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Using PSX Controllers under Win2k w/ DirectPad Pro? 7

Lleutierpe asks: "If you have built your own Playstation controller interface (using the DirectPad Pro interface) and have also upgraded to Windows 2000 for a measure of stability (i.e. you prefer crashes twice a month rather than once a day), you may have noticed that the drivers that supplied you with so much gaming pleasure no longer work. I myslf ran across the problem this weekend, as I gained enough spare parts to put together a dual-processor server (two 333 Mhz. P-IIs with 9 gigs and a Voodoo3) that I intended to use as a gaming server. As it is currently my best working computer, I was rather irritated to discover that not only would it not install my Analog PSX controller, but my computer had the gall to pretend like it was installing my controller. Needless to say, I was incensed. I set about in search of Win2k drivers, or even NT drivers in a pinch, but I found nothing after a full day of searching." So much for the "improved" driver support of Win2k. I remember trying to use Windows 2000 over a year ago, and I still remember having trouble getting drivers for hardware that worked just fine under NT4 or 98. Has this situation improved by now, or are there still drivers, like this one, that Windows 2000 still won't support?

"Seeing as my expertise lies in making things work that intend, but fail, to function rather than making things work that haven't the least dream of cooperating, I decided to put a query to the Slashdot users. Has anyone had any experience with porting Windows 95/98/SE joystick drivers to Windows 2000? I still haven't emailed the authors yet (who emphatically deny the existence of any NT-based drivers) because I would hate to bother people who had already provided me (free of charge) with schematics and drivers unless absolutely necessary. Anyone who could lend a hand in this matter would be profusely thanked. Let me know if I've overlooked anything, obvious or not.

For those of you who haven't run across the DirectPad Pro site yet, you should visit it. They have schematics to build interfaces for almost all consoles except for the Dreamcast, PS2, and the upcoming generation of consoles. The PSX dual-shock controller is excellent for playing games with complicated controls like Mechwarrior, since it has 12 buttons and 3 sets of axes."

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Using PSX Controllers under Win2k w/ DirectPad Pro?

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  • "Increased Compatability: Windows Whistler contains new compatibility code, allowing it to run hundreds of programs that wouldn't work in Windows 2000!"

    I'm not kidding here. :)
  • I've found that NT4 (and a few Win98) drivers will (almost halfway kinda) work... sometimes. Win95 drivers don't even try to run, Win2k just spits them out.

    [warning - anecdotal win2k incompatibility evidence ahead]

    Take my miroVideo DC20 MJPEG vid-editing card for example (groan) - the NT4 drivers let it capture and edit the video files fine, but the second I tell it to export that video back to tape Win2K goes absolutely insane. Worked just fine on 95/OSR2/98/se, and just to test I stuck it on an NT4 machine... worked fine. Pinnacle (was Miro)'s solution? "Sorry, can't help you. Buy a $600 DC30 instead..." The DC30 card (please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong), as far as I can tell, is different from the DC20 in two ways: a built-on sound card, and preview overlay capability.

    My only consolation: Premiere 6 will do things with a $40 IEEE1394 card and the Digital8 camera I already had, which Win2k seems to support just fine, better than that $$$ DC20...


  • by cr0sh ( 43134 ) on Tuesday May 15, 2001 @10:17AM (#222880) Homepage the following question:

    "How do you read the PC joystick port for joysticks with more than four buttons?"

    I then gave it a little thought, and realized it was possible to go up to 15 buttons by interpreting the buttons as four bits (value of 0 meaning "no buttons pressed") - but what about other sticks and controllers where things become even more complex? I had always wondered "Does force feedback and similar sticks use MIDI?"...

    I decided to do a little searching (via Google), and came across the motherlode of sites to answer my question:

    Tomi Engdahl's Joystick Interfacing FAQ []

    It honestly covers it all - and I thought other /. readers might like to know more. I especially liked the writeup regarding how the MS Sidewinder 3D Pro communicates (in digital mode) by clocking the data out to the PC via the buttons, and relying on a trigger via the write to the joystick port (which resets the multivibrators in the interface, but also causes a current flow which can be detected - see this (under the question "Is there any way to get any output from joystick port?" [] for an explanation) to determine when to start clocking the data. I am already getting ideas on how I could apply a similar scheme for various uses...

    I hope this helps anyone who may have been wondering about all of that - it seems like PC joystick interfacing and programming is still a very interesting, yet obscure art...

    Side note: In all fairness, Tomi Engdahl's site [] is arguably one the best sites on the net for all electronics related information - visit the link if you don't believe me...

    Worldcom [] - Generation Duh!
  • I'm in the exact same boat. I not only made a single PSX->LPT connector, the next day I made a 2 PSX-> 1 LPT connector. Both work just peachy with supported DOS/Linux games (mame -psxlpt1 sfa2 :) and as standard joystick(s) under Win98 with the drivers installed. Windows 2000 tries to load the drivers, makes a valiant effort, and then pukes with one of the most cryptic errors I have ever seen.

    In hindsight, it makes sense; the driver support 'feels' more like NT based than 9x based. All over the DPadPro site, it is very clear that NT isn't supported.

    You're options are pretty basic:
    Switch to 9x based OS for your gaming.
    Buy a 'real' joystick.
    Write your own games. DPadPro support is built into the recent versions of the Allegro library.

    And the last, best answer: Write the drivers yourself. The core clock and scanning routines are given in a source file on the DPadPro site. It's meant for DOS use, but should give enough of a headstart since the creator, as cool as he is for making the design, loses cool points for not open sourcing the 9x drivers. So as not to sound too hypocritical, this is well outside of my coding abilities, so this isn't a chastising if you can't do it either. Learning the ins and outs to create drivers under a MS OS would be enough for me to hang myself with my mouse.

    Just as a brag note, the 2 PSX-> 1LPT is now going for a good cause: My MAME cabinet. With two Analog sticks and 16 buttons per controller, I can wire a complete cabinet with all the bells and whistles using only a single LPT port for controls, no issues with >6 switches at once (a common issue with rewired keyboards because of their matrix setup) and leaving the keyboard free incase I have to do some DOS hacking. Thanks to the scanning code on the DPadPro site, I can write my own front end menu, and DOS MAME takes it from there.

  • by compwizrd ( 166184 ) on Monday May 14, 2001 @04:25PM (#222882)
    you missed a part of your PNP under w2k.

    up up down down left right left right b a start.

    then type ".seineew era sreenigne epacsten"

    your drivers will self-install.
  • Sometimes chip designs fork.

    I had a real problem with an on-board sound card (Oak Mozart) and DirectX. I bought a game that needed a DirectX upgrade, but no drivers had been released for this card. I tried using drivers for the simillar Opti chipset, but they didn't work properly. Further investigation revealed that the Mozart chipset was based upon an early Opti chipset, but with added MIDI support. When Opti came to add their own MIDI support they enabled it in a completly different way.

    I couldn't rip out the card as it was integrated into the machine. I had to add a second ISA card.

    Under Linux, supporting this card was a lot easier. I just amended a few lines of the source.

  • Well, personally, I have gotten all of my hardware to work on Windows 2000, some of which didn't even had manufacture drivers for NT, let alone 2000.

    Here's a tip: try to identify the underlying chipset of whatever you're trying to install instead of the manufacuture. Out of all the oodles of manufactures producing the same hardware, there are usually only one or two chipsets.

    Chances are, one of those manufactures hasn't been lax on driver support. Simply use their driver, their software, whatever. It works great.

    For example, my Pinnacle PCTV+ doesn't have WDM drivers, so I can't use many applications which use them. Solution? Use AverMedia drivers! They work just like using the AverMedia card, because both (and most all tuners on the market now) use the Bt84x chipset. I can even get Closed Captioning and Pinnacle wasn't planning on supporting this for another two years! It's that simple. And it works for all sorts of things -- my micromodem uses drivers from another company as well.

    This also opens up the possibility of driver tuning, in that you can try multiple drivers to see which one works best with your system. Sometimes manufacture drivers for your card don't work as well as ones from others.

    In your case with the Joystick drivers, which are probably highly specilized, the only real thing you're going to be able to do is lobby the company to produce some WDM or at least Windows 2k/NT compatible drivers. This, unfortunatly, can be a frustrating experience.

    But for a host of other drivers, simply go to a different manufacture. If you're really desperate, you might take a look at the Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK), espeically WDM drivers. If you have experience with C++, and know the basics of drivers, virtural modes, addressing, etc. than you might be able to write your own driver using the WDM model. I'm sorry to say it, but WDM is the best driver specification I've ever seen and blows Linux out of the water: extensibility, maintainability, and modularization make it a very good and easy to learn package indeed. But this, of course, is only if you are willing to do what the manufacture should have. It's good experience none-the-less and you'll learn more about your system. For me, this was writing a driver for my Radio card. It was a perfectly simple example, and was a lot of fun. Remember to share with the rest of us if you end up anyhow.

Those who can, do; those who can't, write. Those who can't write work for the Bell Labs Record.
