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Ask Slashdot: Does your Employer have an OSS Policy? 150

osjedi submitted this tidbit for your toughts: "I have heard from a few people that the companies they work for have issued a statements to the IT departments stating that they are forbiden to utilize any open source software. Obviously this is short-sighted. I would be interested to know from fellow Slashdoters what stance (if any) their employer has taken regarding the use of OSS. I would like to compile a list of the companies forbiding the use of OSS. It would be fun to create a "Open Source Users" stock index, and a coresponding "Open Source Refusers" index." It would be interesting to know which companies actively promote Open Source as these might be good places for those OSS Coders who are currently looking for day jobs. What do you all think?
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Ask Slashdot: Does your Employer have an OSS Policy?

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  • by EvlG ( 24576 ) on Saturday September 18, 1999 @03:06PM (#1674838)
    Disclaimer: these opinions are my own, and are not indicitive of those of my employer.

    I work at Ericsson US (our design center is based in Richardson TX) and they are just beginning to understand the benefits of Linux. I installed it on my workstation, and use it here and there to get stuff done. We are split between NT and Solaris (with the NT people pusing it slowly but surely to replace Solaris), so I can't really use it for everything.

    The main problem is, many people (my group included) see Linux only as a cheap way to breathe life into older hardware. While we all know that Linux can run reasonably well on older machines, we also know that it just rocks on modern stuff. However, our design center is of the belief that if we want to run Linux, lets do it on some old hardware so we can save money. They aren't really looking at Linux as an alternative to other solutions with the same hardware; rather, they are looking at Linux as a way to put off buying new hardware.

    I see this as a problem in the community at large; many times we emphasize the ability of Linux to use legacy stuff. Perhaps we should put more emphasis on just how awesome Linux is on modern stuff.

    On a side note, I am definitely glad that my employer sees Linux as useful. Count Ericsson among the Enlightened :)
  • Alot of people in the Unix world don't see to understand that for Fortune 1000 companies especially. Adding a new platform to the mix after years of standardization is a huge decision. Their are several other factors to be considered. The biggest one a CIO wants is accountability. Who is accountable for bugs in the OS. Traditionally it has been a IBM or a Sun. With the "Open Source" movement that whole parigram is changed.
  • "I would like to compile a list of the companies forbiding the use of OSS. It would be fun to create a "Open Source Users" stock index, and a coresponding "Open Source Refusers" index."
    Ah yes black listing. Rarely popular, but as nearly as effective as boycotting in bringing about change. (The list of companies that embrace OSS would be a welcome document for many people, such as investors and job seekers.)

  • Do you mean in their proxy logs? Because you reading slashdot at work wouldn't show up in your employer's http logs.
  • A lot of companies are scared of OSS for a legitimate reason: They need a vendor to answer for any problems.

    First, I don't believe in this, so don't hurt me. I'm just trying to get you into their head so you can understand a non-OSS policy that doesn't need a religious foundation.

    For OSS: You can change the code yourself (or audit it) when there are problems without waiting on the vendor.

    Big company: Then we have to train people to know the code. And we feel obligated to audit the code to gaurantee some hacker (sic) didn't put a back door into it. Training is expensive.

    For OSS: Outsource your OSS support to a third party company. In other words, get a Linux support company to support your linux boxes.

    Big company: If they didn't write the software, how can they know it well enough to fix it? Linux support companies are too small to handle our large accounts.

    The company I'm currently working at kind of treat their vendors like black boxes. They send money and out pops a product. They aren't equipped (logistically and mentally) to dig into the code. I'm not saying that you have to dig into code to run Linux, but if something happens, a big company is not going to be content sending email to the package maintaner.

    The building I work in has more SUN guys (100 or so) crawling around supporting our SUN boxes than RedHat has employees, I think. So, I think the large company mixing with a small company thing is a legitimate argument.

    That said, having a strict non-OSS policy is stupid. That just falls into the "don't limit your options" category. My company has a come aways in the last couple years. Perl (gasp!) is being used and I know of a Linux box and someone hacking with MySQL. I see these as cracks in the non-OSS policy and instead of leaving the company, I'm staying to widen these cracks.

  • by FaxiS ( 19920 )
    Well, I'm the Network Administrator of a Medium Sized ISP, and speaking for all of here, we LOVE open source. It's great, I can't see how anyone could not like free stuff.

  • Correct me if I'm seriously misunderstanding this, but I don't see how buying commercial software gives companies someone to sue if something goes wrong. Most commercial software (say, NT) comes with a EULA that denies the licensee a right to sue. (OSS licenses also generally come with a clause stating that they are distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.) Sure, you can buy support contracts for commercial software, but you can also buy support contracts for OSS.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'm posting this as anonymous, not because I want to, but because I feel I have to.

    Last year we went from UNIX and VMS to NT. All workstations were removed from our desks. They were usally Sun SPARCstation LXs, 10s, or 20s or SGI Personal Iris 4D/30(/35), Indigos, Indys, or Indigo2s depending on the dept. and the job you did. The SGIs were generally used in the mechanical engineering departments and the Suns in the electronics engineering departments. Now everyone is stuck using Windows98 with crummy design tools. This cost a fortune... trust me. The place is horridly unstable and we have problems all the time. I'm on the system administration team and let me tell you it's a nightmare. We replaced 3 VAX 6000s,7 Sun 630MPs, and a Challenge S with NT. That in itself is disgusting. We are forbidden from using any OSS. They claim it's unreliable and unstable and there's no one to sue which is basically what my supervisor told me. The place is Unix free now. The management claimed they needed a "solution" to the aging computer equipment we had here... so they in their infinite wisdom *cough* went totally microsoft.

    The part that really jerks my chain today is that when they got rid of the old equipment they had it crushed and shredded. No one was allowed to have any of it. Knowing what happened to all those workstations and servers is sickening. I don't know why did it either. Selfish assholes.
  • by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Saturday September 18, 1999 @03:25PM (#1674848)
    Here's some general commentary after reading most of the posts that have appeared so far.

    "No Linux" /= "anti-Linux", or at least not necessarily. At the big scale it makes perfect sense for a company to limit the variety of systems its support staff has to deal with.

    Also, the entire phenomenon doesn't (necessarily) have anything to do with Linux and/or OSS. I once worked for a hugemongous company where the computing was mostly split between one mainframe per site vs. many departmental VAXen at the site. There was a never-terminating feud between them what wanted to get rid of the mainframes and them what wanted to get rid of the VAXen. (Among the support staff it was mostly a matter of friendly badgering, but among management it was apparently a matter of making and breaking careers.) The policy swung back and forth every few years, apparently as a function of who was retiring and who was moving up to fill the void.

    To elaborate on what another poster said: corporate bureaucracy is a pyramid. Five people want to move into that single slot above them. If you do what all the others do, you've got 1/5 chance of success. If you do something different, you can avoid the luck of the 1/5 chance, and rise or fall depending on how your decision works out. This undoubtedly accounted for a certain number of managers who pushed their company to all-NT, and will undoubtedly account for a certain number of managers who will push their company to all-Linux. In other words, sometimes it's a matter of internal politics rather than of technology.

    Never underestimate the power of salesmen bearing expense accounts. I've seen some incredibly stupid decisions made by people under salesmen's thumbs.

    The license worries may be based on lack of knowledge, but they aren't entirely unreasonable for all that. The Software Pwhatever Association has companies terrified about getting keelhauled over unlicensed software. (Irony is, the SPA behaves rather like pirates when they do catch an offender.) The only solution here is educating decision makers about the GPL and other OSS licenses. This should happen automatically as they start seeing their peers in other companies adopt OSS, but it would be nice to get a favorable precedent-setting court case or two behind us. (IANAL, but the good thing is, apparently, that the more companies start using OSS, the less likely it is that a court will strike the GPL down as a quirky, unsupportable document. The fact that Fortune 100 companies are buying in to it more or less gives it a Common Law status. Also, if big companies rely on OSS, it will be easier to raise money for any defense funding that may be needed in the future.)

    A number of posters have indicated that their management has swallowed the FUD hook, line, and sinker. This is another problem that should evaporate as more and more companies publicly acknowlege using OSS. How will the PHB reconcile "hacker's toy" with "Boeing uses it to design airplanes" ? (I'm sure the true PHB will pop his head into the Management Zone, but lots of other bosses will undoubtedly snap out of it.)

    BTW, thanks to everyone who has posted. This discussion has been a really interesting peak behind the curtains.

  • Some of the networking utilities in Windows were ported from BSD

    eg at (I didn't get a response from there just now, but it's cached at the author of ping writes "The folks at Berkeley eagerly took back my kernel modifications and the PING source code, and it's been a standard part of Berkeley UNIX ever since. Since it's free, it has been ported to many systems since then, including Microsoft Windows95 and WindowsNT."
  • What did they do with all the cool SGI boxes. I really just want an indigo case, to modify and stuff a pc in. Why would get rid of some nice boxen like those. Mail me if you can get me a workstation :)

  • by deeny ( 10239 )
    My company has a policy: I get to use open source. Hey, I even get to write open source software *while I work*. Of course, as a coder, that's really great!

  • by Anonymous Coward
    My now former employer (Friday was my last day, I start the new job the 27th.) had a *VERY* anti-GPL anti-BSD anti-redistribution policy. Linux was great, because it was cheap and they could make modifications to it and such.

    But the policy also stood that as soon as it entered the building, it wasn't allowed to leave it in any form whatsoever. In short, they wanted to change the license on everything to 'This is ours, you can't even look at it.' When I gently explained to them on Monday when I gave notice that I would be copying many patches and modifications that I made to floppy disk, they were livid. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! NO NO NO! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH ANY LINUX THAT CAME FROM HERE!! ANYTHING!!!"

    Now, pardon me if I'm wrong here, but I'd say that's overstepping their bounds a good bit, considering the fact that with their approval, I burned a Debian 2.1r2 CD for home so I could upgrade my system more easily than 'apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade'. (I'm on 56k.) Seems to me they're basically saying "we're nullifying all licenses and replacing them with our own." They told me I wasn't permitted to use software that I had brought in from home ever again, stuff that was licensed under the GPL and developed outside the company/state/COUNTRY. I politely told them that I wished them luck in enforcing that, but that would not be happening. Non-competition agreements are illegal. (they wanted me to sign a 4 year non-competition agreement.) Now they want me to obey verbal orders that effective immediately, I'm not allowed to work period because they have a copy of this software package? HA!

    Needless to say, I took it all with me. Both the software I developed at home, and the software that they used. And if they want to try and sue me, I say go right the fuck ahead. The case would be thrown out of court in a heartbeat. Just because they own a copy of something doesn't mean they own the copyright and licensing rights.

    Of course, the people there were so incredibly stupid, I'm amazed they know what a virus is; they spread Melissa all over the place on a weekly basis; they spread macro viruses in every direction with every email. They barely knew how to double click.

    And that was the technical staff. I show them a bash prompt and they ask me what's wrong with the server, and when will it be back up. And these morons want to do a nation-wide network with ciscos and descends and other items not suited for the task at hand. Not to mention running every NT machine they have on a single license for client, and a single license for workstation. There's three NT applications in the whole company that are legally licensed. And NT isn't one of 'em. And they think it's perfectly fine. Gods.

    Leaving those people was the best move I ever made. Anyone who thinks that just because it's in their building, they own the entirety of it, no matter what it is, shouldn't even be allowed to hire employees. Gods.

    I'm posting this anonymously simply because I want to see my last two paychecks. They owe me something to the tune of $1500. And something tells me I'm probably going to have to take them to court to get it.

  • by WSH ( 3746 ) on Saturday September 18, 1999 @03:34PM (#1674855)
    I work for a medium size engineering firm, Smiths Industries Aerospace in Grand Rapids, MI.

    We develop Flight Management Systems for various types of aircraft (if it's bigger than a Cessna, odds are the pilot isn't really flying the plane, after all). We've been a VAX/VMS shop for a long time, and we still do a fair amount of devel on that platform, but with the decline in PC prices and the increase in PC power, we've been searching for a new approach.

    Of course, the powers that be decided the future was in a Microsoft solution, but a number of us lowly engineer types were too revolted not to try and find something else. Solaris was the first choice, but since we write the majority of our code in Ada (no comments from the peanut gallery), we were limited in our choice of compilers between one by Rational and one by VADS. Well, neither of these produce very good code on the PowerPC considering how expensive they are.

    Too hasten to the point, someone had the bright idea of trying a GCC cross-compiler with NYU's Ada front end, GNAT. You wouldn't believe how much better code it produces (30% - 50% better) on our benchmarks. Now we're looking at a linux based development environment to go with it.

    I just goes to show how sneaky you have to be to get management to even try open source stuff sometimes. First you let them spend a pile of money on a poor solution, then you step in and replace it with a vastly better solution for -- what was that price again? -- oh, yes, for FREE. The suits are usually in such hot water at the time, they can't do anything about it anyway.

    All right so I said more than I had too, but it's a kind of interesting story, isn't it?

  • Well, I'd like to see an R3000 Indigo(I meant indigo not indigo 2) kick my Celeron @ 464's ass in just about anything.

  • MBNA, our second largest credit card company here in the US strictly forbids anything that is not provided from a manufacturer with a specific support contract.

    They're so strict that they have even banned perl because Sun/HP do not "officially" support it. Of course everyone in the UNIX department uses perl anyways :)

    This is probably confidential info actually, but they turned me down for a job, so I don't care :)
  • My bosses now consider Linux an officially supported production platform. It took a little bit of doing, but when I quietly replaced an NT server with my Linux workstation for proxy services our helpdesk stopped receiving proxy trouble calls. (The only feedback I received was that the proxy server had apparently "settled down.") After a couple of weeks of this I was told to put the NT server back "for the time being." After 2 days of problems with the NT proxy, I was asked to put my workstation back in as the enterprise proxy until I could wipe the NT server clean and install Linux onto it.

    This small "test" showed the higher-ups that Linux was capable, and that we were capable of supporting it. Because of the success with this, Linux is an officially supported platform here. We are preparing to put up a news server running Linux. We have a test Linux machine with Oracle installed which we hope to devote time to shortly. And I'm playing with some of the CD writing software for Linux on another machine so that anyone in my area that needs to burn CDs can do so. I'll probably have a document scanning machine in place within 6 months also.

    Hope this provides you with a little encouragement.
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb, my employer, has an absolute ban on OSS.

    This ban is rarely heeded.

    My opinion on this is intentionally not stated.


  • by Anonymous Coward
    As I am in academia, where researchers will buy their own computers and do whatever they like with them, we do have a bit of Linux in our department. However, the computing staff frowns upon it for the departmental servers.
    They say that "Linux is too insecure" because "Anybody can find holes in it by looking at the source, you gotta download new patches every week!" I did try to explain to one of the guys, using the analogy of cell phones. There are 2 ways to secure cell phone transmissions. One is to encrypt them. The other, more common one, is to make FM receivers on certain bands illegal! This despite the fact that any skilled person can make a radio, and plenty of old TV's still out there receive these signals just fine. All you do is send some poor kid to jail every now and then for being curious. He agreed that mathematically secure is the best security of all, but still said that obscurity is the best that they can do - nobody can catch all the bugs! Too much work! So our departmental servers will run on IRIX for quite some time.
    By the way, these people are pretty BOFH-ish. Six months I've been BEGGING them to get this one program I need on the departmental server working again. They won't do it. The libraries aren't installed right, and I don't have privileges to mess with anything. Isn't this the sort of thing that the microcomputer revolution was supposed to end forever? Screw you gaaahss, I'm going home.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you read the shrink-wrap license on any MicroSquish products, they guarantee NOTHING in great big capital letters.

    When (notice I don't say "if") their product fails and costs you money, you have NO recourse against MicroSquish.

    Historically, MicroSquish's policy w/r/t bug reports (including security holes) is to deny the problem, blame it on someone else, claim that the administrator isn't using it right, and then finally sell you the bug fix in a bundle with 500 or so new bugs and call it an upgrade.

    Compare this to Open Source software like Linux or Perl: The developers read the newsgroups and mailing lists, and bugs are reported and typically fixed within a week of the initial report.

    Unlike the anonymous herds of children mangling code in Redmond, OSS developers care about what they do, because they know that their reputation is at stake.

    As soon as Linux has a GUI and development environment that measure up to NeXTSTEP, I'll drop Macintosh and MicroSoft once and for all.

  • We often spend alot of time discussing the vendor side of this equation and what he or she has to win or lose in the high stakes game of corporate software.

    But what of the corparate software buyer, what does he or she have to lose turning to open solutions ?? Isn't the software cheaper... better.

    Well I guess I'd miss the wining, dining and junkets to that little conference in the Caribbean. Never under-estimate the power of a few rounds of golf at Pebble Beach.

    The answer is we of the open world need to add something... like 'Open Perks'!

    Made in the Dark

    First there was need, then specification, then a pair of tickets to the the Cetics game...
  • I've noticed my big boss generally dislikes linux and just about everything non-micro$oft, which for me really sucks since *I'M* usually the one that ends up having to deal with all the problems that come around because of it. (ie: when it crashes, it's not the boss that's fixing it...) My particular beef is with NT and SQL Server 7.0. I could write several pages on the problems I encounter.

    He even installed MS Proxy server/client instead of a good old run-of-the-mill gateway. In fact, he REMOVED our gateway to do this. Of course, it offers NO MORE FUNCTIONALITY than an IP masquerading gateway. Of course, Micro$oft didn't bother writing a client for anything non-windows, so all the linux boxes have no net access. Yup.

    Although, recently he's been softening up... I think it's partially due to my badgering and partically due to positive press. So my suggestion to you for losing clueless OSS policies based on M$ FUD is:

    -print up positive article, post them where people will read them.
    -exthol the virtues of linux, with figures to back it up.
    -calculate your overtime fixing stuff that breaks because it's a crummy product, add it to your real-world cost. That's a biggie.

    The result of this is we're keeping the damn MS proxy server, but we're also installing a gateway. Linux is also installed on one of our main server boxes. It's getting better :)
  • I am afraid to ask. So far, they have issued only one vague edict about not loading any "personal" software on PCs. Engineers seem to be pretty much exempt from that policy, which apparently only applies to "business PCs" and to software for the MS-Windows platform. All the members of my group have Linux loaded on our PCs, and our boss is aware of that fact. So is her boss. Whether they really know what that means, I cannot say and shall not speculate.

    Our I.T. department is a different story. The less they know about what we do and how we do it, the happier everyone is. Asking them about OSS would be like waking up a dragon to inquire if it wanted its claws painted a nice pastel pink. The answer might well be yes, but do you really want to know that badly?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    We use almost all MS products where I work. We almost never call MS for support, because, well, it's pointless. One of the people in my group had some problems with Visual InterDev. Called up MS (we have some standard support deal with them), they handed her to support's "most experienced" VI person. He had a couple months of experience. He couldn't answer the questions. And these were NOT difficult - after about 2 hours of tinkering, I found the answer, and I'd only been using VI for about a month at that point.

    If the whole "no OSS" thing were about support, then that'd have to mean "no MS software" as well. Because I haven't seen anything approaching a usable level of support from MS w/o paying unreal amounts of money.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I work at a large NASA intallation. At one point, we had a number of security breaches that involved "install and forget" Linux installations. Like any unadministered machine, they were wide open to exploit. This lead the site's chief PHB to look towards a "policy about this situation". The beurocracy translation is "ban this".

    Thankfully, calmer heads prevailed. It was pointed out that this was more of an administration issue than anything else. Some otherwise PHB-like people seemed to back this up and no policies were forthcoming.

    Of course, this did bring up the issue about how "safe" a Linux installation was for the average office worker. I've talked to other folks within the local IT community and some discussion towards an "approved, managed" Linux installation was done. I would much prefer this direction than the PHB-spawned alternatives.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Posting anonymously for obvious reasons.
    I work for a subsidiary of a large blue software company. We are crazy about Linux. We release products for it. However, one has to be VERY careful legally about source code.

    Using an open-source solution as part of a shipping product can be a dangerous thing, as we have no guarantee where the code came from, whether it violates patents, or whether it was blatantly stolen from someone else. By shipping it, we would open ourselves up to potential lawsuits if the above scenaria were true, and for those who scoff at that, trust me, our parent is a very big target with very deep pockets; there are those who would try.

    The other potential problem is tainting of developers; if we develop a closed-source program but I've looked at the source for a comparable open-source program, I'm jeopardizing the legality of our project.

    In light of the points mentioned above, our particular company has a very specific software acquisition policy whereby the legal team will approve specific downloads, especially those relating to our line of work.

    Please don't get me wrong; I live for open source software and have contributed to oss projects during my free life (before IP kicked in). However, labeling companies as lame or bad because they have a legal and financial responsibility to be careful in a potentially dangerous area is just foolishness. So many were quick to jump all over this topic, and those same people obviously have no idea what kind of issues actually surround software acquisition and use in the real world.
  • Hi, I'm a manager of a 20+ technical support staff at a large two-year college. I'm 40, hair down my back, gentle, sensitive, I like taking long walks, staring at the stars, listening to evil music like Rob Zombie and Rammstein, last-minute trips...

    Oops, sorry, wrong web page.... :-)

    Anyway, I have the opposite problem. Some braindead staff that give *ME* shit for suggesting the use of certain OSS packages and OSes. There's one of them who is a real Microsoft flunky let me tell you. He's going to pop a cork when I suggest we start support Star Office soon! We regularly get into arguments over *NIX versus NT.

    Anyway, we do (and have since the beginning of IT time) used OSS software heavily. One thing I love about it is often not mentioned, and it's not the saving of cash. As a college, we get some insanely low pricing from Microsoft through their Select 4.0 program, like Office Pro (not upgrade) for less than $50, so license costs aren't as big of a deal with us as if it cost us a few hundred a pop.

    But I don't care about the money for desktop software. It's billed to someone else's budget. What keeps me up at night is the difficulty in keeping accurate track of installed software with restrictive commercial licenses which make management of licenses a real hassle, let alone the legal liability issues for ME as the big guy if those ass holes at SPA come knocking at the door. Funny how corporate officers of companies are never criminally liable for actions of their companies but *I* have to be criminally liable if some idiot sneaks an install of some commercial package onto their office PC. But I'm ranting...

    So, best of "free" software (not just OSS) is that I can just install it as needed where needed and not worry about keeping strict track of who has it and who paid for it.

    But, back on topic, the idea of an OSS user register is great, but is not going to be easy to compile. As we've seen from previous posts, most people post AC and won't name names.

    As for *my* employer, you can certainly figure it out with a click or two, else you're a total idiot!

    (And no, I am not speaking for my employer in this forum....)

  • Turn them in to the SPA and Microsoft for piracy!

    (You can do this anonymously, with SPA at least.)
  • by Micah ( 278 )
    Unisys has stated that they have a policy of not using OSS.
  • With 180 FreeBSD servers here at Flying Crocodile, Inc. we better be!

    You can look at us at []

    Just a hint, if you apply for one of the "Technology" jobs, you have a better chance if your resume is in plain ASCII :)

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Dear Slashdot,

    Before encouraging the creation of an OSS blacklist and/or OSS enemies list, make sure the information you have is correct. No company would prevent the use of OSS software is non-development departments unless they produced software of simlar function internally.

    GPL software has and should be prohibited when proprietary software is being developed. There are a few lazy programmers in every company and the co-mingling of GPL source and proprietary source is not in a company's best interest.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    FedEx's CIO issued a "no Open Source" pronouncement some time back, which was followed by a brief flurry of managers insisting Linux be removed from various administrators' desktops. When it was pointed out that actually removing Open Source entirely would cost many billions of dollars and essentially shut down all operations for months or years, the policy was just sort of quietly ignored. Now Linux exists in test implementations, and one of the largest projects in the company is switching from tar to RPM for software distributions. The CIO hasn't said another word about the subject since, and there is no reference to it visible anywhere on the corporate intranet.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I had a stuffed Linux penguin in my office at MS this summer. Nobody cared. All of the GNU tools that come with your standard Linux distro (compiled for win32, of course) are available internally. You can check out Red Hat, Debian, SuSE, etc from the MS Library. My friend left NetBSD running on his workstation on the last day of work this summer :)

    The only problem I ran into with alternate OS'es was the fact that BeOS DHCP doesn't work with the internal MS DHCP servers.

  • by TheInternet ( 35082 ) on Saturday September 18, 1999 @04:52PM (#1674883) Homepage Journal

    This is a quite disturbing idea, but is also quite easy to solve -- in concept, at least. Compile a blacklist of anti-OSS/Linux companies. Give the list a prominent position on Slashdot. Mail the list around to opt-in participants on a weekly basis. Encourage mirroring and reposting of the list. I'm sure open source developers would be willing to participate -- Apache,,,

    What this will do is prevent talented inviduals from applying to the blacklisted companies. This scares the heck out of recruiters. They ability to attract new talent is based largely on how well the environment will suit their needs. And something this drastic would certainly attract mainstream media attention in fairly short order.

    Perhaps even Microsoft-only shops (no Solaris, Mac, Apache etc) would get dinged even more.

    But there would be some things to consider:

    1) Need to verify and rate the claims of anti-OSS situations. Moderators would be a must. Abuse of power could potentially be a problem.

    2) Make it clear that this is a positive thing. Explain how companies can take advantage of the benefits of open source, and get themselves un-blacklisted at the same time.

    3) Make it clear that you don't have to use /only/ open source software.

    4) Possibly inform/advocate OSS software that has commercial software qualities -- support contracts, shrinkwrapped packages, established support sites, sample code. Anything to ease the transition.

    I would be willing to lead this charge. If anyone is interested, contact me. Maybe we can start a list to discuss our options.

    Finally, I wonder how many of these companies are using open source software and don't realize it? If they're using Apache, Perl, Sendmail -- they're at least part of the way there, right?

    More statements on company sites noting the use of open source software [] couldn't hurt, either, could it?

    - Scott

    Scott Stevenson
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I lost a big consulting gig with a company with a DP budget around $200 million because I was using gcc (according to the manager who cut me off). He said that we couldn't use non-commercial tools because they weren't supported. I told him that he could find a support contract for gcc if he wanted too, and that the code was the same code he had just bought a commercial version of for $9,000 for his unix box. But he said that "We have to have standards", and I had violated them by selecting gcc, and I was out. But it was just hindsight butt-covering, an excuse to get rid of someone who knew what was going on. He didn't object when I told him I was going to use gcc, he only objected after his guy spent 2 months trying to port my ISO standard C++ that ran under Win 3.1 (DOS box) and Windows 32 with the exact same source to anything from the commercial vendors that would run under Win 3.1 and Win32. They couldn't make it happen, and that made the corporate standard tools look bad, so I was the bad guy for picking a compiler with good support for ISO C++ and STL and good portability. And the only brush he could find to tar me with was 'unsupported free software'. I should have thought to ask him about the six guys sitting around me who were writing his mission-critical web site in Perl, but I didn't. I went home, raised my rates 50%, and had another gig within a week, delivering working code using OSS tools. As long as everything works, and the client is happy, OSS is fine. When a manager finds out that he has to get rid of the knowledgeable to cover-up his management mistakes, OSS is as good a sin as any.
  • by cmc ( 44956 )
    Uh-oh. Better ditch that Unix system. Chances are it uses GCC. Further chances are that it uses Apache if it's a web server.

    Hey! There's always NT and IIS.
  • by coredog ( 58532 ) on Saturday September 18, 1999 @05:06PM (#1674887)
    I look at the thread, and the subject appears
    to be why would a company have a "no OSS" policy?

    However, the thread quickly degenerated into
    "I use Perl and it works, NT sucks, blah blah blah"

    There were a few posts that mentioned what is the probable reason (IMHO) for the no OSS policy. A no OSS policy means that you have to get approval to install software. This lets legal check the license and avoid any problems where someone installs something that is not freeware in a corporate setting (Applixware anyone?).

    BTW, the subject was a poke at those who quickly
    took this thread off topic. Why not post some relevant comments about how to create a business case to get OSS software approved?
  • When you're supporting hundreds of desktops you don't want them installing -any- unathorised software. You setup an SOE and you want your users sticking to it. IE5 and Win98 are just as forbidden as Mozilla and Linux. But when you're the people who have to do the supporting it's the best tool for the job. Perl, gcc, fvwm, linux, *bsd, apache, ssh, samba, squid - if open source provides the goods we use them. The tools OSS provides for admins are just too good and too numerious to ignore. Actually we don't have a (strict) policy against installing unsupported software (unlicensed software is another matter) but if your machine needs work done the first thing we'll do is reinstall the SOE.
  • You know, there's no reason Red Hat couldn't sign a contract with a company such as your to accomplish the exact same thing. Say they agree to have X programmers "on call" if any piece of free software breaks. Something mission-critical breaks where you work, the Red Hat guys fly in and fix it, everyone's happy. Oh, and the fix would be GPL'd, so everyone else would benefit, too. Isn't open source great?
  • Ok, this could be the fact that it's saturday and I've had a couple of beers. Or it could just be that I feel like getting something off my chest and this is at least a slightly related place to vent it.

    (I really should post this anon but..)

    OSS can't make it mainstream because it just dosen't make enough work for people. With 98 and NT on the desktop and for servers you're practically guaranteed that your tech and MIS guys are going to have something to do every hour that they're willing to contribuite. With OSS they just sit there and live the dream of a future with less work. Unless they're good enough and motivated enough to hack on the software and improve it.

    One of the companies I've worked for has been running an SGI (not quite OSS but they're coming around) since 94 and a linux box since 93. The only time either of them have been rebooted (other than kernel upgrades..and that linux was still running a pre 2.0 kernel last time I checked) was when they had to be physically moved from one room to another! On the other hand at the proding of the marketing manager MIS tested the viability of moving the website from that SGI to an NT server.

    The NT server required constant babysitting. Several reboots a day because it would hang, and nothing but broken promises when it comes to the ease of developing web based applications. The day I tought the admin of that machine how to program in perl for the SGI he practically unplugged the NT machine and started filling out the return forms! He coulden't belive how much simpler it was. Of course he came from a tradional CS background rooted heavily in Unix.

    Then again even the desktop designer who came from a Mac background and was a diehard GUI fan admitted it was easier than working with ASP on the NT machine.

    Ok, I'm rambling and not making sense anymore (or so I'm guessing) so I'll cut it short. Bye bye karma for this one.
  • I just started working for a large (publicly traded) ISP in the silly-con valley. They are mostly an NT shop with lots of Solaris. Their main applications run on Oracle/Solaris servers and some of their smaller apps run on NT, including file and print. As it is an ISP, every engineer has an Ultra on his desk running Solaris. Their current policy disallows any use of Linux as Linux is currently unsupported and they're afraid of people installing it and leaving it wide open for crack attempts. On the other hand, on my first day at this organization a Sun Ultra10 landed on my desk that was fully loaded with gcc, perl, blackbox WM, The Gimp, and a variety of assorted libraries. I've since installed bash and some other stuff. I'm pretty sure that all of the other engineer's workstations have as much or more OSS as well. The main reason that they choose not to allow Linux is that one or two user's unsupported machines have been cracked in the past and used as a jumping off point for other attacks. A part of my responsibility in the organization is helping them develop IT policies, I plan to lobby to not only allow Linux on the network, but to provide support for it as well. I don't expect to encounter much resistance provided security is improved to the point where the PHBs feel comfortable about it. It's pretty ironic that they do feel comfortable with NT though.
  • I use a personal "cheat sheat" for selecting my ISP.
    Rule 1. Must use an open source operating system [preferably Linux thow BSD works really well just hard to find an ISP that uses it]
    Rule 2. Small ISP.. It's a support issue... Usually Linux/Unix questions get forwarded to a SysAdm on a small ISP and go unanswered on a larg ISP. At least thats my limited experence.

    I would recomend NOT doing busness with a company that forbids open source. Now if a busness allows open source and dosn't use any OSS thats ok as long as the people responsable for picking the best solution are allowed to pick the best solution reguardless of hype and fud.

    Simply put the consummer shouldn't pay for the short sightedness of a manager who really shouldn't be interfearing with the jobs of the people who accually know what is or isn't reliable.

    This reminds me of other situations where an expert is told how to do his/her job by someone who dosn't really know that job.

    Anyway I think it's a good idea to get busnesses to sign some sort of agreement saying they will NOT ban open source software and avoid companys known to ban open source software.
  • The company I work for, Webb Interactive Services (NASDAQ:WEBB), is getting heavily into Open Source. We're now officially sponsoring the Jabber [] Open Source, XML-based instant messaging system. We hired Jeremie Miller, the founder and lead designer of Jabber, to keep designing Jabber, and we're committing development resources to the project as well. (I'm working on it, in fact.)

    Our press release is here [], and we have an additional page of background information here. []

    "Free your code...and the rest will follow."

  • I work at an Internet banking company with a technically strong and extremely clueful development team. We use open source software in as many roles as possible, and mandate its use in any security-critical role unless no suitable open source product is available.

    The reason's not hard to guess: We must assure ourselves that anything we use, we can examine from source to determine security risks. We've been known to submit bugfixes to Perl, NetBSD, etc.

    To hell with crackpot theories of avoiding liability -- we're trying to avoid getting hacked in the first place.


  • Speaking as an employer, and as part of a company that shipped Windows-based products, we probably do what a lot of small companies do - use Free software extensively internally but ship products containing nothing but proprietary code (as that's where the money is)

    The point is, companies that do use free software should recognise their debt to the Free software community and contribute back to it. Human nature being what it is, though, I suspect a lot of companies will just take take take and not Do the Right Thing and give the appropriate amount back to the community. We do what we can, because we don't want to live in a world dominated by BSOD's (I hate to think how much of my life has been wasted because of Microsofts policy of shipping shoddy code).

    Also as an employer, when we're hiring coders (which we always are, so mail if you're interested) we'd take people with C and Linux over someone with C++ and MFC anyway....
  • As a contractor I have dealt with a few companies of not small size.

    A vast amount of users use windows at home or in their past jobs. They almost invariably believe that they would prefer to be using Windows. One major reason is becouse they feel that they can 'control' windows. With its fonts and screen colors. Whereas Unix is 'unfreindly'.(We all know this should be falshood if the admin is worth his salt)

    Some of these companies that use Unix primarily, both as servers and workstations, select there IT members based upon there abilties. But they also decide whether these would be IT's would 'give the party line' (Unix) or whether the prospective employe think the company should do something diferent. Like Netware or NT, in which case they are not hired.

    I see this as evidence that the people in control wish thier technical crew to preach the party line no matter what it might might be.

    Becouse Unix is, at the moment, on the defensive this means this is very important to Unix biased IT departments.

    In the future, I believe that it may well be the NT biased departments that may well be on the defensive and holding tooth and nail to thier NT boxes and banishing anyone who speaks heresy.

    Or maybe that is what we are already seeing......

  • The company I'm currently contracting for and planning to work permanently for is extremely OSS friendly. All of our servers are Linux or OpenBSD and all but two of the desktops are Linux. When we are evaluating software to use, being open source gives it bonus points as the management grasps the fact that OSS provides long term viability and increased security. But wait, that's not the best part - the management encourages us to open-source software which is written in-house as long as it is general and doesn't give the company a competitve advantage. They let me open source my PHP to Java [] bridge that I wrote and they've given me the go ahead to open source some other stuff that I will when I get some free time.

    Anyway, we have an opening for a full time developer. If you're in the Boston area and you have have experience with Java, SQL, and Unix/Linux and an interest in statistics email me with the URL to your resume.

  • When I read that, I was very surprised that a
    company would have a policy *against* OSS. I'm
    used to having an official policy that we'd
    always use OSS options whenever feasible.

    But I've only worked in web-related start-ups, and
    under those circumstances you have some special
    development priorities:

    • You don't know a priori what you'll need,
      partially because business directions change
      so quickly, so tools better be modifiable.
    • You have to have a really short time to the
      first prototype, and then on to the release.
      You'd better not be waiting for that vendor
      to fix that bug; you only have 48 hours left.
    • It has to be easy to discard a tool that
      doesn't do what you want; the lack of licensing
      costs makes it cheaper to try out a few.
    • You generally don't have much money, so a free
      license is better. Development costs typically
      swamp this, but every bit helps.

    Of course, these rules also tend to guide us to
    use other rapid-development tools like Java and
    Perl. When development time and development costs
    dominate, these things are vital.

    Also, if you're planning on releasing your mods
    and original software when you write it, it makes
    re-usability between projects easier. Let's face
    it: start-ups don't have a 100% success rate.
    If you can easily make your next attempt more
    likely to succeed, it can be great in the long run.

    As I'm less familiar with other domains of
    business, I won't speculate on OSS importance
    there. But it's great when you're small and fast.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    I've been at Microsoft for almost 5 years now, and I've never seen anyone take an anti-OSS stance. You use the best tool for the job. Since my fingers were trained to use emacs before coming here, I still use GNU emacs (there's a good NT port of it).

    The group I work in (in Research) consists of almost all former Unix people. Some people still have a free unix box of one sort or another, but most just run NT because (as long as you're not a zealot) it can run all your unix stuff just fine. I can't think of a unix tool I want that isn't available for NT. And contrary to slashdot FUD, NT 4.0 hasn't crashed on me since I installed it... several years ago. (I'll admit 3.51 crashed on me once or twice)

    The one thing we were told, however, was not to look at the mozilla code after Netscape freed it (we can run Mozilla if we really want to - yeah, right, like we would - but we can't look at the source). This is because the lawyers are worried about Netscape suing us or something. I can understand this policy.

    Oh, and the usual disclaimer: this post is entirely my own personal opinion, I don't speak for Microsoft.

  • When I started at my present job the network admin above me decided to use Linux instead of NT for a firewall solution. He personally knew very little about Linux but got his brother to setup a Linux-based firewall on a 486-100 with 16 megs of RAM. That was how OSS began its infiltration into our IT dept. where NT was already entrenched. Since then I've upgraded the firewall and it runs firewall, Web, Squid, primary DNS, transparent proxy, and internal routing for our entire network. I've cannibalized retired Pentiums that either served as old user machines or Netware servers and brought them back into service as a RADIUS client/RAS dialup, MySQL server, a "multimedia" machine that permits remote access to the CD burner, scanner, and PCMCIA flash memory cards, and a development machine being used by several programmers for a new development project. We recently purchased a new Linux server to be our VPN server using a commercial VPN server solution and are leasing 3 more large servers which will be running Linux for Web and development. Though NT is entrenched for file and print serving , PeopleSoft, and Exchange is being used for e-mail, Linux has made tremendous in-roads and it certainly isn't "banned." The company is feeling the sting of a huge IT investment over the last 3 years (after many years of putting very little money into IT) and I'm sure they support whatever solution works well and saves money.
  • Interesting exchange with my manager this past week:
    "VNC - it does *this* - and you mean it's FREE?!"
    "Of course! What else would I be doing downloading it?!"

    Talk about a meeting of the mentalities... :)
  • If employees can't utilize any OSS software, then
    find any use of OSS software by the organisation
    (either internally or externally) and disable it:
    Bind, sendmail, apache, squid etc.

    Bean counter: why did my email bounce?
    IT person: your mail would have been accepted
    by an OSS product, which we are not allowed
    to utilize.

    Bean counter: why can't I surf the web anymore?
    IT person: all of your hostname -> IP lookups
    were being served by an OSS product, which we
    are not allosed to utilize. Sorry.

    Wait 7 days. Policy will change.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I work for FORE Systems, and we both use and *create* OSS software. A number of people there have been using Linux on PC's to replace Sparc Solaris workstations. We use GNU tools to build many of our projects. In the past we've used BSD OS in our products.

    A number of OSS projects have spawned from the company. One of them is CONS [], a wonderful replacement for make that we use internally for many of our projects. Another one is the Net::SNMP [] Perl module.

    Please note the license terms for these packages. They have the usual "use at your own risk" licenses.

  • Free software? Try to get MS to send you the code for ping. Just because it was free when they took it, doesn't mean their version is free. To the kind of management that will outright forbid free software, this is probably proof that MS has made sure it's "commercial quality", like all other MS products.
  • Have you looked at GNUstep []? It's not finished yet, but it's moving along quite well and should be ready for real use sometime in the first half of next year. Hopefully.
    With that, you have a GUI that measures up to Next, and a development environment that should be close, though some tools might be missing, I don't know what NeXT has/had in the way of tools that isn't being cloned.
  • It sounds to me like some propaganda people at M$ have been busy feeding fud to the suits at these companies. Telling them lies about how linux is unstable or untested or insecure, whatever. The typicaly BS that you'd expect from Redmond. Unfortunately suits are typically clueless except when it comes to pushing paper, so they don't know any better. They don't understand that Microsoft has a lot to lose and therefore every reason to lie. Not that Microsoft would need much of a reason anyway. If your work won't let you use the best tools for the job, start sending your resume around. When you leave, let them know the reason. It might not change anything at that company, but at least you'll have your self respect.
  • I work for Indiana University's Unix Workstation Support Group. As you can imagine, we use a lot of open-source software. There's no official policy about it, but the unwritten practice is to use it whenever possible. We compile OSS packages for all the operating systems we support and distribute them on our FTP site []. Also, we support Linux. (In fact, I'm the lucky Linux support specialist. ;) ) Ah yes, and many of our campuswide production servers run Linux. ;)

    In October, I'm going to work for Vovida [], which not only uses open-source software but makes it, exclusively. If you're interested in Linux telephony, you should check them out.

    Beer recipe: free! #Source
    Cold pints: $2 #Product

  • This is a terrific idea. The basic problem, as Scott points out, is that there could be serious abuse of the blacklist. Most companies have no chance of controlling all of their pointy-haired middle managers, so the company could end up blacklisted just because of one person, even though their "official" policy might be reasonable.

    So let's give companies a really easy way to get off the blacklist: they can put an "Open Source Friendly" icon on their web page. I'm imagining something like a penguin holding hands with or hugging a baby gnu (the BSD daemon won't go over with the Christian Right, sorry), with a caption reading "Open Source Friendly." The icon links to *OUR* page, which explains the pledge that the icon represents.

    I think that this will work wonders. Recruiters are extremely sensitive to issues like this, and "Open Source Friendly" (and the icon) will start appearing on recruitment advertisements very quickly. Hiring managers will quickly learn that if they're not "Open Source Friendly," their chances of filling positions will decrease dramatically.

    I volunteer to draft the wording of the web page. Anybody want to host it? GIMP the icon?

    - Eric Strovink
  • Big Company: Can RedHat supply 100 people to this one location, without having to wait a year them to be trained? Do they have a long term reputation for reliability? RedHat just IPO'd a couple months ago! How can they be relied upon. They are a babe in the woods compared to SUN.

  • No - we want them to do their real work and not fuck up their system. Actually in practice the egnineer and programmers install what ever the hell they want and very rarely (relativly speaking) call for support. Even the most technical company has alot of non technical auxcilary staff.
  • Wait three years. Red Hat will be comparatively solid and mature at that point.

    Yeah, there probably will be a shortage of Linux developers. But I don't necessarily think anyone here needs to be too upset about that...

  • The company I work for uses OSS software (Linux, PERL, Samba, etc.) as the company standard for servers, as well as laptop OS for the coders (Most of us would have loaded Linux anywayz ;) They recognize the power and felxibility (not to mention low cost) of using OSS software.
  • At the company I work for, I work network operations overseeing over 1000 deployed Linux machines. All running Redhat 5.2 with some of our modded out web serving software.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I work as a Systems Administrator for a mid-sized firm. Except for one site
    that uses Unix boxen (commercial and Linux) extensively, the company uses mostly
    Monoposoft Windoze.

    I recently proposed to the IT Director that we put Linux servers in at all of
    the presently Windoze-only sites for file and print sharing and for email
    servers. I explained that this would be relatively inexpensive and that, in my
    experience, the servers would be fast and reliable. I also illustrated how I
    could easily remotely administer the servers. Even from home or on the road.
    Including software updates. Without reboots in the vast majority of cases.
    (That one really got his attention :-).)

    Then I showed how, if the WAN link to a particular site went down, I could dial
    in to the server on the far side--allowing me to take a look at the problem
    from both sides. And if the down-time was projected to be long, could easily
    reconfigure the mail servers at both ends to use UUCP to get the mail flowing
    again. I easily got permission to "trial" the solution at one site, to start.

    Then when, as the result of Yet Another Windoze Problem, he recently grumbled
    about PeeCee down-time and hassles, I asked him "Do you really want to know how
    to seriously reduce our IS costs?" He gave me kind of a side-ways look :-) and
    asked, "Yeaaahhh??" "Get rid of the damn Windoze PeeCees all over the place!",
    sez I. Reaction? Let me put it this way: he did not immediately dismiss the
    notion out-of-hand :-).

    Why is all the above credible to management? At the site with extensive Unix
    use the vast majority of support calls are Windoze PeeCee related. In
    comparison: better than 50% (conservative estimate) of the users are using Unix
    full- or part-time. And all of the truly complex, intensive work is done on
    the Unix boxes. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the light. And my
    IT Director is one pretty sharp dude. One not averse to "thinking outside the

    Needless to say: at the site where Unix is used extensively, quite a number of
    open source tools are used on a daily basis.

    My feeling is that any manager that blindly commits to any particular solution,
    regardless of the evidence, is not doing his or her job. IME, this is
    particularly a problem with the Windoze Everywhere mindset: it ignores reality
    in favor of dogma. Luckily for me, it would appear that my management is not
    hopelessly mired in such narrow-minded thinking.

  • Well, it could certianly kick its ass when
    it came to seeing who could swap the motherboard,
    powersupply, and disks fastest. 60 seconds vs.
    "you've got you case open!"

    And if we want to remove the hard disk, and
    toss our systems down a flight of stairs (or maybe just push it off a tabletop) and then put the disk back in and see which one will boot, I'd put my money on the indigo there as well.

  • With GPLed software, you can make any changes you want to it without releasing the code to the changes you've made... As long as you don't redistribute it.

    As long as all the work done is in house, and it isn't being resold, or sent to customers, you can make any changes you'd like.

    I'm kind of curious what would happen if you did take a copy of the modified software.. I doubt they'd be able to sue you, since they dont' own the license... But I'm not really sure, since they are simply in house changes.
  • Sounds to me more like he fired an 8 year old programmer.


    Zontar The Mindless,

  • I was once in an organization that had a policy that any desired software must be approved by the IT folks. If it was not freeware, it needed to be paid for. There was no specific prohibition against OSS. But the IT folks would not support anything but Microsoft products. You could use Linux, but you'd be on your own.

    We had two Linux boxes running in our office. One for standard ail and dialup, and another running an important application related to our mission.
  • For a company with all of 4 programmers as a side part of the business it doesn't do bad. As a development team we are free to use open source projects and contribute/submit to them as we feel it will benefit the company. The thing we use/contribute to the most is the YSLs ( but we are constantly looking into new projects.
  • I know where I work (and I know this isn't uncommon) my actual "boss" (who makes almost twice what I make, BTW) has no clue. About the summation of his computer skills is creating little reports in sql. He doesn't know anything about shit, he just wants to collect his check and go home.

    I've managed to "subversively" introduce linux in a number of odd capacities, without opposition (because he doesn't know what he's talking about).

    My advice is this: if you can think of some service your company can use, that they aren't using because of whatever reason, look at what linux can do for you. then just install it.

    I happen to be a little lucky in this regard since we have a lot of older machines laying about (well, we did), and I have a lot of decision making power (see regarding clueless boss).

  • Besides having stuff back out into the OSS stream?

    You give a much worse solution - a _small_, _inexperienced_ company (IPO'd just now) will solve _everyone's_ problems, if only they'd move to Linux. Thanks alot, I'd rather stick with that big black box (Sun/IBM/whatever's working right now). Remember - the right tool for each job, and if Solaris is working for them right now, why should the organization move to another platform (and shift their support paradigm ever so slightly)? Just to feed some movement that isn't really generating any revenue for them? Don't kid yourself; the "savings" in moving to Linux will easily be swallowed in the costs of adapting it (not to say retraining all those admins, downtime due to misadministration etc.).
  • It truly disgusts me to read this. I'd just leave at the first opportunity - there's no shortage of work for Unix sysadmins, anywhere.
    (Unless, that is, you want to continue working in a "Unix free" environment, in which case stop bitching).
  • both - of course. Where you working with all these employees who're clones of each other?
  • Nonono..

    Do you guys have any idea the level of liability that would exist if /. were to host such a site? That is just not a good idea, IMNSHO.

    Better idea - Put up a list of OSS friendly sites, and provide a way for them to get ON this list.

    Please - let's accentuate the positive in life, not the negative..

  • There aren't many comments that point this out. Virtually every company already uses a fair amount of open source software, if they use email, domain names, or develop in C/C++ (most of the time). The OSS underlying most systems that is so pervasive that it gets taken for granted. Any effort to remove all OSS from a company would probably fail, because a) the systems would fail, and b) they couldn't find all the OSS in their system, anyway, even if they thought they had. Those who thought they were successful would probably be quite ignorant, and OSS would merrily continue doing work on their systems.

    Here's a good writeup of a world without free software [].

  • This is a very big issue for software development houses - using OSS code is risky, unless you're using a very "well known" source (e.g. the basic GNU libs, and stuff like the core Perl); otherwise, you can't be sure until it's been checked (which is a time- and money-consuming operation).
  • Oh, three years from now... Of course, in the computer world this is an entire generation.

    I agree though. In 3 years there will be plenty of companies ready to take on support contracts, even those with 100s of personel involved. Actually, I think there are plenty of companies ready for mid-size contracts, 10 or less dedicated people, today. The problem is that htey haven't been around long enough and proven themselves enough for Big Companies to deal with them.

    Now if SUN, or more likely, IBM, starts contracting Linux support...

  • Good point. Let's turn it around, then: the icon still means Open Source Friendly, but we maintain a "good guys" list only. Any ideas how to promote this widely, other than the usual newsgroups/mailing lists?
  • I would like to compile a list of the companies forbiding the use of OSS. It would be fun to create a "Open Source Users" stock index, and a coresponding "Open Source Refusers" index." It would be interesting to know which companies actively promote Open Source as these might be good places for those OSS Coders who are currently looking for day jobs. What do you all think?

    From what we're hearing in this thread most companies will allow OSS to be used. Is this what is meant by "actively promote Open Source"?

    It seems like there are several overlapping types of "active promotion" that would be possible.

    An organization tolerates the use of OSS. From what we're hearing, this is most organizations.

    An organization actively encourages OSS to be used. Such an organization would have a statement of policy which encourages and fosters OSS use and development. This would be similar to what the Clinton Administration has just announced [] (This link is the Slashdot story that references a story in Federal Times Online, the "topstory.html" link at Federal Times Online that it refers to has changed and this story doesn't seem to be referenced in their on-line archives. Is this story still on-line anywhere? I couldn't connect to this morning to check there).

    An organization not only encourages OSS, but releases software that they have developed as Open Source, or perhaps unencumbered Freeware that could be re-released as Open Source when modified by the Open Source Community. There are many examples of companies like this, IBM, SGI and Cygnus come to mind immediately, but there are certainly a lot of others. There are many issues related to almost-Open Source releases, software essentially Free-to-use and modify, but you don't have the same license on the modified software that you had on the original. This is the model with Sun/Star Office/SCSL. I'm not sure if this is "active promotion" of OSS, but it's in some ways supportive of the goals of OSS.

    Organizations that release only Open Source. These are relatively rare. The Linux distribution vendors (RedHat, SuSe, et al) are examples. The FSF is the archetype.

    If you wanted to promote OSS through investment funds or boycotts, you would have a lot of different things to consider.

    Some seem to believe that OSS is not only the most socially conscientious, but also the best business model. The idea is that a company that releases only OSS is going to be the best able to support it and will be the best able to take advantage of any community modifications that are made. Such a company gets the best software to sell, and has to keep sharp in it's support and updates or it can be overtaken by others with the same business model. At this time, this would be a somewhat speculative investment, I think, as it's largely untested as a business model.

    I note Cygnus seemed to have has as their original business model to only support OSS, but lately they have been making Closed Source releases. This may be saying that Cygnus has determined that supporting OSS only is not a good business model, or it may just have been due to insecurity in Cygnus' management with the business model. I'd sure like to hear something from "the Open Source leader" (which is what Cygnus calls themselves) about this. Of course, if Cygnus learned this through market research, they may not be willing to share their analysis with potential competitors.

    A different case can be made for investing in only those companies that allow or even actively encourage the use and release of OSS. This is a risk-adverse investment policy based on the observation that if an organization is unwilling to take advantage of the great store of value in OSS, then they will not compete as well.

    Similarly, an OSS coder may have a difficult time finding employment at the "purist" OSS supporting organizations - those that only develop OSS software - the FSF and Linux distribution vendors only have so many jobs available, after all. Perhaps in the future, there will be more such options. Today, such a coder may wish to set their standard at no "OSS forbidding companies" (of course), or somewhere between this and the "pure" OSS supporting organization.

    This brings up another potential competitive advantage to a "pure" OSS supporting organization. They might have more qualified applicants.

  • I work at a midsized manufacturing company, and the general IS policy is, if we don't have source, let's see if we can write it. One of the bigest requirements to the new MRP systems we are shoping for is that we get source license (i wish there was an OSS MRP system) we think we have found the closest to perfect MRP system. My boss (CFO) is so happy now that we can simply install staroffice all over the company.. he likes StarCalc better than excel 97.
  • My take on this disparity is that the word "support" means different things to executives and technical people. To the executive, "support" means "there is a phone number I can call about problems". To the techie "support" means "I can get the information I need to fix the problems I encounter". As I'm sure most of you know, the first doesn't necessarily imply the second.


  • At EST Inc. (the BRU guys) we have a simple OSS policy: If it's not OSS, you don't install it. Anything else requires special permission. The reason for this is simple: licensing. I don't want somebody bringing their favorite game from home and illegally installing it on their system.

    Of course, we're rather unique in that our workstations are Linux and our main servers are Linux (there's a database server running SCO Unix, but it's being phased out at the end of the fiscal year when we switch accounting software). Well, my own workstation dual-boots Linux and FreeBSD, but hey, somebody has to do it :-).


  • I know from personal experience that a LOT of software from what is probably the largest network hardware and software provider on the Internet (I'll give you a hint, their logo is a bridge in San Francisco) is OSS. CiscoWorks2000 includes Perl, TCL/Tk, Apache, and several other free applications. And what about things like sendmail and named that are inherently derived from OSS sources (sendmail, bind, etc)? Despite the changes that Sun/SGI/Compaq/etc make, are those to be considered verboten as well?

    What about a system using the offical version of RedHat Linux that was purchased for $50-100? Is this considered commercial because it was paid for, or is it considered OSS?

    I'm thankful I work for a company (a fairly large CLEC located in the midwest) who doesn't have any such policy. And if they tried to implement one, the network infrastructure would be down in a matter of minutes. Shut off the DNS servers, they're running Linux and BIND8. Shut down the web servers, a good chunk of them are using Apache. Shut down the email servers, because last I checked both sendmail and qmail were OSS. Any companies that do this have got to be just WANTING to shoot themselves in the foot, both technically and economically.

  • As preferable as it would be to focus on the positive, that's not really going to serve the purpose in this case.

    I'm sure we'd have no problem gathering up 350 pro-OSS companies in a few months' time. But no one would really read that. How much good would it do if police departments only kept records on law-abiding citizens? That's the wrong way to approach the problem.

    It's going to be far more useful and effective to have a list of say, 15 anti-OSS companies, rather than 350 pro-OSS companies, although the best situation is to have both.

    There are five interested individuals so far (including me).

    - Scott

    Scott Stevenson
  • Note that GNAT (the GNU Ada compiler) is used
    to develop a lot of critical systems. It is
    commercially supported and continuously improved
    by Ada Core Technologies (including PPC cross BTW). GNAT is free software, but support for
    it is not free (like it ough to be!), and this
    makes perfect sense in the Ada world where
    support for tools used to develop long lived
    critical applications is paramount.

    BTW, the latest commercial ACT demo took
    place in Brest (France) and there was
    a highly succesful presentation of the GtkAda software (Ada binding for GTK) that some ACT
    employees help to develop.

    ACT web site:, in Europe:

    Disclaimer: I worked on GNAT a while ago, and
    I use GNAT with support from ACT at work.
  • Every rule has an exception, especially in
    very large corporations likely to have these
    debate-inspiring "no OSS" policies.

    Approved by whom? To what extent (written,verbal,implicit understanding)? How does the approval get recorded for use during an ISO 9000 audit? Does this jive with our system architecture plans?

    These are all things that large companies do (very broad generalization :)

    You'll save a lot of ink if you say "No software that IT (or MIS) doesn't install. In God we trust, all others bring facts and data."
  • well, perhaps if I was looking for a solution, I would go to the OSS list, and there I would find a solution, or If I knew that GM for example used OSS in their systems, I would make my next car a Corvette, as opposed to a Mustang. (Please, no car debates here! :) )

    I suppose my main problem is that I am against blacklists as a rule. They can (and tend to) get very out of hand. There is a huge stigma connected with them, and I'd just rather not see one associated with the opensource community.

    Also - If I could go to my superiors with a list, and say look - THESE people use Linux/perl/gcc/etc., why don't we? Insofar as being used for a Professional purpose, that would be much more handy.

    Imagine going to a meeting, suggesting a OSS product and having someone whip out "The List" - and saying "Well, FORD doesnt use any OSS, they do pretty well. We will adopt the same policy"

    No Thanks!

  • I didn't necessarily work at MS, but for two years I did outsourced support for them on Win95 and Internet Exploder. At the second level of support, each technician had a "production" machine, on which the software was pretty strictly controlled (limited to MS apps, and only the ones we actually did support on.) We also had so-called "breakme" machines on which nobody really cared what they were used for... Linux boxes, some NT (since we were actively encouraged to pursue MCSEs)... I even had a colleague who ran their breakme as an Amiga using UAE!

  • I've paged through most of the ~500 comments on this topic and seen that everyone is just pissed off that thre are rumors that companies are forbidding OSS. I'm amazed at how high the average rank of /. probably is, but how shortsighted people are. Put aside your biases and religious following and think "Why would someone decide that OSS software may hurt them?" Well, I have an idea. If you can get the source, you can make changes, recompile it, and then extend the vanilla installation. This is good right? Well, it is if you have a good, well practiced and followed policy for 1) keeping the modified source around, 2) CVSing it, 3) making sure that people are aware of what's been changed, how, and why it's been changed.

    Let's say your business hinges on a piece of software.. lets make it Apache... to make it work (luckily it's OSS) you have to patch it to do something it wasn't designed to do. You decide to save space on the server because you're running out of it and delete the modified source. Of course, you know what you did and can do it again if you need to.. No big deal. Well, a month later you decide that this great job offer somewhere else is too good to pass up and you move on. Three months later a new version of Apache comes out and the company tries to upgrade to it.. (there was a security problem in the old version or something... they just need to upgrade...) They upgrade and it doesn't work.. Why? "What did we do to make it work before?" they ask. Well, they have to start from square one and develop the patch for it all over again. On the other hand, if you had not had the source, you wouldn't have patched it, you'd just have made a program outside of it to handle the special feature that you required. When the new version comes out, it's backwards compatible with what the original Apache group made before. If you start patching kernels and doing special stuff, the company starts to hinge around the people that know what's been changed, how it was changed, and why. With the high turnover in Techies, companies are leery about putting that much responsibility on an employee that could just up and walk out without so much as 'goodbye'.


    -- dijit

  • by Anonymous Coward
    This is common of many places, I think.
    I have a policy whereby people shouldn't install things outside of their abilities. In other words, if you're gonna dig a hole, you better be able to get back out. If you can't, then it is *YOU* who are responsible for the wasted time, not me as the IT manager. I did my job correctly.
    This works out well.
    See, if Johnny X. Engineer installs a demo package of some EMI analysis software or something, to evaluate it, and, through his answering an install question incorrectly (innocently, though, he didn't know better), he blows up his machine... it's not my fault.
    Now, his boss will say 'Hey.. why did you blow up your machine?' and he'll say 'I was evaluating that package, and I clicked the wrong button.. sorry boss' and boss will most likely be happy, or give him a better way to do things.

    If Mr. NT Programmer installs pr0nviewer '99 on his machine, and it blows up, again, it's not my fault. It's his fault, and he has to explain why his addiction to child pornography caused him to waste a whole day at work.

    I publish a set of standards. This is how your workstation connects to the company network. These are the services that need to be installed. This is how email authentication works. This is what an NT Domain is. This is what IP addresses and DHCP are. If you are gonna mess with your madchine, read and understand this document. If you aren't gonna mess with your machine, read it anyway and get clue.

  • Surprisingly enough, management here does have a trace of cluefullness. They were recently seeking remote Helpdesk / Remote admin software and were quoted average costs of 2Kukp for software that had it's own database or (worse) required you to know the IP address of the machine to be contacted (ok, most came with a utility that would send a "request" packet via email or some propriatory format, but this still meant hassle) - plus, the Powers that Be wanted to be able to select a host machine based on Netware Login Name, not static details (seats are a little mobile here)

    so, one conversation with the IT manager (a clueful individual, but usually regarded as a single bright spot in a ocean of cluelessness) and we got a decision that it was worth a week of my time adapting VNC to fit, as compared to paying $BIGNUM for software that didn't. We now have VNC on all machines, and I am experimenting (with the knowledge and approval of the Suited Ones) with a Linux/Samba server for something they would have insisted on NT for a few months back. I am chalking this one up as a Win :+)

  • I really don't buy the blacklist idea. It isn't just that I don't like the idea of blacklists; I also don't believe that enough people will use it to direct their job-seeking to make a difference. Much more powerful is the idea (from the original post) of running stock market indexes. If we can show that businesses who exploit OSS outperform the market by x%, then that's an incredibly powerful argument for adopting OSS.

    And yet it's extremly likely to be the case, almost regardless of the quality of the open source software.

    • Many companies currently using OSS are high tech companies, which on the whole are performing well at present.
    • Companies which are willing to experiment with OSS are less risk averse - in other words, they are more entrepreneurial. Consequently, they're likely to do better than the market.
    • Companies with business critical OSS projects are by definition companies which are investing in new business processes, at least some of which are going to pay off.
    • Finally, their is of course the remote possibility that OSS is actually better, and that this will contribute to the bottom line.

    So: all we need to do is get a list of companies which do use Open Source - IBM, Sun, SGI, HP, RedHat... and a list of companies with an anti OSS policy, and compare their value against their value a year ago. If the pros value has increased more than the antis, then we've got something to crow about.

  • The head of our IT department thought OSS was SHAREWARE. And I work for a fortune 100 company!
  • this thread of discussion blows me away. the world, IT in particular, is full of morons. morons pulling FUD out of the darkest of bodily orifices. morons making policy based on imbicilic status ("I am managment, hear me!"). morons being, well, morons.

    a generally useful solution, based on the premise of the moronic majority, is to anti-fud the fud miesters. people, even morons, will respond to effective solutions. solve a problem, using some form of creative license in describing your actions...and let the solution speak for itself. i think the /. readership are a more creative bunch. bow to the ruling class? not in my lifetime.

    in terms of support options, linux (and other oss stuff) has a growing base of quality support available. now your boss justify solutions with expenditures!
  • If I didn't have mouths to feed, I could really tell you a story. I asked our IT department to test Linux a year ago (I didn't ask them to use, only really look at it). They refused. Like I said the head of the department thought it was SHAREWARE.
    Well I tested it. Of coure it passed. It even was used where there was no NT solution. It even recovred after three hardware failures.
    To make a long story short: They still refuse to use Linux. They won't use any solutions that can't be used on NT. They fired the one guy in their IT department that agreed with me.
    The one good thing that happened is that Red Hat has my report and they are using it to get a lot of new corporate customers, just not mine!

I judge a religion as being good or bad based on whether its adherents become better people as a result of practicing it. - Joe Mullally, computer salesman
