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Programming IT Technology

Software Documentation Standards? 11

CynicTheHedgehog asks: "I am a programmer for what used to be a small CLEC in the Southeast. Initially I was in charge of system administration and development of small PHP scripts under little supervision and absolutely no quality control. I now work with an entire team of developers under new management, and recently there has been a major push toward mature development practices, not least of which is project documentation. The problem I am experiencing is that up to this point each of us was in charge of his respective projects, more or less managing them from conception to completion. That being the case, the documentation solutions we have come up with have been something of a mix between technical specifications and your typical corporate red tape. Our processes are poorly defined at the moment and I'm trying to come up with a solid, standards-based documentation solution. An SRS is a bit heavy for what we're trying to do and doesn't provide the 'sign-off' points we need to cover our rears. What kind of documentation formats are in place at other companies? Are there any defacto standards in the open source community that are useful in a corporate context?"
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Software Documentation Standards?

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  • A fun way to learn by example: /usr/src/linux/Documentation /usr/doc/share/* :-) j/k I couldn't really give you any *actual* information, sorry. :-)
  • The first submit crashed before it returned the confirmation page so I hit submit again, only to find out the first had gone through before it crashed.
  • I have never heard of a 'typical red tape'. Can anyone explains this for me?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    You ask what others are using and it's a question I found myself asking. I worked for one of the world's largest telcos as a programmer. Their documentation could be summed up by the following conversation:

    "Have you produced your ISO nine-thousand thingy documents yet?"
    "Nine thousand thingy?"
    "Yeah, nine thousand and two, oh no, nine thousand and one, that's it, we've not moved on to nine thousand and two yet. You do know we're getting audited next week?"
    "OK, how do I do them? Is there a training course I can take, a guide somewhere on the intranet?"
    "No, do what we did. Copy the DBA team's one off the intranet and change whatever words you need to make it fit your team. They've been passed already so we know their's is right."
    "While we're on it, what about normal code documentation?"
    "Oh, don't worry about that. The ISO stuff's all the senior management understand anyway as it makes us look good to the customers. They don't want you wasting time on something like standards, they'd rather you looked busy coding."

    Depressingly, that's exactly how life was inside a company that pretty much openly admitted that if they could ever get their billing system to operate properly and bill for all of the calls, they'd double profitability.

    The moral of all of this is, the more I move around from company to company, the more I find that everyone seems to live in hope of there being some coding standard somewhere because they sure as hell don't have it. There are occasional pushes to move to one and a company specific one tends to get drafted and then generally ignored ever after.

    If anyone does have information on a good standard and can give it without ever mentioning Z, I know I'd love to hear about it too. Until then, don't beat yourself up - University taught us there were these mythical grails but they seem to be almost non-existant in a real world that would much prefer quick results now to documented ones later.

  • I would say you should use a code standard in addition to a doc standard, but really, the two are virtually inseparable. Any project that is more than just you and possibly a couple friends playing around in your spare time can benefit greatly from a code standard. As much as we all hate being told how to write code (it's my style, my creativity, man!!!), the benefits of a good standard should be pretty obvious when things get large.

    In the code standard specify everything, from indentation style to what types of comments should be in the code. For more advanced documentation systems, have the standard describe *exactly* what is expected-- file headers, function declarations, the works! Provide templates and examples. Even write a tutorial if you're working with people that *still* don't get what's expected of them. Just make the standard as unambiguous and detailed as possible.

    And of course, make sure it's used. Unfortunately being excessively fascist about it will make you unpopular (so don't do that!), but make the standard come across as important and make sure it does get followed.
  • [sigh] From
    Main Entry: red tape
    Function: noun
    Etymology: from the red tape formerly used to bind legal documents in England
    Date: 1736
    : official routine or procedure marked by excessive complexity which results in delay or inaction
  • The first step here is not to adopt a format or a set of tools from somewhere else - though you may find it very useful to look over some samples and templates from other sources - but to sit down first and do some thinking about what the documentation needs to accomplish. What docs you need to provide, what they should include, and how rigid or loose the format needs to be will follow from your organization's needs. Standards from elsewhere, while convenient, are likely to be a poor fit at various points with your company's needs, and poor process fits annoy people.

    For example, you may find that developers and others aren't aware of other projects in the company, their purposes, and their progress. To fill this need, you might decide you need a project plan written for each new project. These can be simple (a couple of pages describing what you're making, why you're doing it, what you need from other people to complete the project, and when you're gonna be finished) or elaborate (up to a full, detailed specification). What's important here is to decide what information needs to be written down and accessible for each project, and produce some kind of specification or template document for that information. I find templates usually get the best results: it's relatively simple for a programmer to clone a document and fill in the blanks, doesn't take too much time.

    Or another example: you might find that programmers want to re-use code but are having problems because of variance in coding standards, no or lame comments, and/or lack of interface documentation. This would indicate you ought to

    - promulgate a standard for naming, indentation, or whatever is causing readability problems (good idea to avoid specifying any more than is necessary to achieve mutual intelligibility among the programmers)

    - require people to comment their code, and provide templates (again)

    - start formally documenting interfaces instead of assuming people will spend the time to pull the info out of the code

    Now for the rant. WHY are technical writers given so little respect in the open source and Linux community? I hear endless complaints about the quality of documentation - and not just from users - but almost never do I hear "Hmmm, you know, there are these people who know how to do this stuff, and even specialize in it. Maybe we should get one to work on the docs!" Instead I hear about how programmers should hire an intern for a couple of weeks to throw together some documentation - after all, docs are easy, any apprentice programmer can do it just as well as a writer with ten years of experience, right? - or about how documentation is just an afterthought and you can't expect it to be good. Argh.

    If you need docs or documentation standards, why not hire a tech writer? This is what tech writers do for a living!
  • IMAP (no, not the mailbox standard) is a very sensible standard supported by major corporations, in fields as varied as aeronotics and chemistry. We have all seen this documentation system before, in Nokia or SUN manuals, for instance. Unless you can afford to actually hire professional technical writers - with a fat salary to match their expert knowledge of your field, on top of grammar and documentation technique - to create you a customized documentation system and adapt it to every project, sending a few people to IMAP training is your best shot. Several IT consulting companies around the glode provide training, such as this one []. You might also wanna read this technical writing primer [] to give you an idea of other issues to consider. Good luck!

  • We use the IEEE [] documentation standards. Of course, they charge for their intellectual property, but the company where I work is a member so it cost me zip. Of course, that means I can't use their documentation standards for any non-work activities, but the principles still apply :-)

    If it helps, several of the IEE documents refer to corrisponding ISO documents, so you might try there.

  • by Johann ( 4817 ) on Thursday May 03, 2001 @07:25PM (#247001) Homepage

    For technical specifications of your PHP scripts, classes, etc., I recommend PHPDoc []:

    PHPDoc is an adoption of Javadoc to the PHP world. PHPDoc is written in PHP. It offers you a way to generate an API documentation of objectoriented and procedural code with certain markup in your source. PHPDoc is an Open Source Project and gets distributed under the PHP Licence. That means you can use it in commercials projects.

    "In the land of the brave and the free, we defend our freedom with the GNU GPL."
  • by ryants ( 310088 ) on Thursday May 03, 2001 @06:53PM (#247002)
    Well, I don't know anything about PHP scripts, and maybe this response doesn't apply to you... if not, sorry.

    In the C/C++ world Doxygen [] is getting a lot of attention as a standard documentation tool.

    Anyways, like another poster has said, look around: that's the great thing about Free Software. Check out what KDE does (I think they use DocBook, but don't quote me). Check out how the GNOME guys keep themselves on the same page (no pun intended). It's all transparent and readily available for you to check out.

    Ryan T. Sammartino

Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
