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Mars Space Education

The Mathematics of a Trip to Mars? 373

hakonhaugnes wonders: "Since trips to Mars seems commonplace (NASA has sent one every 26 months), I thought it made sense to try to understand how the interplanetary trajectory is calculated. NASA's page is deploringly void of intricate details. I found this excellent page, but it still left me feeling that I was missing something. Surely the calculus must go beyond two bodies (mars/earth)? (It seems there are commercial MATLAB scripts available but at $150 it went beyond the defensible to satisfy my curiosity). Are there any curious Slashdot readers with the usual great insight into how to calculate a trip to Mars?"
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The Mathematics of a Trip to Mars?

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  • What with all the epicycles and all;-)
    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:18PM (#13326154)
      Tired of calculating so many epicycles? That's why we've introduced the Ronco Equant Point!

      The Ronco Equant Point is a pointless mathematical abstraction that gives you that perfect Renaissance instrumentalist astronomical result! Up to 200% more accurate than the other leading brand of Ptolemaic system, the Ronco Equant point will actually reduce the number of epicycles within 20 minutes - or your money back!

      Call now, and receive a *free* video, "Aristotle and You" - learn about the five elements, and find out how to justify your Ronco-enhanced Ptolemaic system in terms of Aristotelian cosmology!

      Look out for more Ronco History of Science products soon, including the "Intelligent Designer's Kit" and the "Ronco Enhanced Bottle-O-Caloric"!
    • What with all the epicycles and all;-)

      You'd think it was rocket science.

    • by Keebler71 ( 520908 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @10:09PM (#13327156) Journal
      Well, since we are starting off with a joke...

      How do you know if an astrodynamicist is an extrovert?

      He looks at your feet when he talks to you!

  • Nasa has probably built a nifty model that will tell them the best launch times and dates. And I highly doubt that this model is as simple as 2 bodies. Everything out there has gravity, hell even the moon could be a problem.

    I'm willing to bet what ever they use has a TON of factors build into it.
    • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:14PM (#13326120) Homepage
      Easier: Orbiter [].

      I once worked on a more complex version (after writing a simpler version), but got distracted to other projects somewhere between the finished code to implement Kirchoff's laws for the electrical system and the unfinished code to calculate the volume and mass of a fuel tank.
    • Porkchop Plots (Score:4, Insightful)

      by everphilski ( 877346 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @08:01PM (#13326457) Journal
      Yup. You have to do trade studies with lots of iterations. On one axis you have launch date, on the other you have arrival date, and you start plotting. You can then vary your trans-martian-injection burn, and what your get are called Porkchop plots, cause they look like porkchops.

    • by squidfood ( 149212 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @08:51PM (#13326715)
      Nasa has probably built a nifty model...

      <cheap shot>
      Here's a line of the code: // TODO: INSERT ENGLISH-METRIC CONVERSION
      </cheap shot>

    • I would hardly call the moon a "problem". Rather a gravity assist with the moon would save a considerable amount of energy. I don't have it anymore, but my astrodynamics book from college was not all that expensive ($25 paperback). The equations are a hell of a lot simpler than fluid mechanics.

      For an amatuer you could get by with the Earth and Moon (even exclude Sun...although it is large it is much further away) for initial trajectory, then consolidate Earth and Moon and add the Sun, drop the Earth o

  • by aklix ( 801048 ) <> on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:05PM (#13326055) Homepage Journal
    I see more budget cuts have caused NASA to outsource to the open-source
  • Hmmm. (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:06PM (#13326070)
    Try Google maps.
  • method... (Score:2, Funny)

    by timtwobuck ( 833954 )
    (G*M1*M2) / R^2

    Earth(+moon), Mars, Sun...I think that will get you there, as long as you dodge the moon on your way out
    • Re:method... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by FLAGGR ( 800770 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:29PM (#13326240)
      Um, okay, great. Gravity from lets say Jupiter stops at the asteriod belt right? Every thing can make a tiny difference. Also not the poster is asking how to plot a course, and you're giving the equation to calculate the newtonian gravity between two objects. Related, yes. An answer, no. Knowing how many newtons of force your getting from all these bodies doesn't solve the problem. You're fired.
  • by mattjb0010 ( 724744 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:08PM (#13326084) Homepage
    Are there any curious Slashdot readers with the usual great insight into how to calculate a trip to Mars?

    Come on, this ain't rocket science, people. Oh, wait...
    • I interviewed at JPL when I left college. What I didn't tell them was that the only reason I wanted the job was to be able to say "Come on folks, this isn't rocket science, AND I SHOULD KNOW!" when dealing with simple tasks. :)

      That and the rediculously long lead times between projects. The project they were interviewing for launches in 2012! That's a long time to slip away before anyone notices your mistakes.
    • I asked a rocket scientist what he said to indicate that something isn't so difficult. He said: I say, "this isn't nuclear physics."

      I asked a nuclear physicist what he said to incicate that something isn't so difficult. He said: I say, "this isn't brain surgery."

      I asked a brain surgeon what he said to indicate that something isn't so difficult. He said: I say, "this isn't rocket science."

  • What about (Score:3, Funny)

    by SamAdam3d ( 818241 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:09PM (#13326088)
    having the entire Earth jump at the same time? []

    I am sure that can get you to Mars. ;)
  • by MosesJones ( 55544 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:10PM (#13326095) Homepage

    Since trips to Mars seems commonplace (NASA has sent one every 26 months)

    Was I the only one to think... Slashdot... commonplace... once every 2 years....

    "Having Sex is commonplace for me"... the new Slashdot definition of commonplace.
  • easy (Score:4, Funny)

    by colton cummings ( 887877 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:10PM (#13326097)
    Point it in the general direction, and launch.

    It's like a message in a bottle, but so much cooler.
  • by Debian Troll's Best ( 678194 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:11PM (#13326100) Journal
    While the actually hardware behind a successful Mars shot is undeniably critical, a similar amount of attention should be paid to human interface factors back at mission control. Mission controllers work long shifts, often without adequate sleep or food, and small mistakes on the ground can be fatal to the brave astronauts travelling through space, or walking on the surface of the Mars. The computer science community has conducted considerable work on human interfaces, but in my mind there is one which stands out above all others as an intuitive, easily understood and easy to use mission control interface: Debian's apt-get.

    Ok ok...I understand some of you will be rolling your eyes at this stage, struggling to understand how on earth a piece of command line software designed for the installation and maintenance of Debian packages could even be remotely applicable to designing a robust mission control interface for missions to the Mars. I will explain. Basically, think of the Earth as a large Debian mirror, equipped with many astronaut 'files'. Imagine the space ship as a .deb package, safely protecting all the astronauts from the harsh vacuum of space. The Mars (or Mars...this solution is cross-platform after all) is your local host. The Sun is...well...that creaky old Sun Ultra 5 from yesterday's OSnews article that no one wants to go close to lest they get burned or flamed by Sun zealots. how does the system work?

    Basically, a mission controller wants to 'install' a 'package' of astronauts from the Earth 'mirror' onto the Mars 'host'. It's 5am, the mission controller hasn't slept for 3 days, and every command sent from Houston is critical. Enter apt-get. The initial launch command would be something like:

    apt-get install astronauts

    Great! The launch vehicle is on its way! Since the 'link' between the 'mirror' and the 'host' is quite slow (imagine an old school 9600 baud leased line), the 'package' 'download' may take a few days to complete. This is where the mission control staff go to work on getting their Gentoo boxes compiling KDE. When the 'package' is 'downloaded', it's important to check that no astronauts were hurt along the way. The mission controller enters the following command:

    apt-get check

    This wil check for 'broken dependencies'. So far, so good! The '.deb package' will now successfully 'install' onto the 'host', meaning the astronauts can land on the Mars, and perform their critical experiments. However, all good things must come to and end, and the 'package' will need to be removed from the host. Mission control to the rescue.

    apt-get remove astronauts

    Excellent! Tom Hanks, Gary Sinese and that other guy are now on their way home. Again, this is a slow link, so our 'host' may take a few days to remove it from it's 'hard disk'. Once the capsule has landed back on Earth, it will be ready for the next group of astronauts to make their journey. But no-one would want to spend 10 days locked up in a small space filled with cast-off cans of Jolt Cola and empty Penguin Mint containers. The capsule will need to be tidied up! Mission control enters one last command to complete the mission:

    apt-get autoclean

    Done! Another successful Mars shot. Mission control is a breeze with the new apt-get mission control system. No more complicated GUIs, voice recognition or toggle switches. apt-get to infinity and beyond!

  • by m11533 ( 263900 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:12PM (#13326104)
    There has been a very long tradition of making source code developed by Government projects available to the general computing public. This is the true "public domain" software that has existed since the beginning of computing. I believe many bits of code from NASA made it into the public domain over the years.

    I would bet that the information you desire is now considered to be highly classified and thus not available. You could produce trajectory information for ballistic missiles and who knows how it might be mis-construed as useful to those "terrorists" of whom the US is so fearful these days.

    Besides... you might find a units of measure error or two if you got to see this code.
    • by Doc Ruby ( 173196 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:51PM (#13326379) Homepage Journal
      The mathematical models for ballistic missiles isn't what's stopping "terrorists" from making them. What stops terrorists is that it's so much cheaper, faster, more reliable and easier to load a truck full of fertilizer and fuel oil, then blow up a skyscraper or maybe a bridge. Or just release a $25 video "around election time", which is about 18 months every 2 years (75% of the time). Both of which create terror, which is the entire point of terrorism.

      There was a time when such math was secret, and strategic. But we caught up to the Soviets shortly after they tested that ballistic missile math on Sputnik, in the late 1950s. A half century later, our open society has proven more than a match for such "proprietary" losers. If we can stay that way, despite the exaggerated bugbears that people throw around to justify the secrecy that kills both science and liberty.
      • by jd ( 1658 ) New Zealand, it is possible to build a cruise missile for about $5,000. True, it doesn't have much of a range - well, still 10 times that of the Hamas' toy rockets - and true, the US Government strong-armed the NZ authorities to ban the information, but I'm sure anyone who really wanted to could develop something similar from the mere fact that they know it can be done.

        Truck bombs are actually far more frightening than most people think. Think about it for a moment - the IRA's attack on Manchester in

        • You're not kidding! (Score:3, Informative)

          by ScarKnee ( 588584 )
          "Those large trucks on the Interstate that you see every day have a weight limit of about 65,000 lbs."

          Here's a link,1249,600155076,00 .html [] to a story of an explosion caused when a semi overturned and caught fire in a canyon about 35 miles from my home. It occurred last Wednesday. The semi was hauling 38,000 lbs. of explosives. Not one person died! That stretch of highway is highly-travelled and pretty dangerous on its own without exploding vehicles. If you look at the
          • Holy hell, that crater, and the fires up in the mountains all around... wow. Looks like the only reason no one was killed was that the rig was burning for a few minutes before it blew, giving everyone time to run. I'd have loved to have been the guy who first noticed the "danger: explosives" sign going up in flames.

            But the most impressive thing to me is, did they really rebuild that entire stretch of highway, including the railroad tracks, in THIRTY-SIX HOURS?!!? What the fuck! You've gotta send UDOT to New
    • Nope. Not really. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by everphilski ( 877346 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @08:04PM (#13326473) Journal
      Any orbital mechanics textbook will give you more than enough information to calculate this for yourself. One of my final exam questions in spacecraft design was to design a moon mission, in about 15 minutes. Mars isn't much harder, just further away, it's the same problem.

      "Elements of Spacecraft Design" by Charles D. Brown has a few good chapters on orbital mechanics. Check a local university library, cause the book cost me nigh unto $100 :P

  • by IntelliTubbie ( 29947 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:13PM (#13326110)
    Several of the people I work with in Caltech's Control and Dynamical Systems department work on celestial mechanics and calculating space flight trajectories -- and I can assure you, it's some pretty complicated stuff, involving invariant manifolds and (IIRC) patching together different three-body systems. There's a good popular article [] about this in Science News, and you can find more info (in as much detail as you'd like!) on Shane Ross' homepage [].

  • JPL has a good intro (Score:5, Interesting)

    by cunniff ( 264218 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:14PM (#13326124) Homepage
    I was an intern at JPL a couple of decades ago, and they always started with a "porkchop plot" (or "butterfly plot") of possible trajectories and their energy requirements. Here is a webpage that documents that to some extent: All.html []
    • by Keebler71 ( 520908 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @08:47PM (#13326696) Journal
      I did some graduate research/internship at JPL. They still use the porkchop plots which are published in volumes spanning the next decade or two. The "bible" at JPL (as far as I could tell) was The Interplanetary Mission Design Handbook Vol 1, Part 2 []. This is the document that I carry around with me to work or on travel if I think I am going to do a little research on the side (unfortunately my paying job has nothing to do with astrodynamics.) It covers pretty much all of the relevant equations for the various phases of an interplanetary mission (launch, transfer, arrival) as well as some other stuff. This is 35 pages of raw meat - little explanation, no derivations. Just the facts. I think the actual pork chop plots are in either other volumes or other parts of this volume (my paper copy had them right after this section).

      Anyway, without at least some education in orbital mechanics/astrodynamics, the above ref will probably be a little overwhelming. To get up to speed I recommend the following:

      • Fundamentals of Astrodynamics [] by Bate, Mueller & While. Undergrad text, should be no problem if you have had calculus.
      • Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications [] by Vallado. (This is usually referred to as "Vallado" - in fact I never even knew its title until I just looked it up!) This one is much more in-depth and is certainly found on the desk of anyone who does research in this field. Most of the stuff from the JPL handbook is in here, plus lots and lots of other stuff
  • Simple Newtonian (Score:5, Informative)

    by RatPh!nk ( 216977 ) <`ratpH1nk' `at' `'> on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:15PM (#13326128)

    I recently had a NASA guy come to speak to my research group at my medical school in Houston. We were talking about the long term effect of micro-gravity on human physiology (round trip to Mars). Anyway he told us that most of the mathematical calculations that the Space Flight Center here in Houston use are the "simple" Newtonian laws of motion. He claimed they were suitable for calculating trajectories to the Moon, Mars, etc...

    • by sploxx ( 622853 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:23PM (#13326188)
      Anyway he told us that most of the mathematical calculations that the Space Flight Center here in Houston use are the "simple" Newtonian laws of motion.
      Sure. To use Einstein's general relativity would be overkill as the changes are too small.

      But Newtons laws can get arbitrarily complex with the number of bodies that go into the equation.

      One is newton's axiom.
      Two is still easy and taught in school. Kepler ellipses etc. Together with the rocket equation (also only newton), it gives everything needed to go to earth orbit.

      But.. three is not analytically solvable. From there, numerics takes over and this is still a very active field of research, still far from perfect. But they're surely good enough :-)
      • by aidan folkes ( 740086 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:33PM (#13326279)
        But.. three is not analytically solvable. From there, numerics takes over and this is still a very active field of research, still far from perfect. But they're surely good enough :-)

        As long as you don't get your units mixed up. :-)

      • I would think that if the probes were not capable of course correction that they would need to factor in relativity, specifically if they want to land within a certain area on Mars.
        • would think that if the probes were not capable of course correction that they would need to factor in relativity, specifically if they want to land within a certain area on Mars.
          I'm only speculating here, but I think you'd get more precise results (than using GR) if mars' atmosphere is modelled correctly and all the things which can affect its density (temperature etc.) get proper attention.
        • Re:Simple Newtonian (Score:2, Informative)

          by LabRat ( 8054 )
          In theory yeah...but relativity really only comes into play at very high velocities (think particle accelerators) or in the presence of very strong gravity fields (like one would experience inside Mercury's orbit). There is virtually zero pay-off for using relativistic modeling for a mission to mars, though it might prove useful for a probe destined to orbit exceptionally close to the sun.

          At the end of the day, at the scales that are involved, you might have improved the accuracy by a foot or two but it's
      • Re:Simple Newtonian (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Keebler71 ( 520908 )
        Yup, we got to the moon (and will go further) using simple two-body equations... most of which are not-too-distantly related to the equations you used in high school physics. This is done by breaking the mission into smaller segments, the dynamics of which are governed using the assumption that only the body that has the greatest gravitational affect on the vehicle is currently active. This is called a patched conic approach []

        Let's consider an Earth-moon tranfer, for the launch, the gravitational effect

  • Orbiter (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:16PM (#13326136)
    Orbiter is a great way to learn how those trips are done. It is a free simulator for windows and is available at
    It has tools for calculating all sorts of interplanetary transfers and you can actually perform the flight from launch to landing on mars with all kinds of spacecraft.
  • Trajectory Math (Score:5, Informative)

    by waynegoode ( 758645 ) * on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:17PM (#13326147) Homepage
    I recently wrote some trajectory software for NASA. What I worked on is an approximation used for mission planning, not actual trajectories. I work with people who live and breathe this stuff and have worked on high-thrust and low-thrust trajectories for missions to the outer planets. I am mostly a software engineer, but I learned a lot from them while working on this project.

    The key here is the energy required. Space travel is still dominated by propulsion. That is, the engines and the fuel they need, and the fuel needed to launch that fuel to orbit, etc., is where most of the cost is.

    It is important to travel on a trajectory, called the transfer orbit, that requires the least energy. For a high thrust spacecraft, the minimum energy trajectory is called a Holman transfer []. Simply, it is an orbit that just touches the orbits of both planets. The periapsis, the closest point to the sun, touches the orbit of the one planet and the apoapsis, the furtherest point, touches the other planet. For this to work, the destination planet needs to be half an orbit away when the spacecraft arrives. This is a lot easier to see in a picture.

    For Earth to Mars, the spacecraft launches and then the thrusters fire to change the spacecraft's orbit of the sun from Earth's orbit to the transfer orbit. It then travels half of the transfer orbit and fires its thrusters to change its orbit to match Mars. This can be done by aerocapture, aerobraking or propulsion. The opportunity for a Holman transfer to Mars occurs every 26 years. It is based on the length of the orbit for the bodies being transferred between. The return trip also needs to be a Holman transfer to save fuel. The opportunity does not occur until many months after arrival. I forget the actual number. That is why Mars trips will have a long stay on Mars before returning.

    Low thrust is different. Low thrust spacecraft thrust all or most of the time during the trip and the trajectory is more complicated. It is not usable for manned flight because it is to slow but is useful for unmanned spacecraft sometimes.

    This is called Celestial Mechanics. When you add propulsion, it becomes Orbital Mechanics.

    The best site I have found is NASA's Spacefligh Basics [].

    Also good is this site [].

    For explanation of gravity assists see this site [].

    Also see, Science World at Wolrram []

    • Re:Trajectory Math (Score:5, Informative)

      by hcg50a ( 690062 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:25PM (#13326204) Journal
      I think you mean 26 months, rather than years.
    • Two more things... (Score:5, Informative)

      by waynegoode ( 758645 ) * on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:27PM (#13326218) Homepage
      I forgot to answer part of the question. It is mostly a two-body problem--two bodies at a time. Launch is Earth and the spacecraft. Then it is the Sun and the spacecraft. Then it is Mars and the spacecraft. However, to go straight to a transfer orbit without orbiting the earth first, there is only one time of day to launch (local time), different for each destination. In this way the destination planet is considered at Earth launch.

      For my mission planning software we never considered more than two bodes at a time. For the real stuff, they probably consider more than two bodies at a time, but the other bodies are just correction factors.

      The Mechanical Universe [], is an excellent way to learn this stuff. It comes on in reruns from time to time.

    • Re:Trajectory Math (Score:5, Informative)

      by Savantissimo ( 893682 ) * on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:47PM (#13326360) Journal
      It's a Hohmann transfer orbit, not "Holman". And you get a window for an Earth-Mars transfer orbit every 25+ months, not 26 years. And constant-thrust spacecraft are generally faster on interplanetary missions than high-thrust, brief impulse craft, with the exceptions being gravity assist manouvers and really low acceleration designs such as old-school ion thrusters, (which NASA only uses because they are scared to death of actually flying anything really innovative such as a VaSIMR or a magsail). Constant-acceleration designs are not used for manned missions yet because we havn't sent any manned missions far enough to take advantage of the method, but any manned interplanetary mission would be crazy not to use a magsail because it provides an artificial magnetosphere for charged-particle shielding while at the same time providing continuous thrust with minimal power consumption and no reaction mass by deflecting the solar wind.
    • Low thrust is different. Low thrust spacecraft thrust all or most of the time during the trip and the trajectory is more complicated. It is not usable for manned flight because it is too slow but is useful for unmanned spacecraft sometimes.

      I find recent work on low thrust trajectories the most fascinating. I was made aware of it in Science News a few months ago. Although the combined influence of the Sun and all the planets form a chaotic system (in principle not predictable beyond certain time limits),

    • It is important to travel on a trajectory, called the transfer orbit, that requires the least energy.

      While this is usually the case, it wouldn't be for a manned Mars mission. For relatively modest increases in available fuel (delta-v) (or equiavlently, decrease in payload) you can get quite large decreases in travel time.

      I don't have numbers, but you might be able to reduce 26 months to 15 months for 20% more delta-V. This is, however, a dimishing-returns situation, e.g. a 3 month trip would be hugely expen
    • Re:Trajectory Math (Score:5, Informative)

      by Keebler71 ( 520908 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @09:37PM (#13326954) Journal
      Overall - nice post. Unfortunately, IAARS and need to clarify a few minor details:
      • It's a Hohmann Transfer, not a Holman
      • Hohmann transfers are not always the minimum orbit energy orbit. If the ratio of the circular orbit radii is greater than 12 or so, then a bi-elliptic trajectory (three-burn) is optimal.
      • Actually, Celestial Mechanics is the study of the orbits of celestial bodies (naturally occurring) - man-made vehicles bring forth the distinction of Astrodynamics.
      • Mars' minimum energy transfers occur slightly more than every two years, not 26.
      • Oh, and I probably should be much more careful when using the work "optimal". Hohmann tranfers are only "optimal" if they are co-planar, the burns are considered impulses, and the effects of gravity assists, continuous thrust or any other non-conservative forces are ignored. In reality, we need to take advantage at least one of the above to even get to the outer planets on any type of reasonable time-line.
      • Re:Trajectory Math (Score:4, Interesting)

        by barawn ( 25691 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @10:10PM (#13327160) Homepage
        Hohmann transfers are not always the minimum orbit energy orbit.

        Hohmann transfers are never the minimum energy orbital transfer. IPS (interplanetary superhighway) orbits are lower energy for all cases, although they take much longer. (To be fair, IPS [] orbits are new - 1997-ish - and before that, Hohmann transfers were the minimum energy orbital transfer). IPS orbits are so low energy that it basically takes the same delta-V to get almost anywhere in the solar system - the delta-V to get to a Lagrange point.

        For manned missions, however, you don't really care about lowest-energy, because orbits are always tradeoffs between transit time and energy, and manned missions want the shortest transit time feasible.
  • Check out the Basics of Space Flight [] page at NASA's Jet Propultion Laboratory.
  • I've been doing lots of numerical work (graphics stuff) involving numerical optimization lately and one of the techniques I've been using to compute derivatives for optimization is Automatic Differentiation [] (AD). Along the way I came across a few papers on applytng the technique to trajectory optimization. So I'm guessing that people choose something to optimize (a function of how close they get to the target, the journey time and fuel costs among other things) and use AD methods with a simulator and numeri
  • by peculiarmethod ( 301094 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:21PM (#13326172) Journal
    Skip doing all the math and even the funding part by simply doctoring up a few satellite photos and a research paper calculating with near certainty that near limitless petroleum exists on mars, and they are protected by a heathon god.

    sit back and watch all the funds get diverted to a new space program.
  • Some info (Score:4, Informative)

    by interiot ( 50685 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:22PM (#13326177) Homepage
    MRO made me more interested in orbital mechanics, too.

    The best info I've found so far is actually a do-it-yourself [] exercise... there's a space-travel simulator [] that you can use to try to figure out how to get to mars, along with some helper apps that do some math for you.

    In terms of starting, basic data... you can ignore the effects of the MRO on the two planets, since it's so small. But the positions of the two planets can be gotten from here []. To understand the coordinates used, study here [].

    I'd like to find some decent open-source apps to visualize the orbits in 3D... at least a static diagram, if not an animation.

  • Worth a prize (Score:5, Interesting)

    by radtea ( 464814 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:25PM (#13326206)

    I helped judge the Canada-Wide Science Fair a few years ago, and the person my judging team ranked the highest had set himself precisely this problem: how do you really calculate the trajectory of a spacecraft from Earth to Mars? His solution was a wonderful exploration of the gory details of the problem--he had parts of the orbit that could be approximated reasonably in closed form (basically when the spacecraft was far away from everything, especially Jupiter) and other bits where there were three-body and more calculations.

    He understood error estimation and the importance of computing the same quantity several different ways so that they act as a check on each other. He also had modeled aspects of the spacecraft itself, the rotational moments, effects of changing fuel mass, etc, etc, etc. In short, he understood that science is more of an art than a science. It was really nice work.
  • The web page the OP found looks pretty cool..though I agree it's a little too condensed to be useful for a complete beginner. While I don't want to imply that orbital mechanics is out of the reach of intelligent, math-oriented folks without some sort of formal instruction....a course in the subject matter can definitely help. I took a class with the author of this book 751052/qid=1124147579/sr=8-2/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl 14/102-9094747-8542529?v=glance& []
  • TransX! (Score:5, Informative)

    by TrevorB ( 57780 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:32PM (#13326268) Homepage
    Duncan Sharpe's TransX []

    C'mon Orbiter [] fans, you were thinking the exact same thing when you read this article... Planning a trip to Mars? Just hit Shift-J and start plotting your Hohmann transfer orbit insertion burn. []

    For those who are lost:

    ORBITER is a free flight simulator that goes beyond the confines of Earth's atmosphere. Launch the Space Shuttle from Kennedy Space Center to deploy a satellite, rendezvous with the International Space Station or take the futuristic Delta-glider for a tour through the solar system - the choice is yours.
    But make no mistake - ORBITER is not a space shooter. The emphasis is firmly on realism, and the learning curve can be steep. Be prepared to invest some time and effort to brush up on your orbital mechanics background. A good starting point is JPL's Space Flight Learners' Workbook. []


    TransX is [Duncan Sharpe's] eXtended Transfer MFD. It's designed for planning trips across the solar system, or even just to the moon. It's full-featured, with support for complex flight plans, including slingshot trajectories. And naturally, there's a manual that comes with it.
  • The other bodies' gravity pull is very negligent. Because they are inverse prortional to the square of how far you are away from them.

    Mainly there's just four significant factors.

    1. How much to get off this heap of dirt we call Earth.

    2. How fast we want to get there, which basically directly related to the next question...

    3. How much does it take to slow down once you get there. (Since there's no friction in outer space...)

    4. All the previous in reverse order, knowing that you don't need to get back t
  • by Beryllium Sphere(tm) ( 193358 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:36PM (#13326295) Journal
    by Roger Bate.

    A fun physics exercise is to model a slingshot maneuver and then try to figure out *why* your rocket burn is more effective if you dip inside gravity well when you do it.
  • IANAA but...

    Consider an elliptical orbit around the sun (aren't they all...) with a major axis where perihelion is earth's distance, aphelion is Mars' distance from the sun. I don't know the formula, but you should be able to find it on the net.

    Now calculate the orbit time. You start your trip tangent to the earth, and blast away faster than the earth is circling the sun (but in the same direction). You catch up to Mars as the top of your orbit is tangent to (grazes the inside of) Mars' orbit. Therefor

  • If memory serves, the very first issue of Game Developer Magazine had an article on this and the author used genetic algorithms to calculate the most optimal thrust force vectors and durations to use. The simulation arrived at a very optimal solution in almost no time at all -- and it was for simulating an n-body problem, where n is much greater than 2. Maybe someone can find the original article somewhere, but here's some links [] which seem to be quite relevant.
  • by everphilski ( 877346 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @07:59PM (#13326438) Journal
    The saying is "From low earth orbit, you are halfway to anywhere in the solar system." The delta-V (change in velocity) required to get to low earth orbit is about 7.6 m/s neglecting gravity and drag losses. The velocity to escape is about 13 m/s. Add in a little bit of velocity to correct your orbit to make it to Mars and it's about right, 14 m/s. (actually it'll be a bit more if you're launching from Kennedy, you have to get rid of that pesky inclination and that's an expensive maneuver, even combining it with the trans-martian injection it's expensive.

    Here's the actual procedure.
    1. surface to low earth orbit.
    2. circularize low earth orbit. [hohmann transfer]
    3. correct orbital parameters (longitude of ascending node, argument of periapsis, orbital inclination)
    4. low earth orbit to trans-martian-injection [hohmann transfer]
    (3 and 4 can be combined, to a point, in order to save delta-V.)
    5. burn to circularize martian orbit [hohmann transfer]
    6. correct orbital parameters (Same as 3)
    7. Burn to descend to surface
    The actual math is too much for a slashdot post. Sorry. If you are truly curious check out "Elements of Spacecraft Design" by Charles D. Brown.

    • As noted by parent, there's an easy answer, and a complex answer. For the basics of the problem, all you really need is the two-body equations of motion. A basic Hohmann transfer (an elliptical orbit connecting the near-circular orbits of the Earth and Mars) will get you there with a pretty close guess as to the fuel usage and mission duration. If you actually want to do the calculations, that's where you should start.

      As for the procedure, for most missions to Mars, the launch vehicle takes care of ste

  • by Time Doctor ( 79352 ) <> on Monday August 15, 2005 @08:16PM (#13326545) Homepage Journal
    I see no point, we can open a gate to Hell here on Earth. I assure you the research I've done proves that the risk is perfectly acceptable!

    If you would just increase my funding and personnel there would be fewer accidents.

    --Dr Bertregur.
  • Satellite Tool Kit (Score:2, Informative)

    by outlineblue ( 472351 )
    check out STK, [] from AGI. It's pratically an industry standard.

    Want to plan a trip to Mars? no problem using the Astrogator plug-in you're in buisness. However it will set you back several thousands of dollars....
    • by GraWil ( 571101 )
      AGI (makers of STK) was started by two former General Electric (space division) employees and their software has become industry standard. It is used by most space agencies including ESA & NASA. Note that the price point is high and roughly equal to the engineering time they envison their software replaces. A relatively base model will set you back about $30K USD if you want something with opengl graphics visualization. If you want to plan a mission to Mars you'll need astrogator [] and probably the vi
  • by Dr. Zowie ( 109983 ) <> on Monday August 15, 2005 @08:35PM (#13326652)
    is the book you want. It's by Bate, Mueller, and White, and it works from first principles up to "how we designed the Apollo lunar trajectories".

    The easiest way to conceive of interplanetary orbits is to first pretend that they lie in a single plane (the plane of the ecliptic) and then pretend that the planets themselves are insignificant for most of the trip -- so you consider only the gravitational field of the Sun. Then your orbit is an ellipse. It's pretty easy to show that, if you're going at Earth's orbital velocity, the ellipse that gets you from Earth's orbit to any other nearly circular orbit with the least change in velocity (ie rocket fuel) is an ellipse that is tangent to both orbits.

    Once you've figured that out, you have to figure out when to launch to get to Mars's orbit in the same place that Mars happens to be. Those times happen at a particular phase of Mars's and Earth's orbit.

    You can do pretty well by pretending that you can neglect the Sun entirely until you get far enough from the Earth, then you can neglect Earth and Mars entirely until you get close enough to Mars. That is the technique that was used for Apollo trajectories -- the "method of spliced conics". You can hear some evidence of it in the Apollo 13 movie, when they talk about "entering the Moon's gravitational field" or something like that -- the Moon's gravitational field extends throughout the Universe, of course, but to simplify the calculations they neglected everything but the mass with the strongest gravitational force on the capsule.

    Nowadays you can get really, really good orbital elements [] for each of the planets online, which lets you calculate exactly where each planet is at any given time. You can just code up an insanely cheesy inverse-square-law integrator in PDL [] or one of the other free languages -- or even a spreadsheet -- and find a good orbit by trial and error using the gravitational fields of all the large bodies in the solar system.

  • by kernel panic attack ( 810175 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @08:40PM (#13326671)
    Take a look at the book "Mining the Sky" by John S. Lewis. Without getting into a deep mathmatical treatment, he does lay out what goes into calculating sending missions to and from Mars, Earth orbit, the moon, and the asteroid belt. If I am not mistaken, somewhere in there he even explains the significance of the oft heard NASA term "launch window". (It's basically when your launch site (Florida, for instance) and your target (Mars or the ISS) share a favored geometerical relationship in space-time.) While it is lite on the equations, I think this will have most of what you are looking for.... Now if I can just find my copy. BTW.. Lewis' books are a must read for anyone interested in what's up there, whether it's the moon, Mars, or beyond.
  • by dev_alac ( 536560 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @09:14PM (#13326851)
    This page [] is a good start for learning about all the fun stuff that you have to do. Not quite the math you're looking for, but it covers stuff other than just orbits.
  • The concept is easy. (Score:3, Informative)

    by Snags ( 18929 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @09:19PM (#13326873) Journal
    The Hohmann transferr orbit is based on a few simple ideas. 1. You only want to do two short "burns". 2. Your orbit in between is an ellipse. 3. The most efficient way to increase your kinetic energy is to push yourself forward. This means that you'll be leaving Earth tangentially to our orbit. By the same token, you'll arrive at Mars tangentially to their orbit (the math is the same backwards). All orbits have constant energy (no slingshots considered here), so you'll go from orbit near Earth at one energy, to an in between energy, to an orbit near Mars energy. Note that the final burn near Mars should actually *increase* your kinetic energy. If you didn't do the burn, you'd "fall" back down to near Earth's orbit. So both burns are "forward". Once you accept these concepts of the Hohmann transfer, the timing is just math.
  • Atomic Rocket (Score:3, Informative)

    by mdarksbane ( 587589 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @09:28PM (#13326916)

    Atomic Rocket [] has some interesting reading. It's a nice mix of (as far as I can tell) good physics and some science fiction theory.

    Basically, the whole site was designed to help new sci-fi authors make their stories closer to scientific reality. So there's a lot of info not only on the various requirement for a mars trip with different types of engines (everything from chemical thrusters to ion drives to nuclear rockets to the sci-fi only torch ships) to what the requirements would be for a crew living on such a ship and what sort of person defense would actually be reasonable.

    It's a fun read, and quite educational as well, if not as hard-core science-y as some of the replies.

  • by rnturn ( 11092 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @10:49PM (#13327372)

    ... Earth-to-Mars calculation packages and, more importantly, who's buying them? I mean, that got to be a niche market if there ever was one.

    In a former life, I worked for a group that did some work for the Naval Research Laboratories. Some of the work involved LEO satellites. When asked what software package they were using (knowing that there were several available through COSMIC) to do the calculations, I still recall the answer: ``Oh, we just write our own.'' (As though they do it whenever they need such a program, probably while eating their corn flakes in the morning. Heck, they probably did just that. :-) Being mere mortals, we bought the sources for one of the nicer COSMIC packages. Name of it escapes me.)

    So is there really a market for doing interplanetary orbital calculations that someone's actually able to sell a package for $150 a pop? The folks that are actually able to send something from Earth to Mars I suspect are already able to whip out this code in short order. (Dang, I wish I'd watched `The Day the Earth Stood Still' over the weekend like I wanted to. Then I'd be able to include that nifty quote that Klaatu uttered about ``being good enough to get me from planet to planet''.)

    • (Dang, I wish I'd watched `The Day the Earth Stood Still' over the weekend like I wanted to. Then I'd be able to include that nifty quote that Klaatu uttered about ``being good enough to get me from planet to planet''.)

      Klatu: I thought you would have solved it by now. You substitute this term here---and then the answer follows by variation of parameters.

      Physicist: That gives the first-order terms. But what about the higher orders?

      Klatu: Negligible.

      Physicist: You've tested this theory?

      Klatu [shrugs]
  • Other Software. (Score:3, Informative)

    by rssrss ( 686344 ) on Monday August 15, 2005 @10:49PM (#13327375)
    It took me an excessively long time to figure this out, but I found this:

    BOTEC is a simple astrophysical and orbital mechanics calculator [], including a database of all named Solar System objects. BOTEC is intended as a simple but useful calculator to assist with making astrophysical, orbital mechanics, and space navigation calculations. As the origin of the acronym applies, BOTEC is more of a "back-of-the-envelope calculator" rather than an industrial-strength calculator, although this may change in the future.

    BOTEC is primarily intended for people familiar with physics and Python, and as such is unlikely to be useful to the average enduser. BOTEC really consists of two parts: The BOTEC software, which knows what to do with the data, and the Solar System data itself, which is represented in a large data file (a Python pickle, actually). This is deliberately modularized so that the Solar System data BOTEC uses can be updated independently of software, and also that alternative data files (e.g., hypothetical stellar systems for fictional purposes) can be supported. All values are strictly in SI units.

    Partly because there is also this site which is styled Alcyone Software [] the site above is Alcyone Systems (thus the origins of my confusion) and which has astronomical software. I know one of the authors of one of the programs on, he is a brilliant guy and the software is quite good. It provides lots of information about planetary orbits, but I do not think that it makes the orbital mechanics calculations.
  • by cmholm ( 69081 ) <cmholm@ma u i h o l m . org> on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @12:59AM (#13327972) Homepage Journal
    One of the things the Wehrmacht's V2 program manager periodically whined about was the tendency of Von Braun and the other engineers to spend their time daydreaming about spaceflight, rather than the practical matter of lofting a ton of high explosives.

    After the war, while helping the US Army launch liberated V2s in New Mexico, Wernher continued to screw off, and eventually scribbled enough material for a small book, Das Marsprojekt. It was quickly offered in English translation as The Mars Project [], and is still available in paperback. It's only 90 pages cover to cover, and covers all of the basic math, engineering concepts, and logistics of loading up the wagon for a trip.

    In particular, the orbital calculations are laid out and illustrated in such a way that anyone with any faculty in math can come to grips with it. THEN, you can go apeshit with tomes such as Introduction To Space Dynamics [].

  • by waterbear ( 190559 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @07:49AM (#13329132)
    They don't use two-body approximations for the NASA missions to Mars!

    They use high-precision numerical integration for the trajectory of the spacecraft, using one of the standard high-precision general ephemerides as background data. (Textbooks mentioned by posters elsewhere in this thread decribe in general terms the astronav. techniques used for mission planning, but as soon as they get down to mapping the trajectory as precisely as possible, they need the background ephemeris as well.)

    For the recent Mars missions, the background ephemeris is a very highly refined ephemeris "DE410" produced by the JPL, this appears to be a local improvement intended especially to reduce errors in the neighborhood of Mars and Saturn, relative to the DE405 ephemeris which remains the world standard for official ephemeris publications. It seems they got an accuracy in the region of Mars as close as only "a few meters"!!!

    See details of DE410 on the public JPL site here [], and especially you might want to look at the background report on DE410 [].


Byte your tongue.
