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Are On-Line Skills Assessments Worthwhile? 8

Dagum writes: "A couple of weeks ago, I applied to to try making a couple of extra bucks. Since I have never gotten around to taking any certification tests in any technical areas, they directed me to to take a couple of free tests in a couple of choice categories. The tests are adaptive, and they are usually 40 questions each. Since then, mostly for curiosity, I've racked up about 27 of them, the titles of at least ten of which actually would make me sound intelligent. Barring the usual griping over 'paper certifications' versus real-world experience, I am curious if any other people have tried any of these tests, if anyone can compare their testing experiences with these tests, if anyone has used other free skills assessment tools on the Web, and the general impressions of other participants."
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Are On-Line Skills Assessments Worthwhile?

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  • by Courier9 ( 14067 ) on Monday December 11, 2000 @08:03AM (#571199)
    run into a wall on a problem at work, and you dont just go onto problem B right away, you hit your deja, google etc etc, and if push comes shove, a cow-orker

  • Be wary of places that don't have very good quesion design. E.g. if you're looking for a web perl coder having the test ask them what <<= does isn't that useful, and questions that rely on the coder knowing bad coding habits are ones that are really inadvisable (e.g. obscure defualt settings and values that any wise employer would not want in their codebase). And yes, I thought Brainbench's perl test was a little suboptimal in this regard. :-)

    Further, allow them to have whatever reference material they want and access to the programming environment they'll be using (could be as simple as an xterm). You're trying to see how well they will do on the job, so you need to try to replicate the job's conditions.


  • I happen to possess about 30 of those brainbench certs, and I just got my new job as head of a web department because of them. Ok, maybe it was because of my experience (I hope), but having those pretty logos for them to see (even if they didn't know what they were) was fun. The paper certificates look really impressive for non-technical-type people to see as well. But I agree that they are good as self-assesment exams to see what you need to study up in, but shouldn't but taken (that) seriously in the 'real world'.
  • . . . the Brainbench exams don't seem bad, but there's no test environment control and I wouldn't expect anyone for a minute to believe they meant anything. I think they're useful for self-assessment, though, and don't do any harm, so long as they aren't mentioned on a resume :).

    acceleriter, Certified Master Windows 98 Administrator :)

  • I like brainbench's exams as a way of assessing for myself where I am on a given topic. I don't think they're terribly useful for a resume or for evaluating potential employees, though - there's just too much room for cheating.


  • I took two online tests to get a job, and dispite doing well in them, I didn't get the job. My BS degree isn't final yet, and that impacted me negatively...
    Hey, tests are pretty useless if you ignore the results.
  • These tests are biased toward the literate.
  • by kamzik ( 180000 ) on Saturday December 09, 2000 @10:05PM (#571206)
    I have to interview applicants for a job often. And it is important to find out what are technical skills of the person. I think some sort of test (theoretical / practical) is the best way how to find out these things. I'm thinking about Brainbench now - maybe I will pickup couple tests from Brainbench which match the job requirements (they are different for each position) and I'll let the applicant pass them as part of the interview. The connections would be allowed only to Brainbench site so the person couldn't cheat. This will be very useful for me.

    And of course it is good for self-assessment... Generaly I like it - I'm glad to know about Brainbench.


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