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Meeting Fellow Slashdot Readers In Your Area? 65

jmallett asks: "I was wondering about setting up local meets of Slashdot readers... I think it would be a good way to meet active people in the technical field, talk over recent news, and discuss what is going on in our fields. Is there interest in this?" Not a bad idea and it could be fun. If any of you are interested in organizing or attending meets of Slashdot readers in your area, drop your e-mail address and your location in the comments and let's see if we can get a few of these organized!
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Meeting Fellow Slashdot Readers in Your Area?

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  • People in the RTP, NC area who would be interested in organising something like this, please contact me via email, I could probably find a good meeting place given some idea of the number of people, and info on needed facilities.
  • Y0 j0 Yeah, I'm sure there's some /. readers here in Fanta Se, (other than me and Houdini...)

    Organizing a meeting would be nice, we could all go to the Aztec or something; it's like a 2600 meeting for the '90's. Yeah you ABQ snobs can drive up HERE for once :).

    I would be neat0 if at next year's DEFCON or the like we could set up a meeting area for /. readers and contributors. I'd like to meet some of the faces behind the flames :).

  • Hey, I bet I drink more beer than you do!

  • or
    Can we have beer and pizza?

    Spelling by [].

  • In case any brazilian folks near here are reading. I'd sure love to meet a few fellow Slashdot freaks, I wear one of my /. t-shirts whenever I go someplace populated by nerds and no one, as of yet, has asked for my screen name.

    BTW, damn Cliff, this could have been posted to the main page, it would've been fun!

    All browsers' default homepage should read: Don't Panic...
  • Anyone in the DC / Maryland / Virginia metro area?

  • (e-mail address above is real)
  • There's gotta be someone out there...

    Oh yes, and I made a slash site for University of Utah students []. (for those interested, find me there.)

  • I'm in Austin, TX, but I merely a hyperintelligent shade of blue that happens to be refracting in this general vicinity.
  • Anyone near Laramie? I know you are willing to travel 60 miles or so for this if you live out here!
  • yes, we'll rent the moscone center and trash it! actually, who's around here?
  • by Zach Garner ( 74342 ) on Wednesday November 08, 2000 @03:53PM (#641240)
    Talking to and meeting other Slashdot readers does not constitute ``having a life''.

    With that said... wouldn't existing user-groups better facilitate meeting people in tech fields? I assume each of us are more interested in certain things more than others (Linux vs. BSD vs. Programming vs. AI vs. Cyberpunk/Computer-oriented Sci Fi). There should be groups already formed for many technical interests in most larger cities.

    Of course, there are benifits of a slashdot reader garthering:
    1. You get to meet people who you wouldnt normally meet in a user/advocacy group.
    2. You get the opportunity to play Wack-A-Troll in real life.

  • Just moved from Houston to Aberdeen. So far, I am finding this entire city devoid of technophiles (only one other Linux user in the SLUG, and no SJUG--Java Users' Group--to speak of).

    Drop me some e-mail if you live in Aberdeen. In fact, drop me some e-mail if you live anywhere near Aberdeen. The e-mail address above works, and is checked regularly.
  • by Phork ( 74706 )
    i know for a fact that there are a lot of slashdot readers in the bay area. but if you live around here you should come check out the 2600 meeting some day, we meet the first friday of everymonth at the embarcedero center, we even have a web page,
  • I know a few /. readers in the area (because they are also my friends) and we'd probably drive anywhere in Victoria for a /. Meet....

    Someone hold an Australian /. Meet in Melbourne damn it! :)

  • by Wog ( 58146 ) on Wednesday November 08, 2000 @05:53PM (#641244)
    Easy! Just wear one of those T-shirts that say "FIRST POST!" to any conferences or tech shows.

    Of course, a bullet-proof vest under the shirt might be advisable, or else, well, think of it as the ultimate "troll" moderation...
  • SlashdotterA: FIRST SEAT! SlashdotterB: I'll take 1 pepparoni with RedHat please. SlashdotterC: DEBIAN RULES! SlashdotterA: Man, a beowulf cluster of pizzas would be awesome! SlashdotterB: Microsoft Pizza (tm) sucks. ...etc...
  • i'd love to meet some other intelligent geeks. drop me a line.
  • I doubt meetings will be held in Grand Rapids, considering GR is about 30 miles away from CmdrTaco in Holland, MI...but what the hell? I know lots of students in the area [] who are slashdot followers.
  • I think there are a few people around here who've heard of Linux but I don't know if they've heard of Slashdot.
  • Or did they bury it in "Ask Slashdot" to try to keep it grown-ups only? (grown-up in behavior, not according to the calendar)
  • Cool can the trolls come?
  • Hell, I'd go to a meeting (after scoping it out surreptiously to make sure it's safe).

    Actually, this whole meeting thing is reminiscent of the meeting listings in the back of 2600. Since the slashdot readership is probably a bit larger than the 2600 one, not sure how well it would work though.
  • Unscramble this if you want to meet here in Chch: at com yuridg yahoo dot

    Look forward to hearing from other cantabrians.

  • The Wrestlers. Mind you, everyone in Cambridge probably already knew that.

  • I know a few people who seem to read /. often from a local LUG. IMHO, better to seek out a group you're interested in then make a group based off a website. Just my .02$, thou.

    bash: ispell: command not found
  • Hi, my names tooth [everybody: hi tooth!], and well... I'm an /. poster and reader.

    *sob* It all started about a year and a half ago (I think? Is that right for my uid?) Now I've gotten that bad that I'm reading /. at work, and /. at home. It's gotten that bad that I don't evern recognise the word "slashdot" and more, prefering the gzip "/." more.

    Anyway, back in the real world. I think the best place for a /. meeting in sydney .au would be at a monthly slug [] meeting. I haven't been to one yet, but judging by the mailing lists, the guys and gals read /. a fair bit.

    And Melbourne, aparantly we're suffering from "post olympics depresion" so we need this! haha :)

  • If any slashdot readers in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area would be interested mail me at I actually don't have much of a clue on Minneapolis other than a couple decent places to eat (live about 100 miles away, but its the closest big city) but something reasonable could probably be figured out.
  • And Melbourne, aparantly we're suffering from "post olympics depresion" so we need this! haha :)

    Olympics? Pah, we've been there, done that.... 50 years ago ;)

  • I don't attend the university, but I do work in the area. We could take over Palmer Square or something.

  • i /know/ there some geeks in g'ville... =)

  • Well, I have exchanged emails with a few Rochester NY slashdotters, as I'm not shy about dragging the name of my city into my posts.

    I think I'd like to get together with other Slashdotters, but my time is really constrained, the home-owner parent kind of thing.

    As far as Slashdotter's at work, I haven't come across to many, but for a high tech company, we're pretty behind the times. There is a Linux user's group here, but I rarely get to the meetings (the time thing again). On the other hand, I work with people who think knowing Novell inside and out is a good career move.

  • There is a Linux user's group here, but I rarely get to the meetings

    That's ok, I think nobody goes to LUGOR meetings because nobody goes to LUGOR meetings. I'm serious - people show up at a meeting, see that there are only about 10 people there, and never come back.
  • I live just outside of Richmond. Sounds good to me. You might want to reconsider your offer to buy beer for everyone though. Virginia Tech accounts for a full 1% of the nations alcohol consumption.
  • MTV quotes have no place in this forum. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  • My fiance and I are both slashdotters. I see him frequently. I keep telling him that we should start a lovers quarrel on /., but he claims he doesn't have the karma to spare.

    I suppose this presents a major flaw in the moderation system -- how do you mod people you know? It's the slight danger in getting to know readers in your area; you can potentially push forth a petty vendetta.

    Then again, it's only karma.

  • Hey, where's all the Canadians go? Or am I the only Great White Northerner to get off the main page? :-)

    For what it's worth, I'm an hour outside of Toronto down the 401, "Golden Triangle" area. (Not to be confused with the "Golden Horseshoe".)

    "There's a party," she said,
    "We'll sing and we'll dance,
    It's come as you are."

  • I would assume that michael will be there, since he's organizing it.


  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hmm, considering Slashdot demographics, that would be 19 male Slashdotters to 1 female slashdotters.

    We better seet up a Lan party too, so 16 of us who aren't busy with the female have something to do.
  • SLC here, as well. Well, Farmington -- Close enough, eh?
  • Live in Lombard; work at FermiLab; used to go to IIT.

    Interested; busy.
  • I'm in Canada too...

    I'm just a little bit far from you though - Alberta :o) .. judging by some of the other posts I've read, there are a few /.'ers from my neck of the woods, so I guess you'll have to come out here to see our meetings :o)
  • Right on the line of Boston :) Anyone else from here? Mail me-

  • I think this constitutes bad taste, almost. Unless you think all /.ers like/use Linux. I personally think that part of my idea was people who are generally 'techies' but still to get a diverse arragement of individuals, thus the beauty (downfall/bad image) of /., which is the diversity of opinions, interests, viewpoints, and ideas.
  • I'm just outside Baltimore. I think Roblimo is somewhere around B'more too.
  • I'm just hoping all of the f-i-r-s-t posters show up. They're too kewl.


    Some day I hope to have a .plan.
  • Indian in the village sounds good to me.

    Some day I hope to have a .plan.

  • I'm still here, still living in Rochester, and that time thing is kind of a pain in the neck. It'd be interesting to get an occasional gathering of the western NY slashdotters though.

    SUNY Geneseo had a netnic or two, since so many of us were on The Far Side and ISCA BBS. But netnics just don't seem to be as big a deal anymore. I guess that's what happens when people get out of school and have to get a life.


  • The Twin Cities Linux Users Group [] hosts social gatherings frequently. Check it out.
  • Anyone interested this side of the Atlantic?
  • Anyone, Anywhere in the valley, actually. cryptopimp at uswest dot net To email me, use your brain.
  • Yah. DC would be a good meeting. I know of a few ppl that would come.
  • Yup, right in the middle of IL, near springfield, bloomington, peoria, *and* decatur, all without being too far from Champaign but not quite far enough from Chicago at the same time.
  • I'm in austin also, after chatting around work (a local semiconductor manufacturer) a little bit i found there were a few other people that read slashdot. I probably made friends with a few that i would not otherwise have much in common with. I've also been meening to go to the 2600 meetings that are the first friday of the month at the dobie foodcort. I moved here mid summer and am still haven't got around getting into all the local things like i wanted to.
  • I'm just outside Baltimore. I think Roblimo is somewhere around B'more too.

    I'm in College Park, MD (well, Berwyn Heights, but same thing...) Yeah, Roblimo lives in Elkridge - we should get a bunch of Slashdotters together and get Roblimo drunk... that would be a sight to see (Roblimo sober is funny enough :)
  • I am, but I'm in school in Cincinnati. Summer is always a possibility.

  • I'm at Xavier University in Cincinnati. Anyone nearby? I could probably find us somewhere on campus.

  • Yeah - well I'm just north of London (Hatfield - the train crash - you know it) but I've just got a tech job oop north (Warrington near Liverpool) so I'll be moving there soon - drop me a line.


  • I am in Falls Church, VA, in the DC Metro area. Let me know if you guys get together!
  • apparently im the only computer literate Hick in Indiana... depresing....... wheres my jolt
  • Hey, I used to live in Berwyn Heights. Had a basement apartment in a house on Ruatan for about a year before I moved across 193 to share a Springhill Lake 3 bedroom.
  • Hey, I used to live in Berwyn Heights. Had a basement apartment in a house on Ruatan for about a year before I moved across 193 to share a Springhill Lake 3 bedroom.

    Heh, I'm at the corner of 60th and Osage.
  • That's where I am.
  • Bellevue. I am a Linux admin in Bellevue. *hehe*
  • QNX derivative developer here. glad to see someone else in this area not MS bound.

Old programmers never die, they just hit account block limit.
