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Weblogs in the Enterprise? 24

Lushmore asks: "Some of our firmware teams have asked for a discussion forum tool similar to the many web bulletin boards or weblogs on the Internet. One missing feature common to most of the boards I've seen is, understandably, lack of finely grained security--the user/group structure is not sufficient for the enterprise. Is there a bulletin board/weblog tool out where users can be part of multiple groups and each group can have their own administrators?" I think the issue of Weblogs in the Enterprise extends far beyond the type of software used, so as an aside for this question, I'd like folks to think about one other issue: can the usual culture found in most firms support the type of open discourse common to successful weblogs? What extra advantages would weblogs provide over the already tried and true technologies like email, instant messaging and cellphones?
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Weblogs in the Enterprise?

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