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MBONE for Software Distribution? 102

Warren Vosper asks: "As I sit here twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the RedHat mirror sites to finish pulling down RH7, I ponder the need for this. Why can't we use the MBONE to update the mirrors? I could satisy my burning need for instant gratification *so* much sooner. Hell, why couldn't I tune in to an MBONE broadcast from RedHat and get it at the same time as the mirror sites? As I looked over the ancient (5-6 years ago) online info regarding MBONE I understand that it's used mostly for video and audio, but why not software distribution?"
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MBONE for Software Distribution?

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  • There's a pretty decent review and comparison [] of related technologies on Toms Hardware Site []
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Only you'd have to give some things up. Like it might take double the bandwidth to transmit (but since Redhat would only have to transmit one copy it would still be much less, for them) because you'd have to divide it up in to numbered packets with checksums to verify that they came through correctly. It would be twice as big from the client's perspective.

    And then it might take 2 or 3 times longer to get because if you miss a packet you'll have to wait for the retransmit to pick them up. And by that time enough mirrors have already got it that you can get through, usually so the sex appeal of the multicast is gone.

    I think the idea is good though. Redhat could just keep spooling ISOs at 56k so that even modem users could dip in to it and then maybe at 256k which most cable and dsl subscribers should be able to get and you could have a background process that plucks them off the wire and assembles the ISO on your disk. It might take a week from the day they release it but it's possible. They could do errata that way too, there could simply be a Redhat channel and a daemon that runs to monitor it.

    It wouldn't be "quick" but it would be efficient use of bandwidth. I also think that if you made it automatic more users might be willing to deal with it. There are still a lot of low bandwidth internet users too, it might be a great way for them to get in on the action, since the daemon would have built error-recovery they could leave their modem on all night and get part of it, and just keep doing that for a week or so until they had the whole thing.. Of course there are plenty of dirt cheap CDs..

  • by Anonymous Coward
    the truth is that the protocols for doing reliable multicast distribution have been around for quite a while

    and yes, for large numbers of receivers it would be considerably more efficient

    look at the SRM protocol [] and variants for an example.

    why dont we use them then? because MBONE penetration is still dismally low...because no one has thought to ask for it. which is strange given the new unicast (wasteful) emphasis on streaming media..the internet had live video and audio more than 8 years ago..with open source tools

    even if you have MBONE traffic its still very much a second-class citizen...its not uncommon to see loss rates in excess of 30% due to provider imposed rate limits

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @03:23PM (#752040)
    Well, mbone as you describe it is not quite what multicast was originaly designed as. Only when an end client wanted content would that branch of the mbone be active. Also think of the requirement of synchronising the downloading to thousands of users whereas video/audio can be joined at any point. Now a auto-restarting/looping client would be smart enough to start saving at any point and when it reached the end and started the start again it would save itll it reached the point in the loop where it began and add the two halves. The way a true multicasting network works is that as a client wants a link it sends a request that that mcast address, the default gateway router would hear this and request an upstream link to that mcast IP. Then the next, and the next and soon untill the branch grew back to an allready recieving branch fo the tree. This is how mcasting was intended to operate. not a continual broadcast whether you want it or not type setup you described. The simple reason software dist of this nature doens't exist is because i don't think there are any truly inteligent tools to recieve it. Also as far as software the end client may not be able to recieve at the speed the root is sending out on the branch at. Now if mbone supported downsampling, say recieve every other, or third, or fourth packet it'd be better. but then you get into the problem of the router managing the rates it's downstream branches need or are limited too and getting a copy of each packet goign downstream. This method of software distribution is interesting and usefull for high download count sites. It just need the custom modifications to the mbone system and the software to do it with. I'd suggest starting with your own design, then present it to the IETF and hope you get accepted as a RFC then a couple years later ratified. hops this clears it up for everyone!
  • by Russ Steffen ( 263 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @03:03PM (#752041) Homepage

    Just a couple of points. You were using multicasting, not MBONE - there's a difference, one is a protocol, the other is a network established to test large scale multicasting.

    And secondly, Ghost killed your network because your switch is dumb, misconfigured or both. In order for multicasting to work well on a switched network, the switch has to listen in on the multicast (usually referred to as IGMP snooping) to determine which ports are part of the multicast. If your switch is unable to do this, whether due to design deficiency or misconfiguration, the multicast session devolves into a bandwidth sucking broadcast storm.

  • There are a few problems with using any type of multicast network to do large scale distribution to end users.

    The first is very few people have MBONE access. Most dialups certainly don't have it due to a good portion of the terminal servers simply not supporting IGMP. There is also the issue of ISPs getting access from their uplinks which is like pulling teeth with the bulk of tier 1 providers out there. Most routers have multicast disabled by default which hasn't helped much.

    The second is the need for a reliable multicast protocol. The problem isn't getting a reliable multicast protocol, the problem is choosing between the 30 or so that were tailor made for specific configurations. The reliable multicast protocols are complex... they have to deal with slow clients, retransmits to individual hosts, ordering, etc. Getting an complete and open general purpose reliable multicast protocol for use on the Internet which can be made into a standard is the problem.

    The complete lack of a 'killer application' to force end users to request multicast capable access to the internet is one of the reasons this stuff hasn't taken off. If it had, I'd like to think I'd be streaming HBO to my laptop and watching it right now (which could use existing UDP multicast streams).

    As a side note, IPv6 has mandatory multicast support from what I've read which if it ever is actually deployed fully might finally make some of this stuff a reality.
  • audio and video. Perhaps you could make clients close to the source receive most packets, but we, here, in the south of Brazil, would get only a few packets, since most of the data would be dropped on congested routers. If the server would try to compensate for this by resending some packets to each client who requested, then it is just easier to make unicast connections. Multicast is ok to Audio and Video, but not ok to connection oriented stuff.
  • It's well-defined, and simple client/server systems have been written already, which makes things easier.

    Multicasting is a wonderful method of distributing data, and it is tragically under-used. Mostly because it's harder to tell which adverts are being read and by whom.

    (Though, also because many backbone providers are elitist uber-snobs, who prefer keeping the fun stuff for themselves.)

  • The problem I think is the lack of a proper method/standard for reliable multicast. For stuff like video and audio (esp audio) it doesn't matter much if you miss a couple of packets. You just wait a bit and display the next packet you receive. For stuff like binaries you need every packet to be received correctly.

    There are a couple of efforts going though. Check out the Lightweight Reliable Multicast Protocol (LRMP). You may also want to search for data fountains.

  • That doesn't really have anything to do with the idea of multicasting, though, does it?


  • I used to work for a company which produced a multicast distribution system for large video feeds for cable companies. We handled the dropped packet situation by using forward error correction.
    The streaming formats are actually MADE to work in a packet-loss environement, which is not the case for a regular file-transport.

    The difference was that the networks our product ran on were private (mostly satellite) links
    As a satellite-distribution system is 'one-way' there is a (large) cost with actually haveing a situation where a remote-node has to request a part of the file it is missing from the server is quit high. (usualy a phone-call from somewhere 'in the bushes'). This cost is much smaller on the internet, which is (in itself) bidirectional.

    Cheerio! Kr. Bonne
  • Apart from the topic of using multicast or unicast to distribute files to 'mirror-files', a have noticed a large change in user-behavior when downloading stuff.
    In the 'old days', netiquette said that if when you want to download a large file, first look for a mirror-site closer to you, so not to (unnecesairy) use trans-continental bandwith and bandwith towards the 'central server'.
    People seam to do this less and less.

    Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.
  • by jbgreer ( 4245 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @04:55PM (#752049) Journal
    I'm not certain that MBONE is what you really mean here; what I think you really want it a broadcast or multi-cast oriented file tranfer system.

    I've actually wrote a broadcast-oriented ftp around 6 or 7 years ago; it's currently used by a Fortune 500 company to xmit large chunks of data to 3000 locations, simultaneously. This is in a satellite WAN environment.

    As for multicast: this is something I've been looking into lately. For those interested, a few pointers: Cisco [] has a few articles [] RFC draft [], which has expired.

    For a general discussion of IP Multicast, check out [], especially the tech section which discuss reliable multicast protocols.

    I should mention that there is a lot of work going into multicast protocols these days, for various reasons, and that, generally, multicast protocols aren't very generally applicable. Some, for instance, are useful for gaming, were the data is time sensitive, but the reliability of data transport doesn't have to be perfect. Data transport is obviously more important for an ftp-like system. Besides the more traditional use of UDP as a protocol base, some folks are implementing their own protocols on top of raw IP.

    For a vendor's perspective on a product/implementation, check out Talarian [], which has a reliable multicast product. [ You can even get code, if you register ] Note: this relies on the PGM protocol.

    Check out Vaccine [] for an effort to create a multicast distro image distribution tool.

  • Hey! An Omni Group guy!

    Just wanted to say, OmniWeb rocks! Keep up the good work.


  • Is it really necessary for the kernel to include so many additional drivers and modules that most users won't use?

    YES, it is!

    How did I install Windows 2000 on my Cheap-O(TM) computers with crappy parts? I just dumped the installation files onto the hard drive and ran the installer. It found all of my hardware, with no problems. It even supported my Intel webcam (courtesy of DigiMarc, thanks) although Intel said that they don't work together.

    How did I install Linux on a fairly standard computer with good two-year-old hardware? Most of the Debian install was very painless, even with two floppies and the rest being pulled over FTP. But to get it to work with my 3Com NIC (3Com!) NIC, I had to manually install kernel modules.

    Granted, things were somewhat different after the install process, with the expected results...


  • by Timothy J. Wood ( 8573 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @04:10PM (#752052) Homepage

    Fcast seems way more complicated than it needs to be.

    Say that you have a file that you want to send to a lot of people. These people are going to want to get the file as fast as possible, but they are also all going to have differing speed connections.

    Now, as the sender of the file, we would like to minimize the number of packets we send, but we don't have to ensure that we only send each packet once, we just need to be better than sending every packet once to every recipient.

    So, instead of using one multicast channel, use a bunch. Each channel broadcasts at some lowest common denominator speed which can be picked based on your intended recipient's networks (if you don't know, you need 14.4kbps or something like that). Then, compute the time it will take to transmit the entire file at that speed. Time shift each channel by channelNumber*totalTime/numberOfChannels and start broadcasting all of them continuously, at the prechosen speed.

    Now, as a receiver, you know how much bandwidth the sender has to you (or at least you can figure it out). Simply subscribe to the largest number of channels you can w/o getting dropped packets over some threshold. You might get some duplicate packets from wrap around between the beginning and ending of the transmission, but those can be tossed.

    If packets are lost, you could either request specific packets from the server (if you have only a few and the server isn't too loaded), or you could just jump on the channel that will have that packet soonest (and onto another channel if you miss it again, rinse, wash, repeat).

    Assuming a constant base channel speed (which seems reasonable until broadband access is more wide spread), the trade off here is the number of channels. By increasing the number of channels, the sender has to repeat each packet more times, but the clients can have better maximum throughput and less time to wait to replace dropped packets.

    There is probably some additional cost at the routing layer for all these people subscribing and unsubscribing from extra channels, but I assume (maybe incorrectly) that the routing layer would be able to handle this problem since it would be distributed across a whole bunch of routers.

  • I would love to see MBONE everywhere. There are implementations of FTP using multicast. If I remember correctly there was a commercial one from a company called Starcast or Stardust (don't remember)
    It would be better if ISP's supported MBONE natively. The problem is that I went looking for MBONE, but I can't get it!! I posted a message on the MBONE Engineering mailing list asking for a tunnel and got no responses. It used to be that I would see lots of requests for MBONE tunnels on the mailing list, but not anymore. What happened? I've had MBONE withdrawls since '94 when I worked at a company that had a decent ISP at the time (InternetMCI). InternetMCI supported MBONE to any customer that asked.
    I want my M(ulticast)TV! Give me a (M)BONE here!

  • DF's work is based on Tornado Codes, which use some really neat tricks with graphs and XORs to reconstruct an N-packet file from any N+e (small e) out of a stream of KN (for some non-trivial K, say 4) packets. John Byers [] is largely responsible for this invention - see his SIGCOMM98 and INFOCOM99 papers, among others. He's currently doing lots of work in the multicast/congestion control/next-gen network areas. (How do I know this? His office is maybe 20 yards from mine.)
  • You're right, but it's not really fair to say they're "just improved RS codes"; by adding epsilon to the reconstruction requirement, the cost of doing the initial encoding changes orders, which is a huge win considering how prohibitive the RS encoding algorithms are for non-trivially sized objects.
  • Lately I've been tosing around the idea of creating a multicast FTP protocol.

    It's really not a protocol per se but a layer on top of multicast that makes it reliable without increasing the amount of bandwidth on the network (i.e. server doesn't have to wait for rebroadcast). It's a pretty simple idea that I haven't really heard anyone else propose. I would like to have had a prototype by now but I'm just too busy. Here is the basic premise:

    1. Client connects to special query port on server and asks if file XYZ.tar.gz is available for FCP transfer. If not, drops back to normal FTP.

    2. Client requests to be added to multicast distribution list. Server responds with length of the file and where in the file the server is currently multicasting. Say it is 75% through the file already.

    3. Client zeros a file to length of file requested and begins receiving data and writing it to the location in the file that the server specified. Client keeps track of bits that were dropped or corrupted.

    4. When the server gets to the end of the file it simply begins multicasting back at the begining and continues.

    5. Once client registers a complete pass, it can either request dropped chunks via regular FTP or wait for the next pass.

    If would probably only work on local nets or something like the MBONE but it would still be useful and gets around some of multicast's nastier problems. If anyone likes the idea, feel free to start an open project to implement it. I would be willing to help but I can't take the load of starting the project at this time. Email me at

    If an equivalent has already been done, great! Please let me know where I can grab it!
  • Well, lets say that you can tell bad packets from good ones (which you can). Even if on the first try you only get 70% of the packets sent out, then you could get the rest on the second try. Couldnt you?

    Sure, this would decrease the best possible download time - the first mirrors would have to wait 2x (assuming you get everything on the second dump). But it would take that amount of time for everyone.

  • They are all expecting the NEXT packet, not a retransmit.

    In that case, couldn't the recipient just queue up a list of all the packets that got lost, wait until the end of the broadcast, then just request those packets (maybe giving up if lost > a few percent)? This would solve the dropped packet problem, and this would still imply a significant bandwidth savings. All you'd need is an algorithm built in to make sure that not all nodes on the broadcast shoot the "repost" request at the same time (which might Slashdot the server).

  • by decaym ( 12155 ) on Wednesday September 27, 2000 @04:37AM (#752059) Homepage

    First, what it really is. Multicast on a local level uses a special range of IP addresses (class D addresses) that are mapped into NIC addresses using a sort of hash. Modern NIC cards have filters so they can listen in to only traffic sent to them or to a multicast address placed in the filter. This keeps the card from having to process every single packet on the network.

    It is possible to route multicast traffic by tracking mulitcast group subcribership and TTL. With this, traffic will only go onto a branch of a network if someone is there to listen to it. That is the whole concept for multicast, elminating redundant or unneeded traffic streams.

    The MBONE, or Multicast Backbone, is a way of tieing together networks running multicast traffic over a non-multicast capable intermediate provider (usually your ISP). MBONE works by creating tunnels through the unicast network to carry multicast traffic. It's very inefficient, but it was a way to bootstrap people up. MBONE should have been a temporary stopgap measure. It would have gone away once the service providers upgraded their equipment to support multicast routing. Unfortunately, that has never happened.

    Next, a little background. I first saw multicast and MBONE demonstrated at Networld+Interop in 1994. The demo was casting a stereo quality radio signal. I fell in love with the technology then and kept in eye on it for the next six year. It still amazes me it hasn't gone further. The biggest reason I can see for the lack of progress in a complete non-interest by Internet service providers. The is odd since it could save them on bandwidth costs in the long run.

    As mentioned before, the most common uses for multicast are audio and video which can support a little bit of loss. Groups like would all but go out of business if multicast came into universal use. If you are sending a 28Kbps audio stream, you only need 28Kbps of outgoing bandwidth. The signal will just divide at routing points until it reaches the end subscribers. If nobody is subscribing to a particular broadcast down one branch, no traffic will go down that branch. Perhaps this scares the service providers since just about anyone could setup their own audio or video broadcasting service with a ISDN (or DSL) line for bandwidth.

    With a little work, non-loss tolerant products can be moved via multicast as well. Forward error correction is one way. You could also have the routing points cache a piece of the stream to ask for a rebroadcast as well. In a worst case scenario, you connect clear back to the sender using unicast to request just the blocks of data you missed. From here, it would be possible to send back down via unicast or via the multicast channel so anyone else who missed that block could pick it up. It's all a matter of how creative the programmers want to get with their file transfer service.

    Software updates are one file item to use for multicast. It would also be possible to come up with a multicast FTP that could allow several receivers to tap into a stream once the sender is already going. If someone comes in half way through, the sender would just start transmitting from the beginning again once the end of the file is reached. This combines both on demand transfer with streaming broadcast. Best of both worlds.

    Usenet news is another good place where multicast could cut down on bandwidth use. Give major branches of the usenet tree their own multicast address. This way, if someone doesn't want the "" subtree, they just don't pick up that transmission.

    Time sync was a planned use for multicast. ntpd has provisions for receiving packets via multicast. There is even a special address set aside (and defined in the "" domain). A few master servers could keep the whole Internet on common time

    Personally, I'm looking forward to the day when the entire Washington Post is pushed into my set top box via multicast at night. It could then bounce over to my PDA via BlueTooth and be ready for me to take a long to the train in the morning. Since the content is all advertising supported, the paper from a digital source could be free.

    There is so much possibility here, it just needs to be tapped.

  • Since MBONE isn't for reliable data transfer, the mirrors could receive most of an iso image of the RedHat archive, then use RSync to "correct" any of the errors. Anyone who has built a debian image this way (download all the packages seperately, cat them together with 2048byte block padding, then use rsync to rearrange the files and add the rest of the iso data to the image). Very cool stuff.
  • Multicast is not well situated for internet content distribution because reliable multicast transport is a very difficult problem and the infrastructure to support it just isn't there.

    Instead, try something like Mojo Nation [] or Freenet [] to distribute your popular content widely so that you can get it when you want without all having to access the same server.

  • Ok, so the multicast could send at a slow-ish rate (not 56k modem slow, maybe 30KB/s?)
    You would then also send a packet number with each packet of data, and at the end of the transmission, the client could request any dropped/missing packets from the server.

    Ok, a crude way to deal with it, but it's sortof like ACK-ing packets with UDP, except it's after the fact instead of realtime. Maybe the server could also send out the responses to the ACKs on multicast...after waiting a few minutes to gather all of the needed packets, and then repeat that until everyone's happy.

  • Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) (available in more and more parts of Europe, Canada, Near & Far East, Australia) provides for data casting over radio channels (one channel does 24-384 Kbps). There's provision for Broadcast Web sites in the DAB specs and some stations are already doing that (e.g., BBC in the UK). Psion is releasing a DAB receiver for the PC (USB attached) this month/early next month (WaveFinder []).

    Broadcasting an FTP site is really not that different...

    You could also broadcast those Linux security patches as RPMs/package-format-of-your-choice and have them installed on your machine automatically...

    In the US companies like XMRadio and Sirius Radio seem to be looking into data casting via satellite digital audio radio

  • There are ways to deal with that, though. Multi-layered encodings let you control the bandwidth coming toward you, and there are a multitude of schemes for reliable multicast.
    The Digital Fountain approach is one example of a system designed for large-scale software distribution over multicast.
  • by Grit ( 18830 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @03:13PM (#752065) Homepage
    There is a company, Digital Fountain, that has a system for doing bulk software distribution over multicast. (It's pretty cool--- they use an encoding that allows you to collect _any_ N distinct packets from the datastream and recreate the original file.) I don't know whether their software could be used over the MBONE, but hopefully the deployment of single-source multicast (which a lot of people are excited about) will help get things moving toward large-scale availability of multicast. Interested parties should probably check out the SIGCOMM '98 paper.
  • I don't know about you, but I'm able to multicast financial data across our network to over 2000 hosts without causing significant problems at all. use good switches, that have capable backplanes. wirespeed is a good thing.

    ( [])
  • Quite a few of the financial data providers use multicast over private networks to transport realtime stock quotes and data nationally/internationally. one of these is []. The stock markets are moving to decimalized trading, which means things like .01 cents vs. 1/16 of a dollar, etc. this ends up with much larger amounts of data being whipped around. Doing research on this for our firm I found out several things, including the fact that bridge runs all their data across an ATM backbone, doing multicast. pretty damn slick. Various other providers do this as well, but they're the one I'm most familiar with (because I have to worry about it!) Thought that might be a good example for you who are looking for actual uses that aren't all just audio/video. they've got some great whitepapers on their site regarding decimalization and their network setup, as well. take a look if you get a chance.

  • And that's in an office using Ghost.
    Multicast can be tailored to not smash your network, but the only reason this is fairly effective in the office is because it's not lossy ;0
  • by mindstrm ( 20013 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @02:55PM (#752069)
    becuase with multicast, there is no flow control?
    And no guaranteed delivery?

    This is perfectly acceptable for media broadcast, where the codec can deal with dropped bytes.. but..
  • Just normal IP multicast does not have any guaranteed delivery, so that is not good enough if you need to have a recieved copy where every bit is exactly the same as the original. For that you need Reliable Multicast, a protocol placed above IP multicast that takes care of retransmissions etc.

    There is actualy some atempts at distributed filesystems using multicast, one example is JetFile []. I guess something like this could be used to sync ftp mirrors etc.

  • I work for a company that uses multicast all over the place on a satellite based network, and we run into this all the time. The Mbone or multicast backbound is an adhoc network, built on top of the traditional internet, generally by building dvmrp tunnels between multicast enabled sites, allowing them to exchange traffic. More and more service providers are multicast enabling their network (this is generally a major pain in the a** depending on the equipment that you already have), because of the savings in bandwidth that can be achieved.

    But I digress, Onto the question. What you need is a reliable multicast protocol. Most of these are based on a FEC(Forward Error Correction) scheme for making sure that all of the data gets to the intended procedure. You have programs like kencast that enable you to do this( there are others, but lately we are working on creating our own..) . One of the other posts suggested a Multicast version of TCP/IP. This makes no sense as TCP is a connection orientated protocal, whereas multicast is based on udp addressed to a class D internet address (

    Any way hope that helps...

  • Tornado codes are sort of interesting, but wholly useless because they are patented. In any case plain old reed-solomon can be made to work just fine for these applications. Is anyone out there working on unencumbered linear time decodable codes??
  • Current multicast technologies do not include reliable messaging. I'm assuming MBONE uses UDP/IP (user datagram protocol). UDP drops packets. You need something like a TCP/IP version of multicast, which doesn't currently exist. Of course, it would probably require quite a bit of ACK'ing for each outgoing packet. I don't think that would work very well. Not to mention that multicast packets pretty much flood destination LAN's (if they aren't properly switched with IGMP-snooping switches.)

  • Red hat want's to SELL you this service as of late... try Debian for efficient network based upgrades at high bandwidth to the masses. Consider having it on a per-package upgrade basis.
  • Anything in RH7 that you need so bad, you should
    already have downloaded and installed.
  • by davburns ( 49244 ) <[davburns+slashdot] [at] []> on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @03:12PM (#752076) Journal
    Deal with flow control by just sending data
    really slow (28kbit/s, perhaps), and dropped
    packets with forward error correction.

    I seem to remember an old mbone tool that
    did basically that, but only for still pictures.
    (I don't remember what it was called, though.)

    A more complex protocol might include reciviers
    sending (unicast) requests to the source to
    repeat parts of the multicast.

  • Surely bandwidth problems could be resolved to an extent by simply making the file(s) available via HTTP and rely on ISP's HTTP caches. I don't know how common it is in the USA but in Australia most large ISP's transparently proxy all HTTP.

    Of course, many caches may not bother to keep a 600Mb file, but they should, and if the proxying were done at all levels of ISP then the original sites would hurt a lot less.

  • That's an acronym of DOS that would never have occured to me...
    Oh, I dunno - Descent Operating System possibly - although I tend to use mine as a DOOM2 operating System :+)
  • AC wrote:
    Maybe this is more of an application for ipv6's anycast/moble adresses crap?

    A packet sent to an anycast address goes to only one of the members. I think that this would be pretty much useless for mass file transfers.

    The point behind multicast is to reduce the load on the server by ensuring that it only has to send any given packet once no matter how many receivers there are. That makes it a marvelous method for reducing the peak server load caused by high-demand events like the release of new distributions of Linux. To be sure, there is a lot of work involved in making sure that the packets all get to every destination in order and intact, but in the multicast protocols discussed so far, the bulk of the additional work takes place at the receiver's end and, therefore, does not constitute a performance bottleneck. Think of it as a distributed client for file transfers.

    I consider the suggestion to make use of a multicast network (not necessarily the MBONE) to distribute software of general interest to be extremely interesting whether it uses "Class-D" addresses or IPv6.

  • While I was reading the comments, I had this idea. Why doesn't Redhat post their new version to a certain newsgroup. Early downloaders can storm their LOCAL newsservers. Once the ISP is informed, they can simply put the .iso in a ftp directory.

    I know this isn't multicasting, but it has many other advantages.

    - Each ISP has only 1 time the external traffic, all the rest is internal.
    - USENET is a proven network to distribute LARGE files all over the internet. (I know USENET was never meant to do this, but hey it's used to 'illegally' distribute DVD movies every day, so why not use it legally to distribute free software.

    mijn twee centen,

    Johan V.
  • by bugg ( 65930 )
    He didn't say that, but there _are_ better distribution methods (for source, at least) than tarballs.

    Namely, CVS and CVSup.

  • Just send it over ham radio to the whole nation at once.

    Lets see, 600 Megs at 1200 baud... hhmmmm :)

    But how many channels?

  • I went to a talk at the O'Reilly OS Convention on this. VA Linux are trying to develop a Multicasting File Distribution protocol but it hadn't been completed at the time. The problem is that TCP demands a packet is sent back whenever you correctly receive a packet. MBONE and multicasting packets don't demand this as with multimedia it doesn't matter if the odd packet goes awry.

    With file distribution, it will only work over LANs or with a limited agreed subset of MBONE servers as if one packet doesn't get to one of its destination it has to be multicast to everyone else again.

  • 1. open connection with multiple servers
    2. select the same file on all the servers. some may be on a different path
    3. client program verifies that the size and version of all the files are the same
    4. client initiates transfer
    5. the transfer algorithm would disect the file across the network much like what gozilla does
    6. every server gets to transfer only a portion of the file thereby reducing its bandwidth req.
    7. the client is responsible for re-assembly.
    8. once the server has completed its portion of the file transfer, it could continue with another chunk

    9. this could also be accomplished using a napster kind of approach to file transfer
    10. the server would do the source selection and advises the client.
    11. At the end of a transfer the anealing process would pick up pieces dropped by various servers
    and tie the missing links.

    Biggest advantage - no need for new infrastructure - serverside.
  • Seems to me that the standard multicast backbone for ISOs and software of all kinds uses NNTP - it's known as alt.binaries.* ;)

    Of course there's usually too many dropped packets for reliability using this method too!
  • Multicast's killer app will be free streamed porn, either home videos or pirated videos. Get to work on it, folks. Nothing's going to create more demand for dialup users to have Multicast support.

  • True, but protocols such as MFTP (multicast file transfer protocol) address this issue. MFTP blindly transmits a number of blocks, then sends a query. The clients see the query, determine if they missed blocks, and then request retransmission. This is repeated until none of the clients complain...

    I played with developing this a few years back, building a rough prototype of an MFTP-like multicast file distribution program in perl. It worked well in the test phase, but I never took the software anywhere beyond a simple test scenario... The amazing thing was that with the speed-up of xmitting to 20 hosts simultaneously, the prototype had acceptable speed. :-)
  • by Money__ ( 87045 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @03:19PM (#752088)
    |--| == tar ball size. 70s
    |-| == bandwidth to move it.

    |----| == tarball size. 80s
    |--| == bandwidth to move it.

    |--------| == tarball size. 90s
    |----| == bandwidth to move it.

    Over the last 30 years of computing, we've always had more program than pipe to push it through. The only way to overcome this slowly increasing speed of affordable bandwidth, is to pay big bucks for a line that will be outdated in a few years.

    In the not to distant past, todays game emulator ROMs used to be moved across the country in a game console containing a huuuuge amount of graphic hardware,. For the day, having a game that totaled more than 1 Meg in run time size was just gigantic, and now, we zip these same ROM images around the net in seconds.

    In the very near future IP6 over Multi-Gps fixed wireless will make mirroring linus' balls of tar a trivial task. but, of course, by then, the "kernel" will be 200G ;).

    The lesson here is that affordable bandwidth, slowly and stedily has increased over the history of computing, and I see no reason why it should jump.

  • Which are basically just improved Reid-Solomon codes. Byer worked with a Harvard prof, Mitzenmacher on Tornado codes. I have a friend doing some ongoing research with Mitzenmacher that relates to the subject.
  • This brings up a good point. Is it really necessary for the kernel to include so many additional drivers and modules that most users won't use? I don't think it would be to much of a problem to make a web based kernel configurator so you could just download the extra pieces necessary to make your kernel do what you want it to do.

    The make system could still be aware of the other pieces you don't have so if you ever do need to grab some other stuff then it will tell you exactly code to download. If the kernel gets to 200G, this will be a necessity.

  • In response to mindstrm [mailto]'s criticisms of multicast for software delivery, Consider for a moment the potential uses for a file-transfer algorithm along these lines:

    Step one: Major software release announced. Multicast time/date announced.
    Step two: Software sent over Mbone at some reasonably slow bandwidth for general users to collect. Transfer mechanism allows each end station to identify which parts of the package they have missed.
    Step three: Millions of end stations send unicast messages back to the source informing it which parts have been missed.
    Step four: Source distribution site restransmits missed portions prioritized by the number of stations who need it.
    Step five: Iterate steps three and four a couple more times.
    Step six: Major mirror sites automatically inform source distribution site that the package is complete and give a URL (or similar handle) for access on their mirror.
    Step seven: Source site multicasts a message which indicates end of multicasts and lists mirror URLs. End stations still missing portions of the package automatically begin unicast retrieval from mirrors (of just the missing portions).

    I believe that this could dramatically reduce the bandwidth clog associated with major releases and could be handled automatically. Further, I don't think there is an RFC (yet) which covers all aspects of this process.

  • I was about to say something similar.

    MBone wasn't designed for this (as so many people have pointed out), but Squid [] was. Ideally, the primary source should be a front-ended by a squid cache that only peers with the secondary mirrors. The secondary mirrors wouldn't even have to synchronize; client requests would automatically force a sync with the primary. And becoming a (tertiary) mirror would be as simple as adding the secondaries to your peering list in /etc/squid.conf.

    However, in regards to transparent proxying in the US, I can speak from experience. It doesn't pay off. I used to sysadmin for a smallish ISP (2,000 customers, 400 lines) and we experimented with transparent proxying. With 16 gigs of cache, the proxy was serving about 30% of the requests out of cache. However, after some VIP customers noticed that their real-time stock quotes weren't real-time anymore, I had to turn it off.

  • by abramsh ( 102178 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @02:58PM (#752093) Homepage
  • by yugami ( 102988 )
    since when did the world go crazy and everyone except the trusting fools of the world stop compiling them selves?
  • Ok, so the multicast could send at a slow-ish rate (not 56k modem slow, maybe 30KB/s?) You would then also send a packet number with each packet of data, and at the end of the transmission, the client could request any dropped/missing packets from the server.

    I think we can do better than that: slice the package into multiple streams - say, 256 of them, each at 20 Kbit/sec. Big mirror sites could just follow all 256 streams at once, and get the package at 5 Mbit/sec; modem and ISDN users would receive two or three streams at once. Just piece together all 256 strands of data, and you've got the whole tarball/MPEG/whatever!

    I don't think on-demand retransmission is a good idea, though. Instead, just have the multicast repeated continuously by a handful of big servers. The stuff nobody wants wouldn't be transmitted anywhere, so it doesn't take any bandwidth - but it's there if you want it.

    In fact, many years ago Acorn Computers used a similar technique for loading software over their network, Econet, known as the Broadcast Loader: a client would request a file from the server. If any other clients wanted a copy, they'd ask for one, and the file would be broadcast around that network segment. Clever stuff - and the user manual had a copy of the transceiver circuit diagram in the back! Now that's open ;-)

  • i dont know the exact specs for mbone, but it seems with people so anxious to get redhat that no one would have the bandwidth to accomidate this thus slowing everyone down still. maybe if it were broadcast from the main redhat site, to a few satellite sites and then be picked up by the vicious crowd as it was "broadcast." just like a radio station. and then have the satellite stations do reruns of the broadcast.


  • I don't know. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would rather not go to the bother of downloading and compiling the Kernel. Also, for older systems there may be space and time limitations. The kernel source is up to what, over 30 megs now and I recall compiles on my old 486/33 with 4MB of RAM took over 24 hours (5 mins on my Athlon 650 w 128MB :) )

    Besides, the original poster was just talking about selecting the source modules you need I think. There's no real need for me to be downloading driver source for devices which are *never* going to be compiled. However, selecting your options then waiting and getting the resultant compiled kernel would be pretty cool. I first thought of this due to my 24+ hour compiles as mentioned above (with kernels which matched previous configs being cached of course). This would be very workable with 5 minute compile times but now that I have 5 minute compiles, the need goes away. It might be worth doing just for the coolness factor as you say but I don't have a permanent connection (yet)


  • Yes, that would be pretty good. Transmit at a real slow speed so even a low bandwidth user's connection doesn't get saturated, maybe use a few channels for different speeds. Most people only use a fraction of their bandwidth, mostly browsing or chatting with small bursts of high bandwidth usage followed by long periods of inactivity. The client could even switch to a higher rate transmission when activity is low.

    The client could also be smart and once it has most of a file, only tune into channels when the bits it is missing are "playing". As it gets towards the end, it could even get more agressive and tune into faster channels to get the chunks it needs (at the expense of your other bandwidth)


  • What's really sad is that the mbone domain names have basically been hijacked. is some totally random "portal" site.

    mbone.ORG is yahoo trying to make a buck out of it. How the hell do they justify .ORG??

    interestingly though, isn't taken.

    Some good samaritan who knows how mbone SHOULD be used, want to snag that domain?

  • Hell yeah. Kicks the other OS X browser right in the butt.

    For the OmniGroup dude, Got any idea when you'll be releasing the Cocoa port of Q3? I'm waiting...
  • This is a VERY powerful system imager

    The page says "Now supports: ext2, ext3, reiserfs, use without DHCP, and more!"

    Worthwhile guys!
  • We were testing some MBONE stuff at our office using Ghost for imaging harddrives, and it absolutely killed our network bandwidth. (yeah, yeah, use a segemented vlan and all that stuff I should have done before I tested). Wouldn't the subsequent loss of bandwith from using MBONE kill off almost all other traffic, leaving tradition methods such as ftp out of luck?
  • For stuff like video and audio (esp audio) it doesn't matter much if you miss a couple of packets

    And for software this could be a convenient way to ensure that your Microsoft OS is already damaged before it even gets installed! Why waste time.

  • Your argument would have carried a bit more weight if you were running 5.2 patched and generally upgraded to 2.2.17. What's this boinkum about an old Redhat 6.2 system all about? My stable old Redhat systems are running 6.0.

    Otherwise I agree with you. But what are you gonna do, it's been inbred into the geek culture. Wait a couple days to upgrade our stable old Redhat 6.2 systems and traffic will be mostly back to normal -- or find another mirror.

  • Broadcast the file continuously over DirecPC, @Home, and other cable/satellite providers. Have a CBS special 3AM movie, where the file is converted to video and broadcast on CBS at 3AM. Encode the file with an error correcting code (ECC) that allows a large number of bits to be garbled and still be corrected. Have a special unicast resume download site set up to pick up the few bits that still were garbled.
  • Convert to audio and broadcast over radio stations late at night, when they usually play their public service shows. This can be their public service.
  • One problem I could see is that this method of distribution for data files (versus video and audio) wouldn't scale well. Imagine one site drops a packet. Well it can't very well start over, since that same packet did possibly reach all the other listening parties. They are all expecting the NEXT packet, not a retransmit.

    Use RAIP (redundant array of inexpensive packets), such that many packets can be lost, but there is enough redundancy to recreate the lost packets from parity bits. If you spread the parity bits across packets, you can get very efficient results.
  • I was always under the impression that MBONE was designed for the types of communications that you can lose some data and still be ok. Streaming media... Files don't fall into this catagory. Lose a few bytes of a digital tv signal, and its nor really noticeable, maybe for a few seconds it is... Audio, you might hear some fuzz. Your kernel and binaries on the other hand... A little network congestion and all of the sudden you can't get online to fix the problems you just made.

  • Hey guys.

    Tonight I went to to find a couple hundred kilobytes of updates to the stable old Redhat 6.2 systems I maintain. I had to retry about 10 times because its 5000 user limit was reached. While I waited 30 seconds for a small directory listing, I was wondering how many of you are wrecking the availability of the Internet in general.

    Here's some advice for the general masses, aside from the great technical commentary already shmoozing around on the topic here. Most of you don't need this software this soon. Think about how your actions affect everyone else. You don't need to download an operating system, especially to do a single installation straight off the remote host rather than mirror it locally. Ask around your neighborhood, ISP, or workplace for setting up a local mirror.

    And buy the cdrom at because it's not expensive, it gets to you pretty quickly, and most of you just didn't need it that soon anyway. Many of you are wrecking the availability for those who do need it fast.

    Ask not only "Can I?" but "Should I?". Thanks. :)

  • Multicast works by having the router duplicate and forward the packet to vaious designation from one source. The source is continously sending packet, regardless whether the packets has been properly received (acknowledged) by the listeners.

    So if the server sends 10,000 packet for the whole file and you loose packet number 5,555... you'll probably have to wait till the next round packet number 5,555 comes. The server isn't gonna to resend the packet as is a direct TCP connection. This is tolerable in video & sound as you'll only loose a second or two. But for file, you can't loose too many bytes before it becomes unusable.

    A solution for this is that the listener try to absorb as many bytes as possible during the duration of the multicast, and later initiate a TCP connection to request for the packets which the listener missed.

    Gary Cho
  • I used to work for a company which produced a multicast distribution system for large video feeds for cable companies. We handled the dropped packet situation by using forward error correction. That is, each packet was overspecified, so that a lost packet could be reconstructed from the packets which did get received. To catch the event that a lot of packets got lost in a row, thus defeating the forward error correction, we simply transmitted meta information at the beginning of the file, including a size and checksum. Then, after the receiver had finished receiving the file, the checksum of the received file was computed, and if it didn't match, it would contact the server and indicate that there were errors in transmission, and a retransmission would be scheduled. If the forward error correction indicated which sections of the file were corrupt or lost, it could request that only those sections be retransmitted

    Using this scheme, most hosts get the file correctly on the first try, and those which don't usually only need a few extra packets to finish the job. Only a very small number of hosts need a full retransmit, which is equivalent to a single FTP session. The savings are phenomenal.

    The difference was that the networks our product ran on were private (mostly satellite) links. I've never really tried to use multicast over the IPV4 internet, nor the MBONE. I'm not sure how well they would work.

  • These weren't streaming formats. The video feeds were actually being saved to disk for playback later--they were pay-per-view movies, and customers wouldn't be too happy about degraded quality. A new batch of movies had to be transferred every few weeks, and since you have to pay for the satellite access, it was best to get the transfer done as quickly and cheaply as possible.

    Yes, two-way access over satellites is a problem. In our case, it didn't work at all, and is what caused the architecture I described--the receiver would wait until the transmission had finished, and then make a request for the missing parts, but over a different network, and the reply would come back over this same network. The satellite links were only used for the multicast distribution.

  • In an optimised situation surely mbone would have some sort of star topology where the data is only transmitted once across the atlantic and then only once to each country and distributed from that countries main internet exchange. Am i right?

    Anyway whether that's the case or not, there still must be an awful lot of excess data floating about if you only want to mirror the file onto say 100 sites. Given that people are also talking about tunnelling mbone connections too - it makes me cringe.

    Point blank problem is that redhat dont have enough bandwidth.

    Perhaps a better system of conventional ftp mirroring would be the answer. First of all put the file onto a restricted ftp server at Then only allow each contitenents fastest two servers to pull it, they can then distribute it to smaller ones, and finally (like 3 hours later) it's open to the world.

    That way i'd probably find that Sunsite at imperial college london grab the file from redhat, my isp download it to their local mirror archive and then i can pull it over my cable modem at 55kbytes/s.
  • I'm not sure of the details of MBONE, but maybe it would be a great global distribution system with some modifications. Another OS project...
  • Even on a non stable multicast it could work, just leave spaces where packets were missed, and a table of where they are. Then go to some standard ftp disto site, and do an ftp starting at each missing packet. All in all, it should be a big boost.
  • Agreed. I was ready to start a reply saying the same. For that matter, if there were transparent caching all around, then there wouldn't be so damned much congestion at the peering points from the general populace doing the same things over and over again.

  • How 'bout convincing the local CompUSA or other computer store to get a fat pipe and hold "events"? Buy a pack of 10 CDRs and get the "hot off the presses" just out RH7.

  • This is software settable in routing implementations, such as mrouted on Linux/BSD or Cisco IOS. There was a certain amount of "mutual understanding" that video broadcasts across the MBONE should not exceed 128k/sec as not to place a high load on transit providers' bandwidth.

    If you were building your own multicast backbone across internal sites, you can easily do away with this limit so that your software and audio/video distribution could exceed that. Most companies that use software like Cisco IP/TV or RealNetworks RealServer and do multicast broadcasts do raw MPEG-1 broadcasts between live feeds and servers that unicast streams out to watchers/listeners. That is how live concerts and events can be scalably streamed to a large Internet viewer base.

    However, out on the Internet, traffic flow of this magnitude of bandwidth would be unrealistic. Not to mention that once it leaves your network you can not insure Quality of Service and that packets may/will be dropped as they flow through commercial networks.

  • by PatJensen ( 170806 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @03:05PM (#752119) Homepage
    The MBONE is not as it was 5 years ago. It is now highly commercialized with top-tier transit providers providing access to their native multicast networks. The quality of service and multicast services come at a price to their customers. It is no longer feasible to achieve connectivity using DVMRP "tunnels" as the routing architecture has changed to accommodate Internet-wide growth. Standards like PIM and MOSPF have been developed to help this.

    Most multicast-native customers that make use of the MBONE have quite a bit bandwidth to toss around for video and data broadcasts, or it is part of their business model. (, NASA JPL, US DOE, etc.)

    Now in regards to software distribution, it would not be feasible for RedHat to multicast a 600Mb ISO using the Internet multicast backbone as each provider that wanted access to that data would also subject their providers, and their providers providers' to receiving that data as well. So essentially you would have 600Mb flying through 6 transit networks to reach you. Imagine the waste of bandwidth. Do you think multicast providers would take this with an enthusiastic grin?

    Currently, there are a few providers that use multicast for stream distribution to multiple servers on live events. You can be assured this is the case for large scalable video distribution houses like, possibly Akamai and others. Hope that provides some insight. I'm not an expert, I've just been performing a lot of multicasting research as of late. Cheers.

  • You can do better than that. 9600 baud on UHF, and 2 to 10 MB/s using microwaves (all you need are stations on the backbone transmitting out).
    Perhaps not as cheap tho :-)

    Leo Howell M5AKW
  • The CODA file system, if I'm not mistaken, can do some of these things. I think we're wanting to see a combo of CODA/Intermezzo, GnuTella~Napster, Push Technology, OSPF routing, Data Compression using bzip2, Rsync and CVS, Squid, Multicast/Broadcast/MBONE, and Usenet news, sort of! Big servers get pushed a highly compressed copy. A routing protocol looks at hops, bandwidth, etc. and distributes based on a closest partner, similar to GnuTella/Napster. Rsync and CVS version and re-sync data, especially when connections go down. CODA/Intermezzo (and Squid) caching algorithms would be both on clients and servers, to keep copies semi local, on an as-needed basis. Multicast/MBONE/IGMP/Broadcast would be used to send to multiple machines at once, while reducing bandwidth. The Usenet news like delivery method could assist in the push vs. routing vs. caching stuff. EGAD! That's a tall order. However, this is the only way we're gonna get past the current bandwidth vs. distro situation on the 'net.
  • Um, except noone uses tarballs anymore. :)
  • Starcast or Stardust (don't remember)

    According to my memory of 2 1/2 years ago, it was called StarBurst. But it appears to have renamed itself []. Perhaps Mars (owners of the StarBurst candy) beat them up for the domain name. Or my memory fails me.

  • by GigsVT ( 208848 )
    Just send it over ham radio to the whole nation at once.

    Lets see, 600 Megs at 1200 baud... hhmmmm :)

  • ??
  • by ironman8250 ( 225306 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @03:24PM (#752126)
    The whole point is that a packet is never sent twice. Or in other words, the originating server, the source, only transmits the data once. Not once for each receiving party.

    The data then branches off from there. This would be quite suitably for updating mirror sites, since
    1. They would all have downloaded the data anyhow.
    2. They could all be scheduled to "tune in" to the multicast transmition at the same time (indiviual downloaders would have to be ready to receive at the same time as well).

    One problem I could see is that this method of distribution for data files (versus video and audio) wouldn't scale well. Imagine one site drops a packet. Well it can't very well start over, since that same packet did possibly reach all the other listening parties. They are all expecting the NEXT packet, not a retransmit.

    On an fast, fault tolerant network (major backbones, and obviously intranets) this works great (we use ImageCast at work to simulcast drive images to multiple systems) the bandwidth used is no more than if a single system was done one at a time. But on any network where packet loss and latency are a problem, thing would seriously hamper to practibility of the system.

    So I say, multicast to a few hundred major FTP mirrors from the master server (redhat in this case), and then good ol' traditional FTP from there.
  • I think the idea is good though. Redhat could just keep spooling ISOs at 56k so that even modem users could dip in to it and then maybe at 256k which most cable and dsl subscribers should be able to get and you could have a background process that plucks them off the wire and assembles the ISO on your disk.

    That's a good start, but even better would be to use a protocol that assumes that packets will be lost, like the one that some tape drives use:

    |--A--|--B--|--C--| ...|--N--|--O--|--P--| ... |-A^N-|-B^O-|-C^P-|...

    (where ^ means exclusive-or). Depending on the typical dropout rate, the number of packets checksummed (here it's 2) could be adjusted.

    For example, if we're transmitting 1024 packets with 4 packets per parity group, then 256 packets of xors
    1st would be from packets 1, 257, 513, and 769;
    2nd is 2, 258, 514, and 770...
    256th is 256, 512, 768, and 1024.

    For those with a perfect connection, there is no waiting at all. For those with tolerable dropouts, only a 25% increase in the total size of the transmission, which would of course repeat. You could pick up the channel at any point, (including during the parity portion), and pick up the whole show without waiting to sync (because once 4 of the 5 packets in a parity group are received, the 5th can be reconstructed).

    Perhaps a second channel could use different redundancy (like 8 packets per parity group?)

    Now that I think about it, when you burn a CD, some sort of redundancy like this is built in, although I don't know the details....

  • D-O-S (Decent Operating System)

    That's an acronym of DOS that would never have occured to me...

  • Ever heard of a CRC check? That's also the reason why satellite internet never took off.
  • by srichman ( 231122 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @04:36PM (#752130)
    MBONE is not synonymous with multicast. MBONE started way-back-when as a hack to make interdomain multicast work over a largely unicast Internet. In the future (and the present, if you consider the well-designed, natively multicast-capable homogenous internet that is Internet2) there will be better native support for interdomain multicast routing.

    For a good survey of the the past, present, and future of interdomain multicast routing, try this paper [].

    As others have mentioned, yes, flow control is a problem, and, yes, reliability is a problem. There are many solutions to both problems that have been researched (largely in academia), but flow control can't really be solved if you're trying to distribute RedHat over multicast to half a million people who are on disparate links. Someone a few posts up mentioned the Digital Fountain idea, but neglected to provide a link []. Digital Fountain aims to solve the problems that are being discussed here for exactly the kinds of applications that are being discussed here. The paradigm is that random bytes are constantly flowing from the fountain (the multicaster) and the recipients fill up their buckets with the random bytes until a file is formed. Read their papers for a more mathematically rigorous explanation...

  • Actually the "next new thing" is Fcast, which takes the basic idea behind multicast and adds in some nifty error correction. But beware, it's got MicroSoft written all over it so you guys can't be l33t anymore if you use it... which will totally defeat the purpose of downloading RH7 in the first place, no? ;) disc-chord
  • by durval ( 233404 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @03:17PM (#752132)
    ... and published on Doctor Dobb's Journal (yes, the source code is available). See htm [] The guy who wrote it works for Microsoft (so of course his implementation is Windows-dependant) but he makes some pretty good points on using multicast for file distribution, and naturally the idea and/or algorithms could be reimplemented in some D-O-S (Decent Operating System) like Linux...
    Best Regards,
    Durval Menezes.
  • To distribute RedHat ISO images (or any large file) with Freenet []:
    1. Download the 0.3.1 release, or check out the CVS.
    2. Modify your rc.local script (or equivalent) to run the node on boot. No, this in not optional!
    3. Use rar to break the ISO into a reasonable number of segments. I'd recommend a size of 10 megabytes each.
    4. Insert each file as a CHK (in bash):

      #for PART in *.rar ; do echo "$(./freenet_insert CHK@ $PART 2>&1 | grep "Inserted Key" | cut -b 18-) $PART" >>parts.txt ; done

      This command will insert all the .rar files into Freenet and record their keys to parts.txt.

    5. Insert the parts.txt file into freenet under the keytype of your choice. KSKs are human readable, but you have the option of using a SVK or SSK subspace, both of which are cryptographically signed by the publisher. Specifically, consider using an SSK if you intend to insert many related files.

      An example of inserting a KSK: #./freenet_insert KSK@my_inserted_data parts.txt

    Requesting your data is simple. You first request the list of parts -- KSK@my_inserted_data. You then request each of the parts in the list, concurrently if you've got the bandwidth! Obviously, if you need to request 50 files, you're going to want to write a simple script to do it.

    Say you only request 25 files at once, and they all come in at 3 kilobytes/sec (everyone else has a 56k modem). You thus download the file at 75kbyte/sec! Of course, most nodes run on fatter pipes, so speeds will be even better.

    And did I mention that the files cache and mirror themselves automatically as demand increases?

  • Surely a far better solution would be for data to be flagged as 'cacheable' by nodes on the network, and nodes which feed large numbers of slow connections would hold (to an extent) data until its recipients have it? far more efficient than wasting time and effort duplicating a stream several times in order to feed those with a high bandwidth. of course, this isnt practical for small files, but then, thats not what the MBONE is for.
  • How about you guys check links before flagging them eh?
  • by hammalock ( 237036 ) on Tuesday September 26, 2000 @04:35PM (#752136)
    I teach classes on NT and various Unices. At the end of the week, all the machines have to be rebuilt. On NT, Norton's Ghost does a speedy multicast of a disk image. This is handy, so I've started writing an analous program for Unix. The plan is that it would be on a boot floppy. It is still new, but coming along nicely. The GPL'd source is at []

The system was down for backups from 5am to 10am last Saturday.
