also. Finding out is an exercise I will leave to someone else...

    Furthermore, it is entirely possible that the security they use for these Satellite ISP services is horribly broken and is only maintained by the fact Windows is soooo obscure. If they released the specs of how all this hooked up it is entirely possible that anyone could use their services without paying. I don't know, we can't find out---we don't have the specs to write our own software. Just keep an open mind for the myriad of reasons...
    • Yeah but one of the points of satellite internet access ought to be mobility. What a pain to carry your Billbox in your pillbox just so you can string up your ibook running yellow dog.


    • Interesting point. I wonder wether or not you could run the software needed in virtual PC, and send it back out of the virtual environments to your mac?
  • by realmolo ( 574068 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @08:50PM (#4370848)
    I thought they were all too busy making Quicktime movies of their trip to the Volvo dealer, and ripping Yanni CDs to play on their iPod while they wait at the coffee shop for their Shitsu to get it's nails manicured, sipping latte's. You know, Thinking Differently.
    • I use my mac to come home and make music and edit video after a long week of smacking around linux/sunos/microsloth/ios machines around.

      When I come home, i don't really feel like spending half my night recompiling the latest kernel.

      I just want to make music and video.
      After I eat my sushi, of course.

  • They did anyway. That would seem to make a conspiracy less likely.
  • by mbessey ( 304651 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @08:52PM (#4370860) Homepage Journal
    The main barrier to providing a service like this for the Mac, or for Linux, Solaris, BeOS, or whatever, isn't the cost to develop the software, it's the cost of supporting users on another platform.

    Every time someone calls with a question, it costs the company money. The quicker you can answer their question and get them off the phone, the better. This means minimizing the number of different systems your support folks have to be trained for.

    • Every time someone calls with a question, it costs the company money. The quicker you can answer their question and get them off the phone, the better. This means minimizing the number of different systems your support folks have to be trained for.

      So have the bulk of them trained for the bulk operating system, a few trained for each little one, and TRANSFER THE CALL if you get one for a little opsys. We are talking NETWORK companies, right?

      Heck - I bet the little guys would put up with a half-day delay and callback - and be grateful they could buy your stuff at all. YOU get to schedule the calls, rather than fielding them when they arrive - increasing the efficiency of the little-opsys helpers.
    • So don't 'support' the users. This is not the same as not allowing them.

      I've worked with an ISP that had this very policy. If you ran Win9x and IE, the help desk would assist you. If you ran anything else---you are on your own. Anything else included Win/NT, Win2k etc.. Just the lowest common denominator 'consumer' systems were supported. BUT, all the documentation on what you needed was available. If you ran *nix/Mac you were assumed to be clueful enough to deal.

      Do this, and the only cost is the drivers. Maybe not trivial, maybe. So open source them. Let someone else write them for you. Your profit is not in the IP held in these drivers---which are just a means to an end---namely getting more customers online.

      Not only that, maybe the drivers will be better than the in-house ones. Being open source, you can benefit from that, roll them back into your Win drivers, provide better service, equals happier customers, equals more---and more profitable---customers.

  • It's not the initial development of drivers and an application interface that is such the expense for the ISP. It is the ongoing support of an additional platform. By adding Mac support for your product, you've just doubled your ongoing testing and debug workload. It is also an additional platform for which they will have to provide user support. They either have to train their existing help desk staff to resolve both Windows and Mac problems, or they have to hire a special "Mac staff" and create a separate help desk to support that userbase.

    In the realm of mass market computing, the majority rules. Most companies can't afford to expend the budget to gain a small fraction of a platform that only makes up 5% of the industry as a whole. Remember, it's not like EVERY Mac user will start using the product just because they support the Mac. So, why would a company spend even 2% of their R&D budget to get 1% of a 5% market (if they're lucky).
  • by Typingsux ( 65623 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @08:56PM (#4370880)
    on my Mac.... Then all of a sudden beep beep beep beep beep beep

  • I work for a dealer and we tested DirecPC through Pegasus (Pegasus Express was the offical name). It sucked. When talking to people that had satellite Net...about four out of five hated it. (I never could figure out why that one person said theirs was working so good when the other people had nothing but trouble). In the end, we never sold it because we were afraid it would make more people mad than anything else.

    By all means, though, Mac usuers should be able to get pissed off just like us PC users...

  • Huh? (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    it requires buying expensive...hardware

    Expensive hardware? You mean like the Mac you're trying to get online with?
  • It looks like satellite internet is one of those wonky markets that doesn't make any sense except to those people trying to pinch pennies or get ahead where there isn't broadband already available. That being said, most Mac users are used to paying for superior service and probably already have ADSL/cable internet access anyway... It's kind of like whining about a lack of USB-2 drivers on the Mac when Firewire has already been there for the past 4 years both faster and better...
  • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Why Satellite? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MidnightBrewer ( 97195 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @09:08PM (#4370947)
    I'm living in Osaka, Japan right now, and the biggest hurdle the technology-savvy Japanese have to face in the telecommunications field is geography: Japan is 70% mountains.

    Their solution? Wireless internet. Give your user a wireless internet card, then connect the receiver to a fiber-optic network offering 100Mbps. Works with Windows as well as OS 9 and OS X.

    Currently, ADSL alone in Japan offers 12Mbps, for a slightly cheaper price than in the states.
  • It is market share plain and simple.

    First off, you have the very small market share that Mac users represent. About 1-3% (right?)

    Then you have to factor in what percentage of the Mac users live in or near major metropolitan areas. I would argue that number is probably near 90% of the total Mac users (a number I am pulling out of my ass, but I just don't think there are a ton of Mac users in the rural US, which is where the Sat. companies are focusing).

    So, you have a possible market that makes up maybe .1 - .3% of the total computer users in the US.
    Hell, even if my numbers are a little bit off, the total market share for Mac users in rural areas can't be more than 1% of all internet users.

    So, if the software costs $100k to write, and then another $5k - $10k / year (/month?) to support, plus retraining all (or many) of your support/install personel to use the Macs, is it really worth it?

    I personally don't think I would do it if I ran the company.

    But whatever... hmmm... the linux router seems to having problems... wonder if throwing it out the window will solve it

  • Technical issues (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rochlin ( 248444 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @09:31PM (#4371053) Homepage
    I think it's worth mentioning a couple technical points that have been overlooked by people considering using a PC as a bridge between the satellite receiver and the Mac.

    I set up a PC system (with win2k) purely as a bridge. The satellite reciever uses USB (this is from Pegasus-DirecPC-Hughes - now acquired by Earthlink). Pegasus and DirecPC provide proprietary Windows only drivers to deal with the USB network-satellite connection. That's issue #1. That means using Linux or (as suggested in the "comment" link in the oringal post) a simple router won't fly.

    Issue 2: Optimizing the Window size for the ethernet connections --
    The fact is, the TCP/IP conneciton to the satellite (high bandwidth - extremely high latency) needs different rwin settings to optimize the connection than the simple pc->mac LAN connection. So far as I can figure, Windows lets you choose one setting for all NICs (in this case the USB satellite connection is a NIC).

    Issue 3 - you need some kind of 3rd party NAT/Bridge software like Sygate to share the connection with the Mac. The built in (to Win2k, 98) Internet connection software won't work because it can't bridge different subnets. The USB conneciton is on a different subnet vs. a regular NIC. I don't think it can be configured otherwise. WinXP might fix that.

    Bottom line: You need a PC with Windows to share the satellite with the Mac and even then the Mac will have inferior service vs. the directly connected PC. So a satellite service supporting Macs would be nice :)

    • 2) I think Window size is settable by device. Otherwise, there's no way you could route between say, a token ring card and an ethernet card (something that I'm certain can be done).

      3) You're probably right except that home networks don't have different subnets. Or I should say, there's no good reason to have multiple subnets.

      I think the primary problem with 2-way satellite service is that latency is so high that for the common things home users do (open up their home page of http://www.msn.com) its likely to be no faster than a dial-up connection.
      • 192.168.1.x is my main ethernet segment.
        192.168.5.x is my main arcnet segment.
        192.168.6.x is my token ring segment.
        192.168.7.x is my IP over localtalk tunnel segment.
        192.168.8.x is my ATM/LANE segment.
        192.168.9.x is my FDDI segment.
        192.168.10.x is reserved for my IP-over-HIPPI segment.
        192.168.11.x will be my 100mps token ring segment, should I ever find a MAU for it.
        192.168.3.x contains various slip/ppp serial connections, including the tivo.
        10.x.x.x is a cute little VPN I'm building for shits and giggles.

        And since I don't feel like pouring through the rest of my custom init scripts, I won't even bother to look up the other segments that I have. Then again, maybe I should get rid of them all, because...

        Or I should say, there's no good reason to have multiple subnets.

        BTW, if you mean routing IP between eth and tr, then yes, it's simple. Bridging though, is probably impossible via software.
      • Window size is protocol specific, so being able to route between network interfaces using separate windows sizes doesn't say anything about being able to set an ethernet tcp/ip parameter differently on two different NICs. If anyone knows how to assign different windows sizes to different NICs on Win2k ...??? that'd be interestin'.
    • by redgekko ( 320391 )
      I've shared several DIRECWAY systems out to Macs using ICS on 98se and 2000, but not without problems with the "acceleration" software that is the client side of the crc spoofing tech used to compensate for latency. I haven't tried XP yet.

      Basically, sustained downloads perform great on both server and clients, but individual images on webpages seem to only load one at a time, as if only one socket connection is being made at a time to the server to download them. Running multiple simutaneous sustained downloads also seem to suffer, but not as bad has normal http page element traffic.

      If anyone knows what causes this or how to solve the problem without 3rd party software (SatServ [satserv.com] seems to work great), I would greatly appreciate it!

      • That satserv.com site is interesting, but I didn't see any software. What 3rd party software exactly are you talking about?? Thanks! (PS - interesting that you could share using ICS. Tried it and it didn't work - I thought because the DirecPC driver was assigning a different subnet than the ICS software was assigning to the 2nd NIC - but it must be somethign else).
    • Or whatever the hell you really call it.

      The satelite drivers are written to keep the high-bandwidth pipe full (i.e. you can put a lot of data in the air before it gets to the satalite and back.) Since various networks that carry TCP/IP (Etehrnet, ATM, etc) are based on different optimal packet sizes, so oyu generally probe your connection to figure out the what link is going to split your packets into the smallest size and then just send packets of that size.

      I'd suspect that's why the Mac on a PC performs a lot worse than the PC in general - the ethernet packets that get sent to the PC probably get passed on as-is instead of reassembled into larger packets for the satalite link.

      One huge packet with one header is obviously more efficient than one huge packet made up of lotsa smaller packets each with their own header.
  • by NoMoreNicksLeft ( 516230 ) <john@oyler.comcast@net> on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @09:37PM (#4371083) Journal
    I have both the DirecPC pci card, and the usb modem version. I'm not capable of reverse engineering these myself, but anyone that is, is welcome to mine. I could probably even spare an 18" dish+LNB.

    I mean, every time we wait for these fuckers, we end up losing. Maybe you need to decide to write it yourself? It's the only way to be sure it's done right.

    PS Anyone that knows the pinout for the power on the DirecPC usb modem (mini-din 8), could you send it to me? I know it's gotta have 14v for the lnb power, in addition to 5v, but last time I tried to deduce this from looking at the pcb, it took me a day and I still fried the device.
  • well maybe (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    maybe its because Hughes, like most other companies,
    know better than to get in bed with mac users. they
    tend to be the most pushy, clueless, demanding,
    ignorant and zealous user community out there ..
    always some screwed up issue .. and all for what?
    for the meager bucket-drop dollars from the pockets
    of people for whom the concept of more than one
    mouse button is overly taxing.

    (mac linux users are excluded from this rant)
    • Re:well maybe (Score:4, Informative)

      by interstellar_donkey ( 200782 ) <pathighgate&hotmail,com> on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @10:32PM (#4371311) Homepage Journal
      You'll probably be modded down for saying that, but your right. I long ago conceded the fact that Macs were at the very least as good as PCs (in some areas), but Mac users are a whole different story.

      I worked the phones in tech support for quite some time for a major ISP. I hated having to get mac calls. Not because they were difficult to troubleshoot; macs are surprisingly easy to fix when there are network issues, and I always liked that.

      But the users, as a general rule, were much much worse then PC users. The worst were the imac users. I have dozens of theories about why this is, but the only one I can come up with is mac users simply don't invest the time needed to really understand their own computers, or at least the time needed to properly opperate a PC, but instead just want everything to work right. When it doesn't it's the fault of whoever is on the other end of the phone.

      This is not a bash of macs. Macs are so easy to troubleshoot, the computer literate mac user rarely needs to call tech support, so the support folks just get the worst of the worst.
      • The worst were the imac users. I have dozens of theories about why this is, but the only one I can come up with is mac users simply don't invest the time needed to really understand their own computers, or at least the time needed to properly opperate a PC, but instead just want everything to work right.

        And just what is wrong with this? I personally tend to push the limits of my computers in many ways and know the ins and outs of hardware and software, but my mother and my grandmother just want to be able to get email, surf the web and get photos and movies of the kids and grandkids. I would never dream of purchasing either one of them a Linux box or a Windows box. Rather I have always defaulted to the Macintosh because they don't have to spend time configuring settings. Macs just work.

        The other cool thing about this is that OS X works for both my grandmother (It just works and is easy to use) and me (I can compile lots of data visualization apps originally written for our SGI's, crunch data in the background, use my workstation as a server, surf the web, run the latest versions of Photoshop and Office, listen to 40GB of music on iTunes and have the best system wide text anti aliasing ever on a computer all on one machine and all at the same time.


        • And just what is wrong with this? I personally tend to push the limits of my computers in many ways and know the ins and outs of hardware and software, but my mother and my grandmother just want to be able to get email, surf the web and get photos and movies of the kids and grandkids.

          There is nothing wrong with that. And if you don't quite understand your computer, you should by all means call tech support.

          But the problem is mac users, again as a general rule, are just plain rude.

          "Ok. in the upper left hand corner of your screen, you should see a little apple. I want you to click on that"

          "There is no little apple in the corner"

          "There should be, look again"

          "I'm telling you, there is no little apple"

          "I'm sure it's there. Take your time."

          "I'm not some idiot. If there was an apple, I'd tell you"

          (... continues for 15 minutes).

          "Sir, I hate to say this, but I can't help you. I want to help you, but I just can't. If you don't see a little apple, either you have a different kind of computer or there is something seriously wrong with yours that we don't have the resources to fix"

          "fine. I'll go into the den and turn the damn thing on"

          This is not some rare funny story... this is typical of the mentality of a mac user who calls tech support.

          Again, I'm not saying mac users are dumb, but the ones who use the support resources of a company, at least in my experience, sure the heck are.

      • I have dozens of theories about why this is, but the only one I can come up with is mac users simply don't invest the time needed to really understand their own computers, or at least the time needed to properly opperate a PC, but instead just want everything to work right. When it doesn't it's the fault of whoever is on the other end of the phone.

        I don't agree with your language here. You say Mac users don't "invest" the time "necessary." I think a more accurate way of saying it is that Mac users don't have to waste time learning about the internal workings of their computers. Macs, for the most part, just take care of themselves.

        And, speaking as a moderately well educated and informed Mac user, when it doesn't work it is absolutely the fault of the person on the other end of the phone. I moved into my current home this summer, and decided to try AT&T's cable modem service. The required that I install some software on my computer-- an iBook, at that time-- before I could use my cable modem. I installed it, and it proceeded to send my computer into absolute shitfits. For some reason, it created a new logical network device with its own IP settings, and royally hosed my routing table. Evidently (as I discovered after literally tens of hours on the phone) they had never tested the software on a computer with more than one active network interface. When I installed it on my computer, which had both Ethernet and AirPort active, everything went to hell.

        This was absolutely the fault of the vendor. They provided me with software that had not been adequately tested. Hell the default configuration of a Mac with an AirPort card is to have both ports active in the "Automatic" configuration. To think that AT&T would ship software without testing it on a machine with AirPort astounds me. Running it once under OS 9 on the Power Mac 7600 in the back room does not qualify as quality control, guys.

        Naturally, I let the various people on the other end of the phone have it, then demanded a full refund, and fired them. They're lucky I'm not trying to bill them for the time I wasted on that fool's errand.

        Anyway, back to the point: it absolutely was AT&T's fault. If it doesn't work under circumstances in which a reasonable person should expect it to work, it's the vendor's fault, and they should take responsibility for fixing it.
  • The last time I checked, The Starband satelitte service was compatible with linux - if it works on linux, surely a port to OSX would be easy. (I believe it also worked with linksys routers - if not, one could simply use an ancient PC with USB and ethernet as a router)
  • I cannot understand why Hughes and the other providers would refuse to spend the relatively few dollars necessary to develop a couple of device drivers and glue libraries. Time after time, the vendors have said, 'it's coming,' but it never does, and the promise eventually goes away.
    Now you know how I felt when Apple kept postponning the Windows version of the Newton development kit. Drastically increasing the pool of Newton developers probably wouldn't have saved the product, but you never know. It certainly would have done more to increase the customer base than Hughes would by adding Mac support.
  • Since we're thinking about satellite and Internet in this discussion, I've been wanting to ask what satellite usenet options are out there.

    In particular, I've been interested in a feed that pumps through something like a configurable cable modem or cable box that just jams articles over ethernet via the NNTP protocol to an NNTP server you specify. Then, any old NNTP server can be dual-homed between the sat and your LAN, and you just better hope you have lots and lots of disk.

    Any takers?
  • when we moved to our new location we had a telecom problem and had to resort to a satellite connection. it wasn't so bad for just downloads.. you can get about 1.5 megs... but when you have 40 sales people using a tcp based service where every keypress took 2-4 seconds to give results... let's just say people were bitching. not to mention the 5-6 seconds it can take outlook to connect to the exchange server and show an email message... so if you don't care about slower latency than a bad 9600 baud modem connection than go with satellite. i would recomend using it as a very last resort. try doing a wireless connection to a friend who has cable or dsl... you can get a couple of wap11s and make a nice little bridge.. btw... does anyone know how to detect a wap11 bridge without a wap11? -eek
  • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Tuesday October 01, 2002 @10:28PM (#4371292)
    According to DirecWay's FAQ bot thingie [nohold.net], they will be selling the DW4020 to consumers "fall of 2002" (read: "any day now").

    The DW4020 is pretty much the standard DW4000 satellite modem boxen they currently sell, except it includes a third boxen that eliminates the need for a USB connection and presents 4 Fast Ethernet ports. Supposedly you'll also be able to buy this box separately to upgrade your existing DW4000.

    Now the only question is when EarthLink will lower their monthly satellite service fees [earthlink.net] to match DirecWay through DirecTV [direcway.com]. I just dropped BellSouth in favor of EarthLink this past June and I'm not interested in changing ISPs yet again so soon.
  • Laziness and lack of research. Same reason why stuff isn't ported to other platforms (Linux mainly)... because the marketers don't understand there IS a market across user platforms (Windows, Linux, Macintosh) for most software and hardware.

    It likely boils down to a small group of Mac non-users legislating that "there is not enough of a market to compensate for its expenditure".
  • I'm not gung-ho on conspiracy theories, but the only explanation I can figure is that they're either being paid or bullied.

    Yeah, just like all the other people who don't do mac ports of their software. All bullied, yup.

    Seriously though, the market for satilite internet isn't really all that big, you think they figure that maybe most mac users are urban and don't need it?
  • Can the Apple service be called.... *opens the envelope*...

    "i in the Sky"

    ah-hahahaha! *this is the sound of one man laughing*

    BTW I only own a flat panel iMac so don't be too mad at me...
  • by aquarian ( 134728 ) on Wednesday October 02, 2002 @12:08AM (#4371650)
    A couple of people have posted saying a custom TCP/IP stack is needed. Well, then, do it in the sattelite receiver, in the hardware and firmware! Proprietary secrets would be safe within the box, and the damned thing would actually work! Plug and play- no drivers, no tech support calls. Give us our ethernet, dammit!

    Betcha this would be cheaper than creating and supporting software, too. They have to make the receiver/modem box anyway- so stick a router chip in there, and be done with it.
    • Well, I just found out some more. I guess they're doing it already. Here's the new unit:

      http://www.skycasters.com/4020.htm [skycasters.com]

      I bet this is a shot in the arm for sattelite services. Too bad it took them so long to figure this out.

    • It more of a commercial service than a residential one, but we do exactly what you describe: the custom TCP acceleration is in the embedded box itself. (Although the real heavy lifting is done by a linux box on the ISP side)

      We test with mostly Linux and Win2k, but apples should work fine over regular ethernet. Ne special software is needed to run a client site. Just plug and play (It also does DHCP and DNS-caching)

      Look at http://idirect.net/ [idirect.net]

      Its a pretty good programming gig, I get to work with gcc/cvs/all my favorites.

      jmaiorana at idirect.net

  • by schnell ( 163007 ) <me&schnell,net> on Wednesday October 02, 2002 @12:28AM (#4371703) Homepage

    The company I work for, Spacenet [spacenet.com], is the second-largest business satellite ISP out there. We serve *business* customers who have large and small multiple (5-5000+) locations (retailers, food service, energy, financial, services, etc.).

    If you have a *business* meeting these criteria and are looking for satellite connectivity that supports Macs, send e-mail to me [mailto] and I can push for Mac compatibility if there is significant demand.

    Don't just say there is no corporate satellite ISP support for Macs and do nothing about it ... if you can genuinely justify large multi-site Mac satellite network support, I can help make it happen.

    As a BSD guru-turned-Mac-guru myself, I would love to help this but I do need the numbers to prove it. Right now, we have almost zero requests for this, but an influx of REAL potential customers asking for this could make it happen. I would really, really like to make this available, but I can't do it by telling our MS-oriented development guys to do it without visible justification.

    This isn't some random spam for business, this is a real request from a company's senior marketing staff to help build demand and make this happen. In your e-mail, please describe your multi-site business and its needs, and I can use this info to get Mac support for Spacenet's services.

  • Simple (Score:3, Informative)

    by Perdo ( 151843 ) on Wednesday October 02, 2002 @12:31AM (#4371709) Homepage Journal
    Buy an old x86 box, install windows 98 SE or better and use internet connection shareing. Shouldn't cost more than $50 for a crap box with windows still on it.

    Power consumption will become a cost issue so you might try a mini-itx box, which will only suck about 25 watts, but up front cost will be higher, on the order of $200 for a complete system.

    You paid $2500 for your mac and around $500 for the satellite install what is another 200 bucks?

    If you want the service, you have to solve the problem yourself. The bonus is, you can have as many computers using the connection as you want without paying the satellite company's per seat fee.

    The only problem with satellite besides the cost is latency worse than a phone modem. your signal has to travel at least 46,000 miles round trip to a geosynch bird over the equator from the southernmost parts of the US. That's a 500ms ping time minimum.

    So, running a mac on satellite is no problem technically if you consider an extra 200 bucks for installation fees independent of what your provider is charging.

    The only time you will really notice the 500ms lag is in a game and, well, you are using a mac so that shouldn't be a problem either.
  • Apple should launch their own satellite from the mothership. Apple has a mothership, you ask? Of course they do. Do you honestly believe the story that the $400 million that Steve Jobs spent buying out next NeXT really went towards million dollar NeXT Cubes and $50,000 toilet seats?

To the systems programmer, users and applications serve only to provide a test load.
