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Longest-Serving Web Server? 18

frisket asks: "The Sun IPX formerly known as curia.ucc.ie (now imbolc.ucc.ie) entered TBL's CERN main menu in 1992 to serve the CURIA project (now CELT) as a search engine (running PAT). The same machine is still doing the same job, and we're trying to find out if it really is the longest continuously-serving Web server. Does anyone know if any of the other links from that page at the time (has anyone a copy even?) are which are still served by the same hardware?"
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Longest-Serving Web Server?

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  • reality.sgi.com (Score:2, Informative)

    by Toraz Chryx ( 467835 )
    Didn't SGI's reality server stay up for 9 and a bit years or so? (and then they took it down)
    • Re:reality.sgi.com (Score:3, Informative)

      by green pizza ( 159161 )
      Reality was a webserver for about seven and a half years, but before that it was a file/email screw-around server for employees. Started its life as a PowerSeries machine and with lots of duct tape, chewing gum, and bailing wire, eventually received enough upgrades and parts over the years to became basicly a Challenge L.

      http://reality.sgi.com still has a few blurbs. The same server should be online again soon as http://reality.exsgi.org.

      And really, unless SGI gets off its ass, reality won't be the only webserver at SGI going offline...
  • by jaydho ( 98032 ) on Wednesday December 26, 2001 @10:50AM (#2751701) Homepage
    You do the math.
  • Upgrades? (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    That long without a remotely exploitable kernel
    bug? Wow.
  • This isn't quite what you're wanting, but my father stubbornly refuses to upgrade away from the 8086 that we've had since before time began. Yay for DOS! No by the way, it isn't a web server, but it still works every time he flips it on.
  • http://content.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20010409S 0012

    http://www.sun.com/smi/Press/sunflash/2001-05/su nf lash.20010521.3.html
  • NetCraft [netcraft.com] has some statistics on this Here [netcraft.com].

    Though this is only for as long as NetCraft has been surveying, and may not be completely accurate. But they have lotsa goodies there!
    • http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/today/top.avg.html

      Prepare to lose all karma... anyone else find it interesting that the OSes on the top-uptime list are all *BSD and SiliconGraphics IRIX? No Windows here!

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