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Programming IT Technology

Finding Developer Toolkits On The Web? 3

Tero Kukola asks: "In a past 'Ask Slashdot' article the subject was GUI toolkits. In one comment there was a link to page The GUI Toolkit, Framework Page. I'm very impressed about that effort. It contains only relevant and comprehensive information about GUI toolkits. I consider this kind of information very valuable to developers. Unfortunately, GUI toolkits are only one single area in software development. I think there is also a need to make similar pages about other tookits, too. Such are, for example: general toolkits (string, file, data structures, networking...), math & physics toolkits, and sound toolkits."

"This kind of information needs to be put together and maintained, not scattered around the net. It would benefit all kinds of developers, especially newbies. Consider it an attempt to collect the community knowledge.

Now what I would like to ask Slashdot readers is:

  • Are there pages about other toolkits?
  • Is there already an effort to collect this kind of information to one place?
  • If not, is there enough interest to start one? I think I would be ready to contribute.
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Finding Developer Toolkits on the Web?

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