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Resources for the Beginner Hardware Hacker? 38

StandardDeviant asks: "What would be good resources for a programmer looking to start a hobby in hardware hacking? By that I mean circuits, microcontrollers, computer controlled hacks, and such...sort of like a hobby-level EE education. It's just this itch I've had recently to dig down to the other extreme of the 'tower of abstraction' they bleat about so much in CS, also I find it ironic that I know more about the math (Maxwell's laws, and so on) behind electric widgets than I do about using them to build things. I'd be interested in pointers to good websites, books, magazines, parts sources, you name it! As an example: I've been looking recently at the microcontroller/circuit stuff from Iguana Labs, and of course browsing through Radio Shack. Thanks!"
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Resources for the Beginner Hardware Hacker?

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  • Nuts and Volts (Score:5, Informative)

    by qurob ( 543434 ) on Tuesday January 29, 2002 @05:52PM (#2921796) Homepage
    Nuts and Volts Magazine [] is pretty good.

    You'd be all set if you scored some back issues.

    Real good stuff in those.
  • This book (Score:4, Informative)

    by rw2 ( 17419 ) on Tuesday January 29, 2002 @05:52PM (#2921799) Homepage
    Ok, I admit that I'm not a hardware hacker, but during my fantasies of becoming one I've had several people recommend The Art of Electronics [] to me. I've even bought it (twice). Easy enough to understand.
    • Let me second that nomination for Horowitz & Hill. It's been the standard reference for electronics in all the of the physics labs I've worked in. Really solid book. Highly recommended.

    • I've been using it for the last month or so to teach myself electronics.

      It is a great book, but I do find it hard at times. I think it's due to it's informative text, but that also helps at time. The text often asks you to take leaps of faith and promises to explain more later. I found it was much easier to understand after I bought some equipment and was able to test some of the presented theories and methods in reality.
    • The art of electrinics is definetly worth the buy.

      Just be careful about the usual tech addiction, though. After I started working through it, (the book, not my addiction,) I got the urge to learn more about what my circuits were doing. Of course the natural thing was to obtain an osciliscope.

      I did some trading and ended up with a simple two channel crt-based scope worth a couple hundred Canadian. Pretty basic, but it works well enough. After the initial excitement and probing of everything (electronic) that I could get my hands on, I got back to my projects and the book. Let me tell you, now that I can "see" what the circuits are doing, I have a much better understanding of why my circuits work (or not).

      In retrospect, I think that I could have probably started off with just a logic probe, but I know that I would have quickly passed that point to where I would want an osciliscope anyway.

  • by jsimon12 ( 207119 ) on Tuesday January 29, 2002 @06:02PM (#2921858) Homepage
    Radioshack is a ok place to start. I don't mean asking the yahoo's who work there. I mean they used to carry this begginger series [] on electronics, explained basics of electricity (Ohm's law and such fun things), how to read circit diagrams, how to solder, and how to build basic circuts. There was also a series called like "Engineers Mini-Notebook" or something.

    This is where I started when I was a lot younger. I also found that getting a small kit radio that required soldering (not those lame-o snap together ones, but a reall PCB and soldering iron type) helped me better understand what things where and how they went together.
    • This guy wrote all of those Radio Shack books and a good many more besides. They're what I started on and durned if I've ever seen anything better. He's dead now but RatShack still carries 'em.
      • I second the recommendation of Forrest Mims books. He was a true hardware hacker, built and tested all his own designs and meticulously wrote out all his books by hand on engineering paper.

        And, no, it's not a handwritten font like you see 99% of the time these days.

        The books are _very_ basic up to about, I dunno, intermediate level. There's not a whole lot of reading involved, mostly tons of examples of circuits with brief explanations of interesting aspects of them. Those books would also be great for science project ideas.

        Furthermore, I _would_ talk to guys at Radio Shack, but you need to find the experienced ones. usually a manager or someone older who's worked in the store for a long time, and is really interested in electronics. These guys often who a lot more than you would guess. Of course, the majority of them, especially the younger ones wouldn't know which way to put the batteries in.

        I would further recommend the plethora of Web sites, mailing lists and newsgroups. I won't even bother to list any because there are so many. Just his Yahoo! or Google.

        Another fun thing to do is hit all the on-line electronics vendors and download their catalogs. Quite a number of them target hobbyists like: - Marlin P. Jones, which sells basic components and lots of assorted suprlus random stuff - BG Micro is even better, they have a downloadable PDF catalog of about 20 dense pages - Electronics Express also has a downloadable catalog

        IIRC, I've ordered from all three of these, and a few other I don't recall at the moment. In each case, service was good and orders were delivered promptly.
        • Speaking as somebody who works at radioshack (Canadian radioshack, owned by intertan, totaly differnt company), all our stock of small electronic parts have been completly removed from the store (capacitors, resistors, small monkey brains, diodes). However, we still have the cute little audio/video connectors. Basicly, they were in small demand, so they packed them in a box, and trashed it (This happened all accross canada).

          Now, the moral of my story: I have no where to buy parts from, except online. Use your local stores wisely!!!!
        • I second the recommendation of Forrest Mims books. He was a true hardware hacker, built and tested all his own designs and meticulously wrote out all his books by hand on engineering paper.

          I started with a Forrest Mims book. The Babani range are also quite useful. They've tended to cross the line into computing these days and those aren't so good, but the electronics ones are handy enough.

          Furthermore, I _would_ talk to guys at Radio Shack, but you need to find the experienced ones. usually a manager or someone older who's worked in the store for a long time, and is really interested in electronics. These guys often who a lot more than you would guess. Of course, the majority of them, especially the younger ones wouldn't know which way to put the batteries in.

          For UK hardware geeks, Radio Shack is dead and gone (Carphone Warehouse turned 'em all into cellphone shops) but Maplin [] was, and still is, better than UK Radio Shacks ever were.


        • Furthermore, I _would_ talk to guys at Radio Shack
          My recent experiences at the Radio Shacks in downtown Philadelphia consist of walking in, finding what I need to buy, standing at the counter while the two clerks talk about what they're going to do that night for about 5 minutes, putting the item back on the shelf, and leaving to buy it somewhere else. These are not "techies".
  • by cybrpnk ( 94636 ) on Tuesday January 29, 2002 @07:03PM (#2922245)
    Circuit Cellar [] was a fixture in the back of Byte magazine back when it was worth reading. Hosted by hardware guru Steve Ciarcia, it was the beginning of many a budding computer hacker's career. Fortunately, it got spun off into its own magazine. Back issues are available on CD-ROM [] - get them, they're worth it. You'll be an expert hardware hacker in no time by reading the CD-ROM back issues.
  • Basic Stamp (Score:3, Informative)

    by i7dude ( 473077 ) on Tuesday January 29, 2002 @07:07PM (#2922261)
    i dont know how much of a learning resource this is but once you have an idea this may help...

    these guys make the basic stamp...its a small microcontroller with memory that has an onboard basic interpreter...there are a bunch of different types and you can interface them with just about anything...really good stuff for hombrew projects!!!

    • kind of on this thread topic, anyone know of a good software suite for designing PCB's, and testing various electrical components via simulation software?
  • fpga's (Score:4, Informative)

    by toast0 ( 63707 ) <> on Tuesday January 29, 2002 @07:11PM (#2922273)
    you may wish to look into getting some sort of FPGA...

    at the school i'm going to, we use boards from altera(.com), i believe they go for $150, and you can probably get an educational license to their software

    you can design with a schematic tool and their software will compile it into something you can program the chip with....

    this is a very nice thing for digital electronics, but i don't think it would work for analog circuits.

    their software also supports VHDL which is nice for getting a chip to do stuff without having to know how it is done. (as a side effect of not knowing how its done, the compiler can optimize it so it may work better than something you layed out yourself, assuming you aren't a master at optimizing circuits)
    • Re:fpga's (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Phil Thomas ( 281 )
      An FPGA might be a little bit over this guy's head, seems to me like he's more interested in microcontroller applications.

      You may want to try building a robot. It's usually easy to find an application for a robot, you are already looking at 8051 stuff, those chips along with Motorola 68HC11's are excellent for embedded robot control. Usually there is quite a bit of hardware hacking involved to setup sensors, motors/servos etc. and you can find tons of info about robot construction all over the web. One site I've found particularily useful: The EE Compendium []. Good luck!
  • The Library (Score:2, Informative)

    by n2kra ( 553436 )
    Your real local library, as well as B&N :-)

    Amatuer Radio Books
    good mix of analog theory & practice.

    learn power supplies first to run your later projects
    or sacrafice a few wall warts


    Those x00-in-one labs ?

    real dip spaced experimenter boards may be a bit pricey
  • ... looking into Lego hacking. I hear it's big business these days.

    But seriously, check out this page [] at The internet is going to be one of your best resources, and these are a few cool projects that you might take a look at.
  • Maxwell's Laws? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by aqu4fiend ( 528775 )

    Heh ... you think Maxwell's laws will help you in real hardware hacking?

    Someone really has been living up high on the tower of abstraction....

    But seriously, I'd recommend picking something that you really want to build, (then eliminating your first choice 'cuz it's to fscking hard) and looking for resources on that. You'll get alot further if you pick a more definite goal than "I want to learn to build circuits". As you start working/learning, you'll have new ideas/goals which will lead to further ideas, etc., and the great cycle will have begun ...

  • I recommend The Electronics of Radio by David B. Rutledge. It's an applied electronics text that introduces topics as it goes about a shortwave receiver/transmitter. It's available at []. I got my copy at the outlet store but they no longer seem to have any stock.

    Good luck.

  • The Guru's Lair (Score:2, Informative)

    by jayrtfm ( 148260 )
    Don Lancaster's books, especially the cookbooks, are a great place to start.

    also, check out the hobbyist magazines such as
  • Ok, I've said this a couple of times before on slashdot, but I guess it deserves saying once again: Check out [] for some ideas on little (or big expensive!) mods you can do to your computer from a hardware standpoint.

    I found this site [] which looked promising for some of my needs in the quest to make cool gadgety add-ons to my computer.

  • is a great place to check out they sell PIC chips with thier develoment systems which are much better than the stuff from Microchip. They also have the basic stamps and the PIC clones from Scenix (now some other name) that run at upto 100Mips. There are PIC webservers down to blinking leds. Parallax has also started selling wireless conections, so they are more or less a one stop shop for any low end projects. The poster didn't mention what exactly he is interested in there are as many different types of hardware as there are interests, and as with many types of engineering there is a lot of not so exciting study and debug required (SW guys think HW is trivial and HW guys think SW is trivial) so its best to concentrate on what interests you and concentrate on that, this is the only way to survive the boring and frustrating times. If interested in MP3 there are MP3 player kits, if networking there are remote webservers, if robotics ... well you get the idea.
  • by AntipodesTroll ( 552543 ) on Wednesday January 30, 2002 @07:46AM (#2924447) Homepage
    I wont paste a bunch of URLs, google can give you those.

    But as an ex EE student (concentrating on digital electronics) i'd have to say that you will be best served if you understand the very basic fundamentals first.

    It might sound boring, working out how/why a simple multivibrator (ooer!) cct works, or in just which direction current flow occurs when looking at the cct symbol for a diode. But you wont regret it, when you wonder whats up with your registered digital interface, or pondering what the deal is with open-collector outputs.

    Besides, if youre really interested in electronics, this stuff IS interesting. Software writing starts to feel kinda like an arbitary exercise, after you have designed and built a few simple electronics circuits.
  • I was just going through these five old ones I had saved up. They're full of goodies. I'm using the step down transformers from the old ones directly as 12V halogen light power supplies. Yeah, I know I could just buy them cheap --indeed I just bought some nice solid ones today for a buck fifty a piece-- but I can never have enough halogen lights as I use them for heat in this freezing room. Works great and lots of cool shadows too. Just buy the bare bulbs and make fixtures out of juice cans and wire hangers. Looks cherry and it's basically free if you have enough old power supplies or can buy cheap transformers.
    And of course you can grab the capacitors and transistors and the fans while you're at it. I saw a recipe for a big 50Amp 12V DC power supply using a whole bunch of transistors you can find in a typical ATX power supply, but you'll need about a dozen and you'll need to test them to see which ones are which. But, save 'em up and pretty soon you'll be the DC power meister.
    Once you've got oodles of 12V power around the house you can have all kinds of fun with dead computer guts as well as car electronics and you don't necesarily even need to use circuit boards. Just playing with little hard drive motors and fans and the various mechanical pieces can lead to all kinds of bizarre contraptions, especially if you've got a taste for bad lounge decor. Spinning halogen disco ball monstrosity? It's easily within your reach and it's groovy baby.
  • H/W Hacking 101 (Score:5, Informative)

    by YourMessageHere ( 536584 ) on Wednesday January 30, 2002 @01:44PM (#2925990)
    For the last several months I've been wading back into this myself, just for fun, having done alot during and shortly after college 20 years ago, but then drifting away. My suggestions:

    1. Suppliers

    Digikey [] absolutely rules. Largest variety of everything electronic. Very easily-navigated site. No minimum order ($5 handling charge if your order is under $25).

    Jameco [] is a good second choice. Especially good for lots of different cheap power supplies.

    With Radio Shack, this should be all you need for now.

    2. Learning Resources

    Someone already pointed you to the various cookbooks. TTL cookbooks are especially good places to start at your level.

    A great online resource used to be [], but they're 404ing at the moment, so maybe they're gone for good and they'll be back.

    Circuits Archive [] has lots of simple circuits you can peruse to see how stuff gets done at the lowest level, just like the cookbooks.

    3. Advice

    Stay away from FPGAs initially. I think you'll find the architecture and associated design process too big a piece to bite off at this point, and not worth the effort.

    Focus on TTL and learning what functions are available in various packages (track down an old "TTL Databook" from TI; they don't print them anymore but they're much handier for learning and browsing than online equivalents, which assume youknow what you're looking for). See this [] for high-level descriptions and this [] for pdfs of actual datasheets.

    When you're ready (which might be immediately) choose a microcontroller family to bone up on and stick with it. It's a huge waste of effort relearning architectures, instruction sets, and development tools for different families. For your purposes, either the PIC (from Microchip), 8051 (Intel et al.), or AVR (Atmel) will do fine (and they're all available from Digikey). I chose the AVR for the following reasons:

    a) Wide (enough) range of parts, from 8-pin to 64-pin, 1K ROM to 128K ROM, various arrangments of on-chip peripherals (including A/D).

    b) Cheap, from under $2/chip (single-piece) to under $30 for their fanciest.

    c) ALL members of the AVR family contain on-chip FLASH ROM for program storage and can be programmed in-system directly via your PC serial port. This makes a HUGE difference (compared to external ROMs or on-chip EPROM) during prototyping.

    Some people will suggest the BASIC Stamp from Parallax, which is a fine product which I've played with. My beef with it is it's expensive ($30 or so, I think) and all you really get for the money is a Basic intepreter. I think you'll find assembler for these chips so simple you don't need Basic. You can also get separate free Basic compilers for all of them.

    Good luck.

    • Re:H/W Hacking 101 (Score:3, Informative)

      by CharlieG ( 34950 )
      I'll second almost all this post, and won't disagre with any of it

      I was an Electronics Tech for 10 years, while shifting a little more each year to programming. Here is how I'd start

      There are two books that USED to be available from Radioshack "Understanding DC Circuits" and "Understanding AC Circuts" - These will give you the basic theory (Note: DC is just the special case of AC)

      The Forrest Mimms notebooks are GREAT - BUY THEM - lot's of nice sample circuts in there

      "The Art Of Electronics" (see messages above) is the STANDARD College level into electronics book, and is VERY good (Get the Lab book too)

      The ARRL (Amateur radio Relay League) has some good books

      The other thing I'll add is that besides the old TI TTL Data Book (I HOPE I didn't lose mine in the move), if you can find the OLD RCA CMOS databook, and National Linear IC Databooks, you'll be doing yourself a BIG favor

      Oh, and I found THIS website yesterday - VERY nice
  • Digital electronics is what you want to learn about. At this stage you will consider analog electronics a necessary evil, usually only having to deal with it when making a power supply or driving an LED. I first learned about this kind of stuff in the late 80's from a book called "Digital Electronics Revealed" ( It's really basic, starting with lightbulb and switch anologies, and getting into making basic circuits with CMOS and 74xx series TTL chips that you can get from most electronics shops for less than a dollar. Start at this level because it will give you the basic knowledge you need to tackle bigger projects. "The Art of Electronics" book mentioned above has lots of good info, but it is hard to read as a beginner (it's akin to the Foley and Van Damme book of computer graphics, a big bible).
    • They seem to have two sites. There's another one here: which if you follow the link to "500 Pages of Theory!" will give you some info similar to the book I mentioned. Book 13 seems to cover similar information to the one I read but the one I read was much better. There will always be "number systems" type info in these books that you can skip over having learnt it as a programmer, but you will still need to start out at this basic level.
      Good luck.
  • You're in a good position to learn modern electronics. Most small / worthwhile electronic designs are a microcontroller connected to a handful of glue logic chips, sensors, and maybe an analog chip or two conditioning the sensor outputs. If you can handle assembly language, you're in a *very* good position to deal with, but you *must* learn digital electronics to take advantage of it. While reversing Vcc and GND is easy to do, the result might be smoke coming out of your project or the PC it's connected to. You don't know what Vcc and GND area? That's why you need to learn this.

    ECAD is electronic computer aided design. There are low cost packages, some are even freeware. Get a package as soon as you can.

    You will get schematics that are automatically legible, plus you will get automatically generated net lists telling you exactly which pins of which chips are supposed to be connected to each other. If you're wiring up a circuit by hand, this is amazingly good information to have, especially if it's accurate.

    Here's a freeware package, I think it's good for 16 IC equivalents. Check McCAD [] . Perfectly adequate for hobbyist or student. Their shrinkwrap unlimited version is thousands of dollars and has more power than you have any idea how to use at this point.

    Get a good basic set of hand tools, there are plenty of hobbyist kits.

    In addition, include a decent wire-wrap gun if you plan to work in digital. Your technique of choice if you aren't buying a kit with a PCB is going to be wirewrap on perforated boards into which you've plugged lots of 8-64 pin wirewrap sockets into. Get the socket ID labels. These items, except for the (I said decent) wrap gun, you can get at Radio Shack. You might check ebay for a deal on a pro wire-wrap gun.

    You need a DMM (Digital mulitmeter), an analog VOM (volt-ohmmmetter, this will generally have a current measurement range large enough to be of us, look for several amps measurement capability, and an oscilloscope, at least 100 MHz, look for a used Tektronix.

    Look hard for a decent electronics surplus store in your area, you might get some spectacular deals on test gear and the more expensive tools.

    Find out where the electronics "pro shop" in your area is, for the stuff that Radio Shack never did and never will sell. You'll pay a premium, but it beats waiting for shipping if you need it NOW.

    The ARRL Handbook from the ARRL [] ham radio organization is a good starting point, as their other tutorial guides are.

    For where/how to get electronics info that's actually useful, try the electronics section on my site cs []

"All the people are so happy now, their heads are caving in. I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin" -- They Might Be Giants
