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CVS For Modem Users? 5

David Symonds asks: "CVS is great if you can commit after each significant change; however, if you have limited access (e.g. a dialup connection), this tends to make things sloppy. Are there any "CVS proxies" that can cache CVS commits locally, then send them on to the CVS server when you next connect to the Net?"
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CVS for Modem Users?

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  • Having used CVS quite a bit, I sympatize. However, I have never heard of anything like you want.

    In general there are a few thing to make remove CVS over slower connections a bit better. While not always possible, $(subject) is a good idea (making large commits into smaller commits). In addition, using the -z (compression) option (say, -z3 or -z4) can make commits much faster over slower. Of course, working/committing on a remote box with a fast connection also works :)
  • by kevin42 ( 161303 ) on Thursday November 02, 2000 @05:31AM (#655519)
    What would that do for you? When you commit you are putting the code in a repository for others to use, and at the same time merging changes other people made. With a proxy like you described you wouldn't be doing either of those things.

    It seems to me that it's more a matter of how you use CVS. Why not just commit all changes when you are connected, instead of trying to put together another application to do it for you?

  • by jaa ( 22623 ) on Thursday November 02, 2000 @06:05AM (#655520)
    a queued version of CVS:

    here []

    Instead of "cvs commit" you use "cvsq commit". Later, when you are online, you type "cvsq upload" to cause the queued commits to get pushed to the CVS server.

  • Rsync is a very good tool when you want to grab the
    latest downloads from the CVS repository, but don't want to wait. When I still had a Linux box handy, I had it rsync to the CVS repository at midnight every day, and then when I wanted to update, I did it from my local mirror instead of over the wire.

  • how about Sure, it is not actually GPL level free, it is free enough for most of us (free beer, and damn near pure free speech). You would need to get everyone to switch though, which could be a pain.

One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
