Is CRT Burn-In Still a Problem? 107
coloth asks: "We've all been told for many years that monitor burn-in is a thing of the past, that CRTs use a different kind of phosphor now, and that screensavers are more toys than practical safeguards. After a few minutes with Google, nearly every PC advice site I found said as much. Well, I just realized tonight that I've got burn-in from the Seti@Home screensaver on my Dell P991. I took a picture with my digital camera. (disregard the bar of interference) I added the arrows with PhotoShop and enhanced the image a bit, but the burn in is clear. Here is the image of the "screensaver" to compare the pattern. Is my monitor sub-par? Is the conventional wisdom about burn-in untrue? Are most people doing anything specific to avoid burn-in?"
Not really (Score:1)
Re:Not really (Score:2)
Re:Not really (Score:2)
I thought that was the problem in the first place...
Re:Not really (Score:1)
I think the issue is the time-thresholds involved. Older monitors could burn in relatively quickly. Modern displays take a bit more "persistence" to burn in a specific pattern. Old projection TVs were really bad about burnin -- playing video games with "unnaturally white" objects onscreen could scar the CRTs. (That probably had something to do with the light-levels involved in order to be able to project the image.)
The problem hasn't gone away, but I'd say it's lower magnitude than it used to be. For instance, you don't see too many modern arcade games with "INSERT COIN" burned into the CRT tube any more, but it was very common 20 years ago. How many Win9x and later machines have you seen with the Start bar burned in?
--JoeRe:Not really (Score:1)
Neither does CSS. Yet, look at all the stink surrounding DeCSS.
The DMCA criminalizes the circumvention of access controls, not copy controls. The encryption in brunson's sig servse as an access control.
--JoeRe:Not really (Score:1)
Old monitors in the days before GUI's just had the problem that all was text, and this text changed, but it degraded the CRT nevertheless. THe effect was that after a few years of operation, you could see by the lines on the screen where the text was positioned. A good screensaver then should have just turned off the screen.
Damn you (Score:3, Funny)
About screensavers (Score:5, Informative)
I hate screensavers that run more than ten minutes -- they rarely seem clever any more, and more importantly they seduce a lot of people into thinking they are somehow saving energy. In fact, if the tube is fired up the box is consuming nearly full power and releasing nearly full heat.
MUCH better is any kind of sleep mode, which might reduce a 75-watt load to 5 watts. Or
They told workers to leave them on because of the old tale that electronics last longer that way. More research, I eventually reached a very friendly engineer with the Sony monitors operations. In short, the leave-'em-on philosophy made some sense before all solid-state surface-mount design prevailed because of thermal shock and "creep," which made IC's rise in their sockets. Now everything is soldered and the components are many times more reliable. In terms of monitor wear, it's probably a toss-up. No one would seriously leave their TV on 24 hours a day to save money, right? And even if wear were accelerated somehow with the machines on 1/3 as long, the amount of energy consumed would have bought a ton of hardware.
We calculated the excess electrical in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and that's before factoring in the added load of the air conditioning to remove the waste heat (most of the energy used goes to waste heat). (A rough guess: the best estimate I could find suggested it takes 1 watt of A/C consumption to remove 3-4 watts of heat.) There was also a citizenship issue to energy conservation at the time, as there were rolling blackouts to ration energy the closer the system came to overload. (You all remember the stories.)
Um, anyway, I hope I made a point. Er, my point. One thing Apple did right was to support Energy Star early on. "By design," [microsoft.com] MS Windows NT 4.0, which his company uses, does not support power mgmt [energystar.gov] even though the newer monitors typically do. Yes
I think they did start telling employees to turn the monitors off just recently, maybe 18 months after our email campaign and a half-million in electricity. Could the computers be next? They're just dumb workstations and don't do anything in the off hours.
Last nail in the coffin: To give you a sense of his IT department, they sent a tech down once who could not be made to understand, by several engineers, the difference between a SCSI and a parallel port ("Well, it should fit."). No shit.
Re:About screensavers (Score:1)
And don't blame the crisis on Enron
There were additional culprits, it will be fascinating to read the long-term studies.
Re:About screensavers (Score:2)
Re:About screensavers (Score:1)
In fact, the only way some energy you use doesn't go to heat is if
Even heat pumps (like an air conditioners) heat the whole system (indoors + outdoors) equal to the amount of energy put into the heat pump to run it. Luckily they are fairly efficient, and can move 3-5 times the heat they waste.
Re:About screensavers (Score:3, Interesting)
Some of the energy is turned into light by the phosphors, which then travels out a nearby window and off into space (energy lost from system).
Or maybe some of the monitor radiation gives the engineer a tan (chemical changes).
Or engineer takes data disk brimming with data home and loses it.
There, happy?
Re:About screensavers (Score:2, Interesting)
Leaving a tube (not the monitor) on all the time, even if it is displaying a blank image will shorten its life because the heater in the back will eventually wear out (just like a light bulb). Again, just like a light bulb there is a thermal shock to the heater in the tube which can cause it to fail prematurely during power on, so there is a tradeoff (I have a thread where I discussed this. Only a physicist can tell you the numbers; sorry, I'm not one.) as to how long you leave it on before it is worth turning off. It is a very safe bet to say it is best left off overnight.
Now, we have the electronics. It's more than parts jumping out of their sockets due to thermal expansion and contraction. It's also poor solder joints cracking, and very poorly designed circuit board traces frying up from the turn on current surge, and crappy capacitors boiling.
Overall, you should leave the tube off when not in use, and the electronics on, since unlike the tube the electronics generally do not perform worse over time. ie: Use your power saving mode.
arrows (Score:3, Funny)
You must do something about that terrible black arrows on your monitor!
Re:arrows (Score:1)
Yes...... (Score:5, Informative)
I have the same thing on a newish Gateway (Score:1)
I'm guestemating the monitor is no older 3 years, probably less than 2.
It's probably not nearly the problem it use to be, judging from some of the old junker VT100 displays we have sitting around with VERY prominant burn in on them. It looks like it's still something to wory about for monitors that show the same thing day in and day out for months on end.
Re:I have the same thing on a newish Gateway (Score:1)
Agreement, with other stuff (Score:3, Informative)
Also keep in mind that your monitor sucks down a lot of power anyway - you'd save power just powering it down.
Re:Agreement, with other stuff (Score:3, Informative)
If your monitor doesn't auto-off and you leave your computer running all day with no screensaver or a screensaver that leaves regions of pixels unchanged (such as the Seti@home client), you can still develop burn-in over time.
The best solution is to just turn your monitor off when you aren't using your computer - not only does it avoid burn-in, but monitors suck a whole lot of electricity, so you will also save money on electricty and be helping to not destroy the planet so quickly, too.
Related topic: DOGs and plasma screens (Score:5, Informative)
I just wish they'd stop cluttering *my* screenspace.
Bug (Score:1, Informative)
Bugs, Dogs and damage to TV screens (Score:2, Informative)
expanding this a little.... (Score:5, Informative)
But if we're going to gripe about pollution, Big Oil, and the like, we should be using DPMS. It's not tightly linked to APM or ACPI, or other power-saving features. It's right there in X.
For my example, in
"/usr/X11R6/bin/xset s noblank s 200 60"
"/usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms 300 1800 2400"
The first line puts the good old X screensaver into action, and the second line handles DPMS. The three DPMS numbers are the times when progressive power savings kick in. By having these lines in the xdm configuration, you get the screensaving features even at the xdm or gdm login. (Gdm symlinks to Xsetup_0, I don't know about kdm.) By the time the third powersaving mode kicks in, your tube uses about as much current as a night light.
The flipside of burn-in is cathode poisoning. That happens, or happened, when the tube is blanked, but still active. I don't know if it's still a problem with modern tubes. But it takes so little to avoid, why not. That's why I kick the X screensaver in, and turn off blanking.
Screensavers (Score:5, Funny)
Re:You are on crack (Score:1)
Re:You are on crack (Score:3, Funny)
Re:You are on crack (Score:1)
Re:You are on crack (Score:1)
I have the same burn-in pattern from Seti@Home and I haven't smoked crack in years...
Are we geeks for running Seti@Home 24x7 and watching the silly bar graph? Well, yes we are...
Re:You are on crack (Score:5, Informative)
Note that the shape of the burn in matches that big, bright blue diving bar thing in the SETI@HOME screensaver screen capture.
correction/clarification (Score:1)
replace diving with dividing
SETI cause of monitor Burn-in (Score:1)
Re:SETI faster in the dark (Score:2)
Re:SETI cause of monitor Burn-in (Score:1)
Visit a Computer Retro store (Score:1)
Even our 36" Sony WEGA says it will burn-in when used with video games too much... and that's a CRT.
LCD burn-in fears (Score:4, Funny)
Top two images most often burned into monitors: WinNT/Win2k "Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete for a secure login." and the BSOD. :-)
Re:LCD burn-in fears (Score:1)
Try finding some webcam of a computer lab and watch the MPEG timelapse video. Then make funny noises with your mouth as the NT login boxes flying around when teh room is dark.
Yes Virginia there is a Burn In (Score:1)
Burn in. (Score:4, Funny)
Um... (Score:1)
P.S. Be aware that photographing a CRT isn't too accurate unless you can manually adjust your exposure... Otherwise, you'll get the scanning emitter making it look weird - like yours.
I got it! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I got it! (Score:1)
Re:I got it! (Score:1)
if only I could turn off that darn amber LED that says it is sleeping...
Duct tape is fairly opaque. Hopefully you can tell when it's on, so you don't need the green light either.
Re:I got it! (Score:1)
Re:I got it! (Score:2)
Re:I got it! (Score:1)
What a waste (Score:1)
Since you worried less about your total units completed than about having a 'cool' screensaver, this is the price you pay.
Burn In = Security (Score:1)
Of course, you have the undesirable type of burn in. Here's an idea. Take that screenshot of SETI@HOME, reverse the colors, and make some lame VB app to make that the screensaver (be sure to adjust your monitor so that the screensaver lines up perfectly with the burn in). And, from here on out, don't use the GUI version of SETI@HOME...it's terribly inefficient. Use the console version instead.
Or, just sell the monitor to some lamer, claiming the burn in is from the next-generation Trinitron apeture grille in the monitor, for a jacked up price.
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:5, Funny)
NOTE: These instructions should not be done by anyone with an IQ under 100. This will damage your monitor! That's the whole point! Permanantly! In fact, no one should ever do this. Except maybe cats. Cats are weird like that.
1. Boot into a console (or DOS on a differently-abled system) I think you Mac users are out of luck (yet again), seeing as you can't exit your GUI.
2. Write a batch file or script or something that clears the screen and puts out ANSI codes for high intensity white, and your message wherever you want it on the screen.
3. Open up your monitor*. Find the flyback transformer. It has a big red wire coming out of the top of it most likely. That red wire has 20,000 or so volts running through it, be careful, it bites.
4. That transformer likely has two adjustment knobs on the side of it, which probably have screwheads for phillips head screwdriver. They are called focus and screen adjustments, they are variable resistors.
5. Use whiteout to carefully mark the original position of the focus and screen. If you don't know which is which, it's OK, you will find out as soon as you turn one of them.
6. Slowly and carefully turn one of them while the monitor is running*, and make sure you can see the screen. If it goes out of focus, you have the wrong one. Slowly turn it back to your white-out marked position. If it gets brighter or darker, that's the one you want.
7. Turn up the front panel brightness all the way. Then turn the screen knob up slowly until the black part is pretty light too. The white text should be extremely bright right now, and may bloom some. Don't turn the knob up so much that the X-ray protection kicks in*. If the CRT turns off, you went too far, dipshit. Try rebooting the monitor if you didn't fry anything.
8. Once you have the black level so it is pretty bright, and the text is nice and bright but not blurred out completely, let that thing sit for a few hours. Keep an eye on it, but don't hang out in front of it, X-rays, remember?
9. Try turning the monitor off and see if the phosphers are cooked yet. If you can see the text with the monitor off, then you have succeeded.
10. Undo all the changes you made to the settings. Put the cover back on. Any leftover screws are a bonus from the Gods. Sell the monitor to your enemy, etc.
*In case you havn't noticed, if you screw up, you might die. This whole thing is dangerous for someone who doesn't know their way around electricity. Don't be a dipshit, and don't do this on a monitor you don't want to destroy. In fact, just don't do this... ever!
Oh BTW... to the original poster, you can't reverse burn in by displaying a reverse image. All you will do is burn the rest of the phosphers to the same darkness as the burned ones, and your monitor will get too dark to use sooner.
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:1)
2. Solution?
3. Burn in other elements and call it modern art!!! Then, sell it!
4. PROFIT!!!
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:1)
We can't?
I wonder what this strange console-like white text, black background, full screen, no-quartz, tcsh shell I get when I login as ">console" is then.
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:1)
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:1)
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:4, Interesting)
Even on old world machines (beige G3 etc) Mac OS X ignores the GUI code in the ROM as it is a completely different architecture (QuickDraw rather than Quartz) and it would be pretty impossible to use from a Unix environment anyway.
Logging in as >console drops you into a text console. No GUI. Is that so hard for you to believe? If you hold down command+v, Mac OS X will boot in verbose mode ie. it dumps pages of text to the console just like linux does. Command+s will boot you into single user mode, which is sh with nothing else running and / mounted as read only.
Here's a trick: install XFree86, login as >cosnole, run startx. No Apple GUI code in sight. Hell, if you had half a clue you'd know that Apple releases Darwin free without Quartz et al. The console is all you have unless you install XFree86.
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:1)
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:1)
Re:Burn In = Security (Score:1)
Wrong about the mac users again. At the GUI login screen, just enter '>console' as the username. Your immediately dropped into a console.
OT: grammar nazi (Re:Burn In = Security) (Score:1)
Your immediately dropped into a console.
My immediately? I didn't know I had one, or even that anyone could possess an adverb. However, maybe the DMCA changed that.
Re:OT: grammar nazi (Re:Burn In = Security) (Score:1)
Sue them! (Score:1)
SETI has a built in option (Score:4, Informative)
Re:SETI has a built in option (Score:1)
It's better that way (Score:3, Insightful)
Burn-In Image (Score:2)
Yeah, I can just make out a breast, hmm, two.. hold on - there's four!
Definitely Yes (Score:4, Insightful)
The bottom line is that it probably doesn't matter if you leave the same thing up for a little while, but the screen should definitely be blanked/turned off the it isn't going to be used for any significant period of time - say, a half hour or more. Besides eliminating the problem of burn-in, simply turning the display off when it isn't in use will save a significant amount of energy.
Hmm (Score:1)
Re:Hmm (Score:1)
Damned company logo. (Score:3, Insightful)
My company recently went over to big-brother-esque screen savers that rotate through the company mission statement. The funny thing is that they decided to put the company logo in the exact same spot on every slide, so it's now burned into my screen. Lovely.
Re:Damned company logo. (Score:2)
Happens on the best of them. (Score:2)
I'd always been told from monitor vendors, engineers, everyone down the line that burn-in was a thing of the past, but don't believe the hype. It's not going to happen in minutes, my guess is that she probably went on vacation and left it or something. But then, that box jumps around, so I'm unsure what it really is. Perhaps she just left it logged in with a window there for a week.
But regardless, it's not impossible.
Hmmm. (Score:5, Funny)
Until recently you didn't believe in CRT burn-in, but you became a believer while looking for freaking space-men?
Your system of beliefs is totally fucked.
Re:Hmmm. (Score:2)
Yeah, uh huh! You got it straight now.
However, I just can't emphasize enough that it's "freaking spacemen" that I'm looking for-- not your average, easy-going spacemen.
TFTs have similar problems (Score:2, Interesting)
I talked about this topic with a product manager from Samsung who told me that current panels are far less affected by this problem compared to the panles available one or two years before, but I wouldn't be surprised if the problem is even present in current products.
Yes, screen burnin still exists. (Score:1)
The worst are computers with login screens that have no screen savers or screen blanking functions. These ALWAYS end up burned in at my work (in this case with the novell client) because people get lazy/forgetful about turning the screen off.
Why not keep your tv on all the time too?? (Score:1)
My Dopey Inlaws (Score:1)
My Dopey Inlaws (who have never heard of Slashdot) bought an expensive rear projection TV and burned in the Fox News logo and "Live" in the upper left corner.
They left it on all day every day... to entertain their parrot.
Now, they did not think the parrot was a news junkie. That just happened to be where they usually left the channel set when they got up from watching TV.
Re:My Dopey Inlaws (Score:2)
Damn shame.
Burn In, and leaving monitors on (Score:1)
Once I tried turning off one of the monitors to admire the screenburn. When I turned it back on I couldn't get the display timing to lock, and just saw a highly corrupted picture that cycled. The monitor wouldn't work again until it had been switched off for half an hour.
I don't know if turning it off affected its lifespan, but it was definitely buggered until it cooled.
Yes it can still happen (Score:2)
Degauss (Score:1)
Re:Degauss (Score:2)
Phosphor burn-in is the result of the fact that the phosphors (the things in the monitor which light up when an electron beam hits 'em) will lose brightness when they've been worked for a while. If they've been worked disporportionally, like to display a light colored logon box in the middle of a dark screen, then you might get an "image" of burned-out phosphors sitting amongst the non-burned ones.
Um? (Score:1)
Must be some propoganda campaign by monitor manufacturers in america, or something.
Oh yeah, it's still around (Score:2)
One day, a video crew came to shoot some tape of our execs for some promotional video or something they were putting together. We didn't have a really cool backdrop, so we were asked to set up the plasma display and just put a huge company logo on the screen, and the talking heads would have that behind them.
The shoot went almost all day. When they left, I went in to take apart what we rigged up for them. When I powered off the plasma display, I was startled to see that the company logo had burned in.
If memory serves, the burn-in faded a bit over time (with further use of the unit) and was no longer noticable-- this happened after the roadie case finally showed up, but the client changed their minds and tried to weasel out of the expense and stick us with a display we didn't need.
holly sh*t ! (Score:1)
man, did you get *Delled*