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Star Trek: Enterprise Reactions? 1689

So, what did you think of it? The theme song has to go. Commander Tucker ("Kumanduh Tuckah") needs to get a personality other than "he'll be just like McCoy, only clumsy and stupid". Is it really necessary to rehash "cold emotionless Vulcans vs. thoughtless, reckless humans"? That plot device was old thirty years ago and it's physically painful to watch now. How can armor plating go "offline"? Electromagnetic shields maybe, but one of the virtues of a hunk of steel is that it doesn't go "offline". And what's with the soft porn? I was waiting for the bow-chicka-bow-wow music to kick in. CT: I didn't get to see it! I don't get UPN! Curses!
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Star Trek: Enterprise Reactions?

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  • #Enterprise on EFNet (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:36PM (#2356074)
    For anyone lacking UPN affliliates.
  • by HighJack ( 20546 ) <[ ].tv ['inu' in gap]> on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:36PM (#2356078) Homepage
    Quantuum Leap? Where was Al throughout the whole show. Kinda disappointed me. And he only did the leap thing once. Oh well.
    • by isaac_akira ( 88220 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @03:28AM (#2357185)
      Yeah, after he rescued the Klingon, and was wondering around the base I kept expecting this scene:

      "Al, why haven't I leaped yet? Ziggy said I was here to save that Klingon guy, right?"

      "Hmm... Ziggy says there's now a 73% chance that you need to set up a nemesis for future episodes first.... Or maybe you're supposed to do that Vulcan chick. It's a little hazy. (Do you see the set on her? Yowza!)"
  • by Jayde Stargunner ( 207280 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:36PM (#2356080)
    Maybe you should wait until everyone in the US has had a chance to watch it Mr. Eastern Standard Time. :-P

    • by jiheison ( 468171 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:39PM (#2356097) Homepage
      Mr. Eastern Standard Time

      Damn him!

      First he rigs the election, and now this!
    • In my market it won't be on until Saturday evening. Check and go to Saturday the 29th and you see it there on the schedule (yes UPN shows are actually run on the FOX network here). So to really be safe the article should not have any details about the commanders or anything. I want to find out about the characters for myself. I know movies don't come out the same time for everyone and Slashdot generally has kept the spoilers inside.
  • I am going to give it a few more weeks before I give it real judgement. The Enterprise's deisgn was pretty cool looking from the outside, imho.

    Oh, the Vulcan chick is hot :-)

  • by cookiej ( 136023 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:39PM (#2356092)
    Does anyone remember the "Encounter at Space JellyfishLand (er, Farpoint)" that was the pilot of TNG?

    Personally, I thought it was EXCELLENT for a pilot. The show will get its legs--let it happen and enjoy what you can while it does. Or just watch Andromeda.

    Always looking to pick. Lighten up, dude.
    • Absolutely Right... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Chasing Amy ( 450778 ) <> on Thursday September 27, 2001 @03:09AM (#2357141) Homepage
      It was a better premiere episode than I expected. I mean, there's only *so much* you can do when you assemble a bunch of actors in an ensemble show like the ST series' and make them act before they fit with each other and their characters. No ST series has ever had a real all-encompassing central character--you have the captain as the "hub" but all the other characters are just as important to the feel of the series. That's something that always set ST apart from most other TV shows--that it's a true ensemble production.

      The same is true of the writers. The writers have to know the characters and know how the actors fit into their characters' shoes (or bodysuits, in the case of 7 and the Vulcan chick...hehe...). This means by definition that both the writing and the acting in the first season of a ST series are not going to be up to par. It takes time for the actors, the characters, and the writers to all "mesh" well.

      That's why I was pleasantly surprised by the passable story and acting. It's better than the first few episodes of any other ST series. It's promising.

      I especially like hearkening back to the old TOS rough-and-tumble attitudes. That's something a lot of people forget--that Roddenberry set out to write a "Wagon Train to the Stars," a sort of Western set in deep space. In that respect shows like Babylon 5 and even Andromeda (yuck--sorry, but--yuck) and of course Farscape have been far closer to the concept of TOS than any of the newer ST series have been. So despite the bitching thus far, I think Roddenberry would have been very happy with this episode and with the potential of this series.

      Not that there's anything wrong with the world of TNG and DS9 and even Voyager (80% of the episodes were "good enough" in the last 2 seasons, so wuite yer bitching)--as a geek I love the technobabble and the idea of having such an advanced technological framework. I love the wormholes and tachyon beams and especialy the episodes involving quantum mechanics. But there's also nothing wrong with returning to ST's shoot-from-the-hip roots. Especially since it got to a point where many average folks couldn't watch ST--my grandmother for instance was a smart woman, but she never understood half of the technical stuff they were saying and so after loyally watching TOS and then TNG for 30 years she gave up. This is a chance to recapture those people.

      That said, I agree with what so many have said--the opening music has to go. What the FUCK were they thinking? I didn't know whether to laugh or scream. What they should have done and what they can still do is have Scott Bakula read off the a variation of the old standard, "Space, the final frontier..." They could reasonably inster a few anachronisms, like calling it the "spaceship Enterprise" instead of the "starship Enterprise" and such. Because, that opening music alone is enough to alienate most or the current ST fanbase, who'll view it as a sign that the show is catering to a certain uneducated demographic alone.

      And finally, as for the tits--why complain? As long as the stories are good, the tits are just a bonus. How can any man woman or child with a pulse complain? I mean, did you SEE those things in the rubdown scene? Those nipples were like two stiff warp nacelles, boldly jutting out where every man would love to go... ;-)

      Now excuse me while I go jerk off to the thought of a borgalicious lesbian encounter between 7 of 9 and that Vulcan chick. Mmmm, now *where* did she just put that tricorder???
      • by Ed Avis ( 5917 ) <> on Thursday September 27, 2001 @05:07AM (#2357354) Homepage
        If you're feeling aargh
        Or you're kind of mwhahahahahaha
        Could be you've met up with BAKULA.
        If your crew goes moan, moan
        And your guns go pssewp pssewp
        Maybe you've bumped into BAKULA.

        He flies through the night
        In a costume that's too tight
        But there's always a moral insight
      • "Out there" (Score:3, Insightful)

        I agree. An aspect of this series I like is that they are "out there" exploring strange new worlds (and new civilisations, etc). My biggest complaint about ST:TNG was that they seemed to be flying a shopping mall around the neighborhood, not roughing it out there in unexplored space. Even Voyager, which should have been "out there" spent a huge part of the series in their own little world dealing with computer glitches taking over the ship.

        As for the soft porn, the original show wasn't exactly lacking that either. What straight male over thirty hasn't had fond thoughts of the green chick in The Menagerie? That was racy stuff back then. The difference is that Menagerie and the rest of the original series had some class. They didn't just say "OK, how are we gonna get them naked? How about a disinfectant scene where they 'have' to rub each other down?"

        Enterprise seems to have recaptured the spirit of the original show, if not the intelligence and class.

  • Comandah Tuckah (Score:2, Redundant)

    by kb3edk ( 463011 )
    I dunno about the rest of you, but I was just thinking it was high time we had rednecks like Tuckah in space :-) yeeeeehaw!
  • Huh? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Ghoser777 ( 113623 )
    Where are the links? I have never even heard about Star Trek:Enterprise. I use to love Star Trek: The Next Generation (in fact, in a TV song identification contest, I guessed it's theme song from the first couple seconds of rumbling). Since then I haven't been impressed by the Star Trek series. So does anyone have any information (aka links) that explain what Michael is talking about?

  • Spoiler-tastic (Score:5, Interesting)

    by signe ( 64498 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:42PM (#2356110) Homepage
    Wow, Michael. Could you post a few more spoilers on the top of the front page? I don't think there are enough.

    Seriously. Not everyone watched or even *could* watch Enterprise tonight. You could have at least had the courtesy to hide the spoilers "under the fold", so to speak.

    Now, for my opinion (some spoiler content).

    It looks good as far as a stand-alone show is concerned. But it seems to break from the "known" Star Trek history, as described by the other shows and movies (not books and fanfic). For instance, we're looking at the later appearance of the Klingons, when Worf told us that something happened to change their appearance that "we don't like to talk about". And Picard told us that the war with the Klingons was sparked by a botched first contact with them. But that contact didn't seem to be botched.

    I'm a little disappointed with how contrived the disinfectant scene was. And the way the camera paused during it was just silly. And Archer's whole thing with staying on the station after he set the maglock charge was pointless. First, it should have been longer than 5 seconds. Second, there was noone shooting at him, so there wasn't really a reason to set it and stand there, rather than setting it and running.

    I think I'll wait for a couple more episodes to reevaluate that and see if I really care about this series. As it is, I can take it or leave it.

    • by Bonker ( 243350 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:49PM (#2356177)
      And Picard told us that the war with the Klingons was sparked by a botched first contact with them. But that contact didn't seem to be botched.

      You don't call being shot in the chest by a xenophobic Okie corn farmer a botched first contact? The only thing they coulda done to make a worst first impression was to put on white hoods and burn a cross in front of his spaceship.
      • Re:Spoiler-tastic (Score:5, Insightful)

        by jx100 ( 453615 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @01:43AM (#2356897)
        Actually, this guy is getting the idea right, but the facts wrong. The incident Bonker is referring to happened on the episode on TNG where another culture (the ones with the unseparated digits) were about to obtain warp capability, when one of the federation "spies" (Riker) is caught after an accident.

        In the episode, Picard refers to the first contact with Klingons as with the Federation making first contact(when the Klingons attained Warp drive) , and that the Fed. didn't know anything about their culture. He also says that if they had implanted spies like Riker, then first contact would've gone much smoother.
    • by DigiBoi ( 139261 )
      Wow, Michael. Could you post a few more spoilers on the top of the front page? I don't think there are enough.

      First we complain about day old news. Now we complain about news before it happens. Will we ever be happy?
    • Re:Spoiler-tastic (Score:2, Interesting)

      by groke ( 160115 )
      All I'm going to say about it was "okay for a pilot." Another poster mentioned that the Klingon appearance wasn't explained, merely brushed away for later. About the first contact though.. it has been hinted at that those bad guys are time travelish. Which would suggest they can play god with the ST universe, as this is different than what happened. Or something.

      Besides, there weren't any spoilers on the top page. Bad theme music, that somebody doesn't have a developed character, that they'd abuse the Vulcan/human relationship, that there was space combat, and they used a little skin to get their young male demographic to like the show. Are these things that you hadn't come to expect?

    • Re:Spoiler-tastic (Score:5, Informative)

      by DahGhostfacedFiddlah ( 470393 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @11:25PM (#2356384)
      For instance, we're looking at the later appearance of the Klingons

      Aside from all the time-travel theories here, I think there's another reasonable explanation. It may be a self-inflicted thing. Klingon physiology is pretty different from our own, of course (see the NextGen episode where Worf devolved into some spitting-reptile thing?) Maybe there's some vitamin/drug/hormone that can have such drastic effects on Klingon appearances - or perhaps it's more like piecings or tattoos.

      Anyway, that explains why now the Klingons aren't like that, and if it were considered an extreme social stigma or something like that later on, it explains why Worf didn't want to talk about it.
      • Re:Spoiler-tastic (Score:4, Interesting)

        by cthugha ( 185672 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @05:49AM (#2357409)
        My own personal theory regarding the disappearing, reappearing Klingon forehead ridges is that it's some kind of ritual mutilation that became fashionable circa the 23rd century (think: circumcision with power tools) but in the "present time" (i.e. the 24th century) is considered disgusting and repulsive, hence Worf's embarrassment in that DS9 tribbles 'n' time travel episode.
        • by FreeUser ( 11483 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @10:51AM (#2358461)
          Interesting idea.

          Perhaps it was a social/religious reaction to losing a war with humans ... emulating the appearance of those who had bested them by a minority through plastic surgery or genetic manipulation. The majority of klingons would consider this a perversion of the highest order, but if that minority had been in a position of political power or influence that would explain their frequent contact with the federation during Kirk's tenure, only to be eradicated once more traditional klingons seized back control of the council at some later date.

          This would be similar to a religious group of Kzin (Ringworld, Ringworld Engineers, Throne of Ringworld, et al, by Larry Niven) who believed that humans were favored by the Gods, and so cloaked themselves in the skin of dead humans in an effort to decieve the Gods long enough to win a war and conquer earth. Said religion was of course ruthlessly suppressed by the establishment, but that didn't prevent some highly placed Kzin from practicing it and/or believing it at some deep level (e.g. Speaker-to-Animals, later Chmee).
    • Re:Spoiler-tastic (Score:4, Flamebait)

      by Watts Martin ( 3616 ) <> on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @11:49PM (#2356521) Homepage

      For instance, we're looking at the later appearance of the Klingons...

      Psst. Hey, fanboy, you wanna know what Worf didn't want to tell you in that episode about the Klingon appearance change?

      It's called "having a special effects budget."

    • Re:Spoiler-tastic (Score:5, Insightful)

      by nEoN nOoDlE ( 27594 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @12:09AM (#2356595)
      I have scoured the internet for weeks looking for the answer to the age old question "What really happened to the Klingons between TOS and TNG which changed their appearance from white looking guys with shoe polish on their face to the full decorated Worf that you see today?" I have finally found the answer all of us seek! Apparently, somewhere between 1950 and 1990, new prostetic latex make-up technology was invented that allowed more complex make-up than a pair of simple "spock ears" to be created. Apparently, this new technology was used to give the Klingons a better look. To tie it all together when Worf went back to the space station which "The Trouble With Tribbles" took place, the writers of DS9 decided to put in a little joke which was very funny at the time. Now, it's seen as some kind of huge conspiracy. Well, I'm here to tell you folks... there's nothing to see here, it's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors and you should think of the racist white Klingons of TOS to just be the Klingons you see today except with more make-up.

    • STFAYFM (Score:3, Insightful)

      by tcc ( 140386 )
      If you don't want to get spoiling, why the heck do you continue reading after "tonight's enterprise episode, first reactions" ? I don't get it, why do people bitch about that, you KNOW what's comming.... I didn't see the episode *I* wanted to see people's reaction, so I am happy about it, if I wouldn't want to read anything about it, I'd just skip it.

      Bitching for bitching is lame, okay bitching against the people bitching isn't any better, but can someone actually explain in a Vulcan way (logic heh) what's the problem with that?

      sheesh :)

      oh and the letters in the topic are for your own imagination, you probably guessed the F right though :)
  • by Chas ( 5144 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:42PM (#2356113) Homepage Journal
    C'mon people.

    Star Trek: The Original: First season
    -Wooden acting, hokey stories, lotsa work to be done.

    Star Trek: TNG: First Season
    -Wooden acting, hokey stories, lotsa work to be done (just watch some of them fer chrissakes!).

    DS9: First Season:
    -Wooden acting, hokey stories, lotsa work to be done.

    Voyager: First season (and second, and third...)
    -Wooden acting, hokey stories, lotsa work to be done.

    Give the series a little time to put down some roots.

  • Christ almighty, can we at least wait until the damn thing has AIRED on the west coast? It doesn't start for twenty minutes over here.
  • by Bonker ( 243350 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:43PM (#2356121)
    Looks like Paramount is still trying to grab viewwers by their gonads. I know that I was certainly paying close attention to the 'disinfection' scene where the guy got to rub gelatin all over the scantily-clad vulcan girl.

    Still, I was pleasantly surprised by the level of prejudice, intolerance and violence. This show definitely played a lot like an old TOS show. It was quite a refreshing change of pace from Voyager and TNG's 'moral issue of the week' approach.
    • Umm.. wha? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Kasreyn ( 233624 )
      First off, scenes with any human rubbing ANYthing on ANY Vulcan's skin are totally ridiculous. Vulcans are TOUCH TELEPATHS. They are beings of calm reserve and inner discipline, and they can't tolerate being physically touched by emotional and uncontrolled beings like humans. It leads to telepathic overflow of human emotional garbage, thus Vulcans avoid ALL physical (skin to skin) contact with humans as if it were the PLAGUE. It is ungodly bad manners to shake hands with a Vulcan, or even offer to. Rubbing your hands over a Vulcan's naked body could only happen AFTER you overpowered or drugged them. Or during Pon Farr. Take your pick.

      Secondly, I don't see where you get off with that crack about "prejudice, intolerance, and violence" in TOS. I *assume* you meant to say "pleasantly surprised by the extremely low level of (etc., etc., etc.)", seeing as how THAT is the only possible analogy to TOS. Devil in the Dark? The Empath? The Corbomite Maneuver? Yep, all sorts of prejudice, intolerance, and violence there. Suuuuuure. Yeah. Riiiiiiight.


  • They just _had_ to trot out the temporal crap in the pilot episode. Why couldn't they have waited 'til the 3rd season when the writers run out of new ideas.

    Not as gritty as I would have liked either.

  • 1950 (Score:4, Interesting)

    by michaelmalak ( 91262 ) <> on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:43PM (#2356126) Homepage
    Here's the original subject that Slashdot's "Lameness filter" censored:
    1950 meets 2001 meets 2150

    We knew it would be a problem, and it's interesting to see it play out on the screen. Humans have achieved world peace, yet captains and admirals are all white males. Computers have speech capability, yet voice-activation is not yet invented. And, of course what we all expected -- no gender-neutral language yet.

    • "pause log"
      "resume log"

      These commands seemed to work- other than that, you're pretty much on top of things.
    • stfu (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Ender Ryan ( 79406 )
      Oh no, they're more worried about trying to create a good show than trying to be PC to pander to all the whiny wacko liberals who think it's their right to force their views down everyone's throat.

      Can we please not bastardize everything in existence just to make a few whiners happy?

      Ok, mod me down, I'm not PC

  • One thing some sci-fi especially books has done is not sugar coat things. Sometimes you have to be almost naked when doing screwy things like decontamination. Star Trek has always stayed away from it until recently with 7 of 9 in Voyager and Enterprise. I believe that it's more realistic to show stuff like this. I don't mean pure soft core (fully naked), but stuff like in this scene. I don't believe it will be a weekly occurance in any event.

    The theme song....well, it's better then most other tv shows, but PALES when you compare it to DS9 or Voyager or any other Star Trek. Also, I feel there's too much past stuff being show in the opening sequence and not enough stuff from that 100 years since First Contact. Yeah the history is important, but not for this show. They need a different opening with more beauty shots of the NX-01.

    Flashbacks to Archer's childhood were cool. Anyone get a load of the antigrav remote control plane he built? Cool eh?

    I don't like to nitpick too much, but it's been added to my must see tv list! :)

    One last thing...let me say this.....T'pol = Tent Pole! (had to be done ;) ). I know, but man I didn't know Vulcans could look that good! ;)
  • I was expecting the worst, so I was pleasantly surprised. The effects were good, but not overpowering, the acting was decent, the storyline was better than I thought, and the soft-porn was great, but I'd prefer to have seem some XXX live girl-on-girl action ... uh .. yeah it was ok.

    They didn't completely screw up the time-travel angle (but I suppose there's lots of time for that), but it did strike me that it was awfully easy for them to accomplish their "mission" even though the "bad guys" had vastly superior technology and advanced genetics. I guess they forgot to advance their brians when they were going though their genetic engineering.

    Anyhow I haven't seen Star Trek in years so I wasn't really sure what to expect (I've hardly seen Voyager for instance), but I thought it showed some promise. I think the best part about it is that it's not overly Star Trekky--this might make it appeal to a larger audience. It's no masterpiece, but for TV, I say it's pretty good.

    - j
  • Pilot (Score:3, Interesting)

    by the eric conspiracy ( 20178 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:47PM (#2356165)
    I thought it was best pilot of all the spin-offs - but no way does it compare to that great TOS pilot "The Cage"

    • Re:Pilot (Score:4, Informative)

      by IHateEverybody ( 75727 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @03:27AM (#2357183) Homepage Journal

      I thought it was best pilot of all the spin-offs - but no way does it compare to that great TOS pilot "The Cage"

      That's a good point but rememer that "The Cage" was rejected by NBC when it was first presented. Gene Roddenberry actually had to start over with "Where No Man Has Gone Before" in order to sell the series.
  • by ktakki ( 64573 )
    I did like how James Cromwell (Zephram Cochrane in "First Contact") had a cameo. Also, I liked how the sets were not lit as bright as the other series.

    I did not like the wooden characters and paper plot, though to be fair many shows are guilty of that during their first seasons.

    I got bored halfway through and ended up watching a West Wing repeat I had seen twice before. Maybe I'm getting old (I was six when TOS first aired) and I've grown out of the Trek demographic. The Vulcan was cute, but Janel Moloney (Donnatella Moss) rocks my happy world.

    I'll probably give it another chance next summer when it's in reruns.

    [OT] - I do not need a beer brewery or car company to tell me how to feel about 9/11/01, thankyouverymuch.

  • Apparently, the Borg aren't the only alien species with implants...

    Speaking only for myself, as always.

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:48PM (#2356176)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Reaction (Score:4, Insightful)

    by CtrlPhreak ( 226872 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:50PM (#2356180) Homepage

    I liked scott as the captain. The rehash of the standard trek technology into older, original types is interesting. My first reaction was that the theme song just plain sucked. The intro images fits in with the overall theme nicely. I think it has some problems, all mentioned in the story, but it has promise. When did kingons and humans start hating each other? I know they had to meet first, but throughout the original series, they were the above all enemies. I'm going to keep on watching it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. It wasn't the series premiere that I'd hoped for. My fav premiere is still TNG one, great characters, great story, with a good twist.

    Trek seems to be de-evolving into soft porn. From 7of9, we all know what the whole point of her character was, now to this. It doesn't really fit into the series about exploration and discovery. I don't know, do we really need it? (after all, what's the internet here for anyway?)

    • Re:Reaction (Score:3, Insightful)

      by bughunter ( 10093 )
      Trek seems to be de-evolving into soft porn

      Gee - how come everyone seems to have forgotten how much T and A there was in TOS? There were silicone enhanced babes on every planet, and except for token episodes for the rest of the cast, Kirk all but fornicated with them every week.

      I remember reading The Making of Star Trek as a teen, and I am reminded of the part about how the TOS producers and NBC censors were continually arguing about how far they could go. In fact there was one particular passage about how NBC had a rule that you could not show the underside of a breast, as if they thought moss grew under there or something.
  • The sort of Indiana Jones/John Wayne/Han Solo attitude in the crew was refreshing - that's something that had been lost (and something that was fitting for the "maturity" of the human race at that point)

    As far as the soft core porn, I had no problem with seeing that side of a Vulcan, and my non-geek g/f had no problem seeing a starship captain in his briefs.

    I didn't like the science all that much. I got the sense that they had lost some of the knack for reality that we had gained during TNG, etc. For instance, the light of the phaser beam moved *much* slower in that communications room than the people in it. I didn't understand the whole shielding scheme either. It is very unlcear to me exactly what technologies they have and do not have. For instance, they have deflectors, transporters, anti-grav, and beam weapons - but don't yet have a tractor beam. I don't know if the physics of these are consistent or not. (What I mean is this: are any of these like having incadescent lights and not having figured out that you can use electricity for heaters)

    I did like some of the "primative" touches. I liked the human linguist. I liked the "sweet-spot" in the ships anti grav unit.

    once thing I'd like to know - do they have subspace communications? I assume that they do, but it was never mentioned, and on TNG they through around "subspace" the way people throw around "Action Item" in a corporation.
  • by Migelikor1 ( 308578 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:51PM (#2356187) Homepage
    I kinda liked the show, keeping in mind that its a pilot. It had a bunch of good qualities:
    No universal translators-Hooray, a realistic look at meeting strangers...they're strange!
    No ridiculous premise-phew...they haven't been warped to a far off dimension, a la the worst trek of all. They're just explorers, trying to prove themselves.
    They aren't invincible-There doesn't need to be mind control or some wacky technology to disable the Enterprise ( like in STTNG) it gets pounded, because, frankly, it's not that good.
    There is potential for some ongoing plot lines, like the best of DS9. If the show is done right, there will be diplomatic issues w/ the Klingons. (the whole encoded information in genes, conspiracy thing)
    On the other hand, there are a few annoying bits:
    I didn't like the vulcan. She wasn't even hot enough to fill the 7/9 spot. The just bugged me, like a really dumb spock. At least the original pointy ears respected the humans.
    There wasn't a lot of character development, but hopefully that will come with time.

    Anyway, I'd tune in to the next few episodes to see if the problems go away.
  • by CaptainSuperBoy ( 17170 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:56PM (#2356225) Homepage Journal
    I swear, when that woman was on the radio it really really sounded like she said CmdrTaco.. /. reference?
  • My thoughts (Score:5, Informative)

    by Ledfoot ( 75412 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @10:59PM (#2356245)
    Ok, just got done with the viewing party I threw here at the house. Here's the general impressions of the group:

    1) Yes, theme music was LAME, but the intro video was pretty cool.
    2) Is it cold in that bio-decom room or something?
    3) There were some good laughs.
    4) The doctor is going to be a great character.
    5) The whole Enterprise going to Kronos is a bit of a stretch. Majorly F's with the whole timeline of the other series'.
    6) We all liked how they made it seem like this is the first time they've really gone away from Earth. Thing is, you'd think they had already been doing that with ships that could do less than Warp-5 and as a result would have at least met a FEW more species and learned stuff from them. It seems like the Vulcans hold a monopoly on information in this series.
    7) The Speech by Cochran was LAME!

    Now, in regards to what others have been posting...

    We HAVE to re-hash the whole Human vs Vulcan thing because at the time of this series, it HASN'T HAPPENED YET!

    The armor plating is polarized by an electromagnetic field to help repel particle weapons. As a result, yes, it CAN go down (ie, power failure). Then it's just plain old hunks of steel. So, this is basically the pre-cursor to shields.

    I personally would have prefered it if they would have kept things fairly primitive and then over time phased in the technologies that we all know and love (like transporters, phasers, etc.) They more or less introduce all of them in the first episode (though, as we saw, they're all pretty new and not very reliable.)

    Anyhow, just my $0.02
  • Enterprise might get better...As for that theme song, shit, Rodenberry must be rolling over in his grave.

    It sounded like Michael Bolton mated with John Denver.
    Also, I like the sexy characters on Star Trek to be subtle. T'pel almost got drilled in the decontamination chamber. And those nipples...I mean, how long before they just get it over and have her spread her legs on TV?

    I mean, I thought it was supposed to be Star Trek, not Forbidden Alien Poon-tang Quest.
  • Personally I've only been somewhat of a trek fan throughout voyager and SOME of the movies.
    And the captin struck me as a DUMBASS, I mean was anyone else feeling the urge to stand up and scream "NO DONT DO THAT! " or "Why are you going to do that, starfleet would be mega pissed!!!!"(which they weren't... that baffled me a bit)

    For everyone who was dissin' the softcore porn... ta hell with yas! Theres nothing that a geek like myself enjoys more than a DAMN FINE, nekked alien! :oD

    This was better than most of the bull on tv this season (see love cruise), and I'll probably continue to watch it... hoping it'll get better.

  • by OSSMKitty ( 125119 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @11:03PM (#2356267)
    know when they are being hoodwinked.

    + "Phase pistols"? Stick with the laser pistol up till at least TOS, please.

    + A Vulcan, who has zero ties to Earth's Starfleet (no Federation) not only sits in the Captain's chair 15 minutes into the show, but takes command?

    + "Wading into space"? After WWIII and warp speed, we blasted off the planet. Most warp research was done on Alpha Centari (See TOS show with ZC and the Companion)

    + The last movie placed First Contact in circa 2063. This is 90 years later, 2153.
    According the ST Encyclopedia, the Federation was founded by several planets in 2161, after the Romulan wars. Better get busy in order to fight and win a war with allies and enemies you haven't met in less than ten years!

    + I won't even talk about warp 5.

    + IDIC. What happened to Vulcan respect and tolerance and non-judgementalism?

    If I got any of this wrong, say so. (Not that I have to worry...)
    • by dragons_flight ( 515217 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @12:05AM (#2356583) Homepage
      We have a time traveling bad guy providing tech (some reports say 29th century alternate universe), and you expect time line consistency?

      Oh, come now.
    • So what? Kahn was the ruler of Asia and most of Europe in 1996... Its a TV show! just enjoy it!
    • by FreeUser ( 11483 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @11:16AM (#2358594)
      Let's see. Several "watershed" events have been mucked with and subtly (or not so subtly) altered by time travelling Feds.

      Commander Cisco in the Mid 21st had to usurp the role of a historical figure after said figure was killed defending him in a random street brawl. While he got history back on track, clearly it wasn't perfectly back on track, something Star Fleet noticed (his picture in the history books) and had some pointed questions about.

      Captain Piccard and the Borg mucked with humans' first contact with vulcans, and while they were able to get out of the way (for the most part) and let history take its course once the Borg were defeated, it is likely some residue of the battle(s) would have been noticed by the vulcans' science sensors. This could well have led to vulcans being more cautious in their dealings with humans, delaying our exuberant expansion into space and perhaps preventing some of the historical mistakes in the original timeline, such as the Romulan Wars and the botched Klingon first contact (and resulting war).

      Of course, the new timeline would encounter all kinds of new mistakes not present in the original history.

      An interesting subject for late-night beer-soaked conversation fodder is the resiliance of the timeline, that despite historical changes (some significant) the timeline restores itself in large part. But, like any natural chaotic system, there are points where minor changes can have radical, irrevocable changes that completely alter the timeline, while other areas exhibit more stability and even major changes have relatively little long term effect on the historical outcome.

      Theories might include the futility of killing hitler because social inertia would have led to the holocaust in any event (perhaps even under a different historical figure named hitler, as the last name was very common in Germany at the time), versus the idea of bumping into hitler in a cafe in Vienna years earlier, causing him to miss a fateful confrontation with a Jewish merchant that would solidified his anti-semetic attitudes and preventing an entire world war through a simple change in timing.

      Extreme stability ("fate") vs. extreme instability. Of course, I think the most interesting theories of time travel involve a combination of the two, reflective of other chaotic systems known in nature where, under the right conditions and at the right time, a butterfly's wings can effect distant weather but under other conditions or times no amount of effort can have any effect on the advance of a storm. Some moments in history are as fragile as a soap bubble, while others as resiliant as bungie cord.

      Of course, the advantage of such a hybrid theory of temporal mechanics (semi-chaotic temporal systems) is that it gives radical poetic license to writers of shows like star trek, and allows numerous consistency errors to correct themselves. :-)
  • by LordZardoz ( 155141 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @11:04PM (#2356274)
    The new series is quite different from the other Star Trek series in many ways. And I will say that it is a good thing. They did quite a few things right.

    First, the technology was appropriate to the timeframe. The ship has a maximum speed of about Warp 4. The warp core looks primitive. The medical techniques look primitive. There is no universal translater, just a linguist.

    Another element they got right was the distrust between the Vulcans and Humans. Some posters have already complained about the rehashing of the "Emotionless Vulcans vs Irrational Humans". That will be a factor, but the issue is larger then that. The distrust between the two races goes beyond the emotion vs logic debate. The humans see the Vulcans as being restrictive and patronizing. And the Vulcans are somewhat racist. The role of the Vulcans is very close to that of a colonizing authority as in the British of the 18th century. An intresting side effect is that the humans are currently in the role of one of the many background races that really does not matter in the greater scheme of things.

    They will have to be careful though if they wish to do better the Voyager did. They cannot fall back too often on "Sexy Exotic Alien Softcore" before they alienate too many long time fans. And the temporal villians are something else to be cautious with. It will allow the series to explain some deviations in continuity, but they must avoid breaking all continuity with the other series.

    This pilot was stronger then the TNG and DS9 pilots. And Trek shows tend to take a while to 'hit their stride'. It will be a few weeks before I come to a conclusion, but the series is off to a good start.

  • It was a completely different feel than the other series' I've liked (ie NextGen/DS9/Voyager). I thought on it, wondering what it was that made it so different than the others, and it came down to the exploration aspect. NextGen didn't really explore in the same way. They had the technology, they knew how to use it. There were few new concepts explored, only new ways of using the old concepts.

    Enterprise seemed to me to be on a whole new level of exploration. Humans really haven't penetrated much of the galaxy. The best warp they can achieve is warp 4.5, transporters are for cargo only, phasers (phase pistols) are a new technology, no Universal Translater!. I could feel the sense of accomplishment they showed when talking about the "incredible" speeds the new ship could achieve. Everything's new.

    My only disappointment was putting in a "temporal cold war" so early in the series. Time travel has been overused in the other series, and I had hoped that it would be used cautiously, if at all, in these archaic pre-Federation times. Ah well. All in all, I approve.
    I was a bit disappointed at how they moved the Star Trek franchise into the past. To me it was indistinguishable from Voyager except that they didn't have certain pieces of technology or knowledge. You can't get from Voyager to the original series just by removing knowledge and technology; there's more to it than that. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is, and apparently neither could they.

    There seemed to be just as many alien races hanging around as ever. I was expecting a smaller, more limited universe. Imagine if it was only the Vulcans and the Humans, and this is the episode where they meet the Klingons. Without all those other aliens, they might have to write a story that actually has something to do with the characters.

    I liked the bit when they were trying to escape with the Klingon, and they couldn't understand each other. Nobody broke character, and yet you could tell they were all thoughtful, intelligent characters interacting in a genuine way. If only I could say that for the rest of the show.

    Yes, the Bon Jovioid theme has to go. And for that decontamination scene, I provided my own bow-chicka-bow-wow music.

    Normally I'd say give it some time, but the problem I see is that this premiere has already made the universe too big. That may be hard to fix.
  • Well, the original (REAL!) series had a pretty cool pilot way back when.

    This show had cheesy foreshadowing of stuff we all naturally know (phase pistols, that transporter device, etc.), plot holes you could drive a truck through, and some big historical inaccuracies.

    But you know what? It was pretty damned good. Pilots always suck, and this one sucked less than most. It wasn't preachy, it wasn't deadly serious, and it has some great potential for ongoing subplots. (just why _do_ the humans and klingons become enemies?)

    It's got more promise than any other new show going, and more than any other new Trek had. Let's give it some time to find its legs.
  • I Loved It (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Chris Y Taylor ( 455585 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @11:22PM (#2356369) Homepage
    Quite Simply,

    I loved it.

    I thought the Theme Song was touching.

    I liked the vague familiarity of the "Country Doctor" and the Vulcan Science Officer.

    I liked the spaceship that "felt" like a spaceship instead of a luxury hotel.

    I liked the feeling of an impatient humanity that was well conveyed.

    I liked the new translator chic who looks like she can scream better than Chekov could (and that says a lot).

    I do wonder why the exposed crew didn't have to decon their "private areas," or will they just be sick in a few weeks as a result of their modesty. (No, UPN didn't have to show it but I would have liked them to have implied it at least.)

  • by Pollux ( 102520 ) <`speter' `at' `'> on Wednesday September 26, 2001 @11:41PM (#2356480) Journal
    The essentials of a good Star Trek:

    Theme Song: Sucked. Come on, I need the orchestra with the powerful brass about ready to blow my ear drums away. Something new. Not some recycled theme song written by a recycled band.

    Ship: Nice design, though I honestly want to just have someone on the show explain why they picked that design for Star Fleet (circular disk, engines in the rear). If this is their first big star-ship, then at least tell me why they built it the way they did.

    Crew: Interesting, but I was hoping for at least a little bit more of a clash between everyone's feelings toward each other. They all get along like compadres. Even the Vulcan science officer had little trouble getting along with the captain. Half of the storylines in Original Series/TNG/DS9 were about clashes between the crew. There's also little racial difference between them all. I mean, they're all Americanized people. At least Czechov had an accent.

    Crew Chemistry: Gee, am I detecting a resurected Kirk/McCoy relationship in the captain and his science officer? At least McCoy knew when to add "colorful metaphors" when they were needed. It seems like Bacula just doesn't get the timing right (perhaps he could use some guidance from the South Park writers...can you imagine him yelling out to his crew, "Kick Ass!", and "Respect my Authorita!" to the Klingons?).
    Storyline: Wait, there was a storyline I had to follow? Sorry...I had too many images of rubbing petroleum jelly all over some hot woman's back and behind. Ever since I saw some peculiar protrusions thrusting out of the Vulcan's undershirt I lost all sense of storyline.

    Hot chick: Well, at least they got one thing right. Ever since Councelor Troi, this has been an absolute must. Voyager got it right in the second half of their run with Seven. At least they were able to keep some of my attention off the storyline and on the Jolene Blalock.

    All in all: give me about a month to see if they can go somewhere with their setup. They've put in some good potential, and I'd like to see something come of it. But the key I would say is that Bacula has GOT to get an edge. Come on...Kirk, Sisqo, Picard, and Janeway all had veins popping out of their foreheads at one time or another in the show. Bacula's gotta do his part as well to continue the captain's legacy.
  • by Tetsujin28 ( 156148 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @12:04AM (#2356581) Homepage

    Let's see...

    Getting kissed by alien hotties...

    Running, two-gun Western-style shoot-outs...

    Caution-be-damned attitude...

    Oh, yes -- Jim Kirk is back!

    (Now they just need to build a decent show around him...but I think they're on their way.)

  • by weslocke ( 240386 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @12:22AM (#2356633)
    *Spoilers* (Just in case) :)

    The dislike/prejudice between the Vulcans and Humans was well explained, and made quite a lot of sense as far as I was concerned. Actually did a lot for me... think it's good for there to be a bit of distrust/tension on the bridge.

    Another thing I enjoyed was the Klingon, though mostly because it was the first. That's one of the nice things about this show... we get to see all the firsts. The first 'Phase Pistols' (read, phasers), the first time at Rigel-X, the first Klingon encounter, etc.

    Personally I'm looking forward to seeing what alienates the Klingons and Starfleet (Though is it just me or did it sound like the Vulcan ambassador talking to the just-introduced aliens? Possibly it was, his interaction is discovered, and the Klinzhai find fault with Starfleet also since they're allies of the Vulcans? Hmmm...)

    And people keep talking about the decon scene (Read: Shower scene). What purpose did it play? To show that the vulcan's stacked, that's why. Worked quite well too, as far as I was concerned.

    But there was one thing that just absolutely bugged the crap out of me. That's the transporter. Berman had said that they wouldn't have one in this series, mostly since it was too much of a plot safety-net. When the writers couldn't think of a plausible method to do something, out came the transporter. Then what does he go and do? He hands them back the safety net. (Though the 'Leap' effect was pretty neat)

    Which reminds me, wouldn't the transporter systems need to be newer than 300yrs for Bones to always be worked up about the 'newfangled gadgets'? If something's been around for that long, I don't think someone would have that sort of reaction.

    But overall I have to say that I'm looking forward to the coming episodes of 'Quantum Enterprise'.
  • by Pope ( 17780 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @12:24AM (#2356642)
    Season premiere of Junkyard Wars was on tonight!

    I'm waiting til Sunday to watch Enterprise. Thanks, Space! []

  • by maggard ( 5579 ) <> on Thursday September 27, 2001 @12:30AM (#2356664) Homepage Journal
    Y'know, I kinda feel bad for the Enterprise writers. They've got 5 TV series, 9 movies, a cartoon, who knows how many books plus guides and manuals and even language dictionaries out there with every ST-fanatic just drooling to be the first to catch an error.

    Get over it. It's a TV show, not a coding textbook. Yes there will be inconsistencies and errors and who knows what else. Sometimes they're done for dramatic effect ("whoosh" sounds in space), sometimes they're done for convenience (ships always being shown upright 'cause it's too hard to explain to Uncle Vern why it's not *really* upside-down) and sometimes they just screw up. Or an author screwed up years ago. Or they're screwing with continuity on purpose and this will all make sense later.

    Whatever the case for a premier episode it wasn't half bad. As many others have pointed out it's no worse then most other TV shows premier episodes and certianly not worse then any other ST's premier episode.

    They've established the characters, given us a couple of directions for dramatic tension, showed off the fancy new (old) hardware and apparently started their first big plotline. Not bad for one show.

    Sure we can all wonder if this is going to rise up to the best of the past or suck out loud like Voyager. As many others have pointed out that all of the series and movies and books and whatnot have had good stuff sprinkled amongst a lot of clunkers. Now the question is how will this new team and cast and direction play out and it's really unfair to judge from just one episode, particularly the first.

    So enough nice-talk, my own opinions:

    • Loose the "Felicity" music. Get something that won't date *quite* so fast.
    • Enough with every race having weird ears and bad noses. CGI, puppetry and the popular imagination are good enough we can have a few more "Horta" races. There was a hint that the next destination will be non-humanoid, hoorah!
    • I like that the new Dr. is a bit bizarre. Aliens *should* be, well, at least a bit alien. I don't get the direction of thought of many SE Asians or E. Europeans right off; the thought processes of an alien should be a lot harder.
    • If they're going to go the morality play route then at least be bold about it, no more of these covert "the gay episode" where if there is any subtext it's so buried to be meaningless. Stand up for *something* - DS9 could've gone some interesting places with the issues of refugees and occupation and such but backed off and eventually just diluted it into oblivion.
    • Loose the softcore porn. I'm absolutely no prude but the jello-wrestling bit did nothing to move the story forward, the plot point could have happened anywhere else a lot more effectively. Play up the sexual tensions on the ship (close quarters, lots of stress, different cultures, different species, different cues & values etc.) if they want but make them part of something, not just there to get the boys all horny.
    • Finally, and this is something that Voyager finally did start to get right (if only out of desperation): Add some background characters. The person who always answers hails to Starfleet, the maintenance person usually polishing the decks late at night, the cranky supply depot supervisor who likes alien trinkets in return for good service, the flack from Starfleet PR constantly trying to hype & spin Enterprises missions, whatever. Give these folks a bit of a world to live in, not just the same faces doing *everything*.

    Anyway, I'll hold my judgement for a few more episodes. At least the premier wasn't awful even though it wasn't great either. Heres to hope...

  • by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @12:37AM (#2356691) Journal
    Fer chrissakes. "Hi there, we're the /. crowd, and we have the patience of a mayfly..."

    "There wasn't any character development" : hey guys, this was a PILOT. Few pilots develop much characterwise, they have too much expositional ground to cover. Two hours is what, 80 pages of script? How much "development" can you cram into that without forcing it, AND still have time to show all the neato-whiz-bang special effects for which the series is famed? (And remember, they ARE trying to build a ~new~ audience, not just attract the old. The old will keep coming to con's and buying rubber vulcan ears forever.)

    "How does armor plate go offline?" SOMEbody wasn't listening when they said that the armor POLARIZATION had gone off line. 1) At least in the NCC1701 a great deal of the hull stability was imparted by gravitic and other (insert pseudo-physics handwaving) fields. Assuming something has to assist normal matter holding together at 4.5 times the speed of light, yeah, I guess that would make sense. 2) Alternately, (insert more pseudo-physics handwaving) one could postulate that the "armor" was an ultradense iron/coherent molecules/whatever the heck - something that required a charge and computer support to dynamically resist damage. Whatever, it's nit picking.

    I thought the pilot was decent. Bakula was (if I may mix genres) a physical Sean Connery-esque to Picard's Roger Moore-ish distance. I thought, yes, some of the supporting roles were pretty forced. But then again, I *remember* Encounter at Farpoint - a truly crappy pilot. Ship's Counsellor? What, a ship's prostitute in the future? And remember, Riker and Troi could communicate telpathically? That was dumped pretty quickly. And who can forget the Naked Now (episode 2) where writers (apparently already grasping at plot straws) reverted to the old saw of "everyone acting opposite" which would have been a lot better if we had more than caricature opinions of what their personalities WERE in the first place!
    ST:NG took FIVE SEASONS to come up with ep's like "The Inner Light" - DS:9 royally sucked the first 2 years (fortunate, since I preferred watching B5 anyway...which ALSO took at least a few episodes to find it's feet).

    The only two gripes I've seen that are valid IMO are the gratuitous slathering scene (not unappreciated, but pretty obvious. My god, no wonder we like the Vulcans!) and the points about putting spoiler comments on the front page before it aired. Rather provincial mistake, really.

    The rest of you, cripes, give it a season or two. Let some of the characters' personalities gell a little, and let some chemistry develop. They may even change the theme music. I think it was a fine pilot, given the circumstances, no matter how "disappointed" some /.'s are from over-pumped expectations.
  • What I liked (Score:5, Interesting)

    by pandaba ( 38513 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @01:40AM (#2356890)
    Here's what I liked:

    Vulcan vs. Human interactions: The pilot had a nice twist by pitting the two races together on a governmental level where representatives of each could display their predjudice, mistrust, and fear of each other. This was perfectly believable. As insufferable as the rather pretentious and overprotective vulcans are and as impulsive and basically untrustworthy as humans are, I'm surprised the two never ended up in a war on opposite sides. Obviously the vulcan / human thing has been overdone in the past but it was always on a mano y mano level , never at the level of governments maneuvering for control of a situation.

    The tribute to green (and other coloured) Orion slave girls: Remembering Christopher Pike's Talos induced vision of a visit to Rigel's slave markets was a nice touch.

    I didn't think the disinfectant scene was too pr0nish... To me, it actually seemed as if the director had vague arty pretensions and thought the sensuality of the scene, mixed with the harsh dialogue, would create a lovely bit of dissonance. I think he almost succeeded in this effect.

    I really liked the joy these ship-board geeks found in their technology, such as "warp 4.5!" or the sweet spot. TOS had a similar love of technology but the later series seemed to lose their joy in what could be done and what the possibilities are.

    I like that the characters finally have a measure of humanity. They're occasionally noble, often shortsighted, easily amused and excited, sometimes brave, usually susceptible to blind predjudice, quarrelsome, hypocritical, and driven by baser instincts they usually dont try to understand. This is a return to the happier days of TOS when (wo)men were (wo)men and even when Kirk would give a sanctimonious speech about his / Federation ideals at the end of an episode, you could hardly forget that he spent the bulk of the episode violating almost every single one of the Federation's sacred beliefs and rules. That sort of willful inconsistency and hypocrisy is typical of almost every human who has held any sort of real power. That is how people would really act, not as the insufferable, always correct robot that was Picard / Janeway. Most leaders will always have more Shatner than Stewart in them. For example Bush's line: "We value our freedom and we value America. That's why we're going to ban any real encryption because freedom is a wonderful thing." could have just as easily been spoken by Kirk in some vague defense of the Prime Directive after he topples a planet's leader and sleeps with all the green and lavender women with iron brassieres he could grab.

    Ranting aside, its nice to see the Ugly American in space again.

    I think this was the best ST pilot since The Cage and the dark few first minutes of DS9. It wasn't great sci-fi but I think it'll have half a chance if the writers can resist the urge for preachiness.
  • Soft Porn (Score:3, Funny)

    by Phroggy ( 441 ) <> on Thursday September 27, 2001 @04:42AM (#2357311) Homepage
    I was watching at a friend's house, and her parents came home at exactly the same moment they walked into the bar with the pole dancers. Bleh.
  • by mikosullivan ( 320993 ) <miko AT idocs DOT com> on Thursday September 27, 2001 @07:28AM (#2357578)
    The relationship between Humans and Vulcans in the new show is totally different from the rest of trek, and I find it effective and interesting.

    In the shows thus far, Vulcans have been friends of Earth, respected, and mostly liked. As Data said in ST:TNG "Vulcans are a highly respect race." The tension between Humans and Vulcans were the differences between two friends who respect each other but go about things in a very different way. Kirk and Spock were of significantly different temperaments, but they were brothers-in-arms.

    In Enterprise the relationship is quite different. Vulcans consider themselves superior. Humans, while resenting it, have unfortunately allowed themselves to slip into that role for several generations. Now the Human race is emerging from adolescence into adulthood and the Vulcans are having a hard time dealing with that.

    Overall, I thought that element of the story worked quite well.

  • by mad_ian ( 28771 ) on Thursday September 27, 2001 @10:58AM (#2358502) Homepage
    think back... WAAAAAAY back...

    T'Pol, the most decorated Vulcan of all time. T'Pol, who helped her (son? relation of some sort) Sarek become an Ambassador to Earth, where he met and married a human, to the chagrine of his Vulcan brethren, who later gave birth to a son they named Spock.

    T'Pol is the head of Spock's family. Something tells me that Enterprise is going to be showing ALOT of backstory.

    And I liked the opening sequence visuals. Showing all the REAL Enterprise ships, and the timeline of human exploration was quite nice.


Reality must take precedence over public relations, for Mother Nature cannot be fooled. -- R.P. Feynman
