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Using the internet for free food? 242

GreyOrange writes "With all the offers for free food on the internet how can a hungry person differitiate between the bogus ones and the ones that fill the tummy? One legitimate offer I've found so far is from were they give you a free sample. But theres a tremendous amount of websites that are missleading and offering food in exchange for credit application and other horrible things like spam and never living up to their end of the deal. Got any good websites for free edibles, how about other things that might be of equal value that are not bogus. How about some methods you have picked up for all you veterans out there. Is there a directery out there that is true to its word, how about a wikipedia page?"
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Using the internet for free food?

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  • by rice_burners_suck ( 243660 ) on Thursday April 01, 2004 @02:53PM (#8739522)
    Want free food? (Yes, and I know this is an April Fools bullshit story, but I couldn't resist.) If there's a store called Costco in your area, get a membership there (like, 100 bucks a year) and go there on Sunday. They hand out free samples of all kinds of stuff. You can walk around for a few hours and basically get a full meal for free. If you consider 100 bucks a year free. But suppose you go there every weekend, that's like 100/50 or 100/52 or so, which makes it like 2 bucks for a meal, which isn't that bad of a deal and shit.
  • by leroybrown ( 136516 ) on Thursday April 01, 2004 @02:55PM (#8739555) Homepage
    That's why I propose we name tomorrow, April 2nd, "April Bitch-Slap Day", where we get back at all the pathetic losers who play pathetic jokes with an old-fashioned slap upside their head, followed by an ass-kicking if the joke was especially bad.

  • by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Thursday April 01, 2004 @03:03PM (#8739653) Homepage Journal
    The poll was submitted by a slashdot user [], not made up by an editor.
  • Why it sucks (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bonch ( 38532 ) on Thursday April 01, 2004 @03:11PM (#8739730)
    I really wish michael wasn't at the helm today. The crap that's getting posted is roll-your-eyes, "we're supposed to laugh because it's so stupid" humor, which most of us outgrew after 9th grade.

    The April Fool's Days in the past used to be great because you never knew which was real and which was fake. A really absurd story might have this strange grain of reality in it, and it would turn out to be true. Then the seemingly benign announcement would turn out to be a great prank. People would still be referencing the April Fool's posts in their comments on April 2nd.

    The point of an April Fool's joke is to actually fall for the joke. Not this lame, "it's stupid so we'll post it" strategy that michael is employing. Real-life l33t names? Usenet audio? Using the internet for free food? These barely even qualify as April Fool's jokes. Most of them aren't even trying to fool you with anything. Posting really stupid shit isn't funny, and it's not clever.

    What's worse, I know of several groups that crafted well-done April Fool's jokes and submitted them for today, and they have been rejected. Their greatness was that some of them were half-true, some were false but had entire websites and everything set up, and some were completely absurd but totally true.

    Instead, we get "Using the internet for free food?"
  • Dan's Chocolates (Score:3, Interesting)

    by superflippy ( 442879 ) on Thursday April 01, 2004 @03:11PM (#8739734) Homepage Journal
    Back in the Good Old Days (1999), a chocolate company called Dan's Chocolates opened a web site, got some capital, and decided to create buzz by giving away free boxes of chocolates (I think they may have asked for a $1 token shipping charge). They got so many requests for chocolate that their ordering system choked and some people didn't receive any candy. It was a time of free-flowing capital and general goodwill, so to make it up to the folks who didn't receive their chocolate, instead of just offering a refund they sent everyone who had requested a box the first time around another box of chocolates.

    The chocolate was pretty good, though I personally didn't order again (I still like See's better). What's amazing is that, even after that expensive publicity stunt and the .com bust, Dan's Chocolates [] is still in business.
  • Re:WTF (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 01, 2004 @03:16PM (#8739795)
    I had a friend who claimed that when he was younger he would go into a Dennys, etc. and sit at the counter and order a cup of hot water, ketchup, and crackers. He would then proceed to make "tomato soup" and crackers.

    Usually somebody would see this and feel sorry for him and buy him a real meal.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 01, 2004 @08:29PM (#8742870)
    So "insightful" means you've thought of it already? That's a new one.

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