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Ask Slashdot: What Would Your 'I've Got To Disappear' Plan Look Like? 789

New submitter diacritica writes "This Ask Slashdot is inspired by manhunts à-la-Bourne movies, but taking a more realistic approach to the world we live in. You are native to and live in a big city (> 1M pop) in a G8 country of your choosing. At T = 0h, you accidentally witness a strange event. At T = 1h, you realize you're being followed and you get the feeling that the police/government might be involved. Contextual data: you are able to speak one language apart from good English. You are 25 to 45 years old. You are computer savvy. You are engaged/married, you have family living in the same city. 99% of your money is in a bank account. You prefer to go 'rationally' paranoid. What would you do in order to feel safe after those first 24 hours? Remember, you didn't commit a crime, but there are plenty of real-world resources invested in catching you."
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Ask Slashdot: What Would Your 'I've Got To Disappear' Plan Look Like?

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  • Step 1 (Score:4, Informative)

    by Zadaz ( 950521 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2012 @06:27PM (#41087703)

    I doubt it's hard, technically to truly disappear. The hard part is that you have to be willing to leave absolutely everything behind.

    Step 1: Phone off, battery out. If battery can't come out it gets destroyed.

    Step 2: Wipe and leave behind anything that connects to the Internet.

    Step 3: Turn everything into cash immediately.

    You won't be able to hide that you're doing a runner, but you can make it harder to get your trail after you do run.

    Get a hair cut, color hair (just 2 shades different, not drastic), add/remove facial hair, buy some cheap glasses frames with 0 correction glass in them. Buy entirely different wardrobe, half from Wal-mart, half from thrift stores.

    A trip to Kinko's to print a temp set of fraudulent license plates for my car. Or better yet, swap plates with someone with the same model and color as mine. Or best give a buddy who looks like you $500 to drive the car to city X and fly back. You take the train/bus to city Y, in a different time zone from X and forget about the car.

    After that it would depend on how much cash I had and how well connected the people after me wanted me. A good fake ID would be in the loop somewhere, but I honestly don't know anywhere to do that in person any more. Some time at cafés or public libraries with computers (and some attentive browser washing) would probably turn up something. Drive to a city chosen completely at random that I don't have any previous contact with. (No visits, family, friends, etc.) Population of at least 50K.

    I'm not sure if I'd leave the country or not. (In this case I'm in the US.) It would require a better fake ID and borders are choke points of surveillance. Also fingerprints.

    If I felt the need to send "I'm okay" information to my friends or family I'd do it through the post at least a 3 hour drive from where I've set up camp. No return address.

  • Re:Simple enough (Score:5, Informative)

    by gmueckl ( 950314 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2012 @07:42PM (#41088593)

    Literature recommendation: Ghost in the Wires. Kevin Mitnick describes some his thoughts behind his fake identities. He even provides a reference to the book that told him most of the tricks he mentions (and probably many more he didn't dare to write down).

New York... when civilization falls apart, remember, we were way ahead of you. - David Letterman
