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Clearcase vs. CVS? 50

briany asks: "I have been asked to evaluate Clearcase vs. CVS. I am wondering what kind of experiences people have had (good and bad) with either product, or if there are other products that should be considered. The projects that will be stored are rather large (10+ GB) and need to be accessible from Solaris, Linux, and NT/Win2k." Of course, it should be mentioned that Clearcase is available for Linux, as well as other unix clones.
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Clearcase vs. CVS?

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  • I don't have any experience with Clearcase, but they have a free online demo, and a free demonstration cd-rom offer at []
  • by mperham ( 301356 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @09:06PM (#532343)
    I've used both in previous jobs for source code control. This is obviously different in that the files and projects are small (megabytes, not gigabytes).

    Clearcase cost a LOT of money and takes quite a bit more administration. For your trouble, you get file locking. Yes, that is sarcasm. No one on the team who was using it at the time liked it.

    cvs simply requires a little more developer time to do file merging. I personally really like it.

  • by A nonymous Coward ( 7548 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @10:24PM (#532344)
    I've used CVS a lot, but never in big projects. I was told I had to use clearcase once, and the sysadmin botched the install so bad I dumped it and they backed off when I threatened to quit. (I was on a separate project with only a few programmers who were all happy with CVS, so the rest of the dev staff could use punched cards and it wouldn't have bothered us.)

    For what it's worth, I understand one big difference is that clearcase automates things like tracking the compiler and lib versions, so you could go back a long long ways to reproduce a really old version byte for byte. Another difference is that it eliminates dup copies of source and object files among the staff, potentially saving space and time. How well this works in practice, I don't know, and I've never felt any need for it.

    The other comment about needing more sysadmin work is certainly true. In addition to the loon who clobbered my system with the bad install (Sun OS, early 90s), a different sysadmin, purportedly her boss, twice erased the entire clearcase repository. Apparently it was too tricky for the average bear. I see that as two strikes against clearcase just from the point of not being very maintainable, and hope to never see it again.

    CVS is good. Text files you can edit in an emergency or just in readonly mode to see when things happened, as opposed to SCCS, and it is just plain good. Be happy with CVS. Your repository is valuable -- don't give up control.

  • by ndfa ( 71139 ) on Thursday January 04, 2001 @12:25AM (#532345)
    I have used CVS for some time now, was evaluating it vs. clearcase and found it to be pretty easy to use and quiet powerful. I have worked with it on a client/server project, 100+ developers and code in C/C++ for the server, and JAVA for the frontend. All together this was a rather large Telecommuncations system and it worked pretty well using CVS. NOTE, even with is being an extremely large (Hell Informix used it as a sign of large installs, and so did Sun for its use of EU10K's) cvs did pretty well, the learning curve is rather simple and is pretty powerful for most purposes.

    I have installed it and am running it where 20 developers are using java/jsp and it works fine for our product. Images can be a bit annoying, but all text data rocks!!!

    Now about the size of your project ? 10G+ was it ? ? exactly what are you going to be storing ? ? Thats a whole lot of code, and as i keep telling ppl. here, data does not belong in the repo..... only code that you want to get back to.... DATA should be kept on a FS with good naming, like a simple (filename)_(date)_(version).* BUT ten G's is going to be one hell of a freaking checkout!!!!

  • by BitMan ( 15055 ) on Thursday January 04, 2001 @03:55AM (#532346)

    I'm working in such an environment myself, Linux server (actually a NetApp filer hosts our repository now, but pserver still runs on the Linux box for NT clients) and NT, Linux and Solaris clients. As a startup, we could not afford a pricey, commercial VCS, and with what we do, CVS was a perfect fit (yes, I have used a number of different, "pricey" systems before). We are a fabless semiconductor firm, so we often have large, textual files (as well as small). CVS works very well for us, and is easy to administer once you get familiar with it. There is no issues with NT and UNIX clients, CVS handles them all of them from the server side, assuming you run CVS in pserver client/server mode (from at least for the NT clients).

    Your sole documentation for CVS (other than the occassional Google search) will probably only need to be the Cederdqvist CVS Manual (here in HTML) []. If you aren't too familiar with CVS yet, you'll want to play around with a test repository while reading this manual for a month. Trust me, that is what I did the first time around.

    In a nutshell, here are my recommendations for a CVS setup, with large files and a both NT and UNIX clients:

    1. Use a UNIX server, for both repository and pserver (client/server, runs on port 2401 by default, setup in /etc/inetd.conf) daemon (recommend both be on the same system, although there are exceptions to this rule). The UNIX CVS server is just so much more flexible, although our SV office uses CVS on NT (but they are NT-only on the client side). Since most Linux distros come with the latest CVS software, stick with Linux for your server (the CVS server/repository should always have the same or later version than any client).
    2. If performance is important, make sure your server has a lot of memory if you run pserver (again, client/server daemon on server's port 2401). When you do, the server needs 1.2-1.5x the memory of the largest file checked in, otherwise, thrasing will occur as you swap pages to/from memory. Again, I _highly_recommend_ you run pserver for access from NT clients.
    3. On the UNIX side of things, you don't have to use pserver. You can directly access the repository via NFS mounts. This is slower, but, for large files, you do not run into the thrasing issue on the server. In a nutshell, pserver puts all the burden (incl. memory usage) of the diff/commit on the server, whereas clients that access the repository directly do all the work. Even though you run pserver (for your NT clients), you can still access the repository directly on UNIX clients.
    4. Do *NOT* checkout via NT to the same directory as via UNIX. E.g., if /home = \\server\home, do not try to checkout to /home via UNIX and then commit via NT from \\server\home, or vice-versa. The reason for this is that while the repository is OS-independent, the checked out working directories have OS-specific details (e.g., drive letters when checked out via NT, which the UNIX cvs client won't understand -- plus LF/CR issues where NT gets the later automatically added). Either adopt one of two philosophies (or both, depending on your user):
      • If you need to have working files accessable in the same place from both NT and UNIX (e.g., /home and \\server\home), then do all your cvs actions from the _UNIX_ side. The only issue you'll run into is any LF/CR that a Windows application would expect (since only LF will be used for line breaks since the working directory created/modified by UNIX). Since most of my Windows development tools don't mind LF-only breaks, I didn't have any problems with this.
      • The other philosophy involves a strict separation of working directories from NT and UNIX. Note, both clients still access the same, central repository and the same info. But when working, check out files via NT to a NT-only area and files via UNIX to a UNIX (possibly NT-also) area. This is what we also do with some people: Check out via NT to their local hard drive (which cuts down on network usage when they work), committing at the end of the day (for backup purposes), with other files being checked out to UNIX on the file server (and then accessable via both UNIX and, limited, NT over NFS/SMB shares -- which doesn't need to be committed at the end of the day since it gets backed up on the file server itself).
      • The use of each will depend on your workflow, possibly a per-user thing.
    5. Be cautious about what you modify the CVS respository directly, but don't be shy to do it occassionally when you absolutely need to. This is what I love about CVS over other VC systems, a very understandable repository setup. Don't do it unless you cannot get a cvs client command to do what you want, don't do it reguarly and manually log anything you do to the repository for future reference. After a year and a half at my job, I have probably gone into the repository about 2-3 dozen times and haven't had any issues yet. Again, I haven't had such good luck with commercial systems and direct repository modification (when required).
    6. Even if you are using a UNIX-only checkout environment, you can always use the nice, visual WinCVS client [] on the Windows side (provided you have a Samba share) to look at working file status (e.g., modified, current, etc...), but don't use to checkin/out UNIX working directories. If you are checking out via NT, then WinCVS will be a natural client choice. Just configure it for pserver, port 2401 and you'll be cooking.
      [ Note, there is a TkCVS client for UNIX, but it is _way_outta_date_. So don't use it except for possibly looking a work file status as well. In the case of both WinCVS and TkCVS, there is a _lot_ to be said about sticking with the CLI CVS client when checking in/out files -- I don't trust the GUIs to be flexible enough with anything but "browsing" the working files, but that's me. ]
    7. Don't forget to set some basic variables in all your user scripts (or in a global script called at login), e.g.:
      • CVSUMASK 007 -- just like a regular umask, only for cvs checkouts
      • CVSREAD 1 -- set if you want to force users to do a "cvs edit" before editing a file (great for keeping track of concurrent edits/development), unset (or don't set) if you don't.
      • CVS_SERVER server and CVS_PASSFILE $HOME/private/.cvspass -- if you use pserver (client/server) access (or unset/don't set if you don't).
      • CVSROOT /home/cmroot/cvsroot or CVSROOT :pserver:$USER@server:/home/cmroot/cvsroot -- the former for direct repository access by client, the later to use pserver.
    8. Also get some basic aliases down for your UNIX clients, e.g.:
      • alias cvs '/usr/local/bin/cvs -d /home/cmroot/cvsroot' -- accesses CVS repository /home/cdroot/cvsroot directory
      • alias cvs '/usr/local/bin/cvs -d :pserver:$USER@server:/home/cmroot/cvsroot' -- accesses CVS respository on SERVER at /home/cmroot/cvsroot via pserver (client/server)
      • alias noncvs "cvs -n -q update -I '! CVS' -r HEAD" -- List all non-current or unknown files in working directory from repository (I use this all the time)
      • alias noncvsi "cvs -n -q update -r HEAD -- same as previous, except apply ignored file list (which are listed in file $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvsignore -- which you'll want to checkout and modify for your site).
    9. Do *NOT* make your server public. CVS is NOT a secure server, unless you use something like Kerberos client/server (instead of pserver, on a different port, I've never done this), or pserver with SSH as the remove shell. If you are going to run a publicly accessable CVS server, you'll want to run in at least pserver mode using SSH or, in the worst case, pserver with different usernames/passwords directly in the CVS admin files (rather than using the default of the local UNIX accounts). I highly recommend _against_ running a server that is both internally and externally accessable. If you need to, setup two separate servers, with two separate CVS repositories and run a cronjob to update the external server on a regular basis. Better yet, get familiar with "cvs export" on automating the export of files from the CVS repository (withOUT working CVS info) to archives, external servers, etc...
    10. Lastly, if you have not adopted Cygnus' Cygwin GNU environment [] as standard on your NT desktops, do it now. No need to pay others for UNIX tools on NT, Cygwin is all you need. Do it even if you don't use GCC, and do all your development via Visual Studio, etc... There are just too many good UNIX CLI tools to ignore in there and you'll wish you'd had them. A CVS client is included (or you can use WinCVS').

    [ Side note: If your setup and workflow is anything like mine (e.g., either NT or dual-boot NT/Linux on desktop, Solaris workstations in a lab), and an X-Server for NT is too expensive, you'll probably want to investiage Virtual Network Computing (VNC) []. VNC on a UNIX server (as compared to just using it as a simple pcAnywhere type setup on Windows servers, as most people do), is powerful. It is how we have ~10 different engineers running full GUIs on a single Solaris or Linux workstation, each with their own X-session (:1, :2, etc...). Then you simply connect from the Windows client and tada, a full X-session -- that even stays up when NT crashes! Or can be "shared" by Microsoft NetMeeting. Just thought I'd mention VNC since you probably have the same situation/setup I do. ]

    -- Bryan "TheBS" Smith

  • BitKeeper is a CVS like utility, free for non commercial use, which provide some functionnalities besides the ones of CVS. The main one is the sub-repository which can be shared by a sub team and act as a buffer between private checked-out versions and the main repository.
    Check out []
  • It's hard to recommend one or the other without having more details about your requirements. For example, will the repositories need to be available in more than one location, how many projects, what kind of data, what kind of *usage*, how many users, how much resource the company is willing to expend, etc.

    For what it's worth, I'm currently responsible for the use of ClearCase in our division (not the installation etc., that's left to IT). (We/I'm trying to find someone to take over - I'm a developer, dammit!)

    It does require more effort to set up initially, but once done it can be more or less left alone - a few hours a week is the most I've had to do to it in the last few months, IIRC. It's far more useful than CVS, at least IMO. I wouldn't want to try and switch us over, I don't think it would fly. :)
  • Clearcase is grounds for quitting. I've never used CVS, but I prefer everything else I've seen to Clearcase.

    You can't escape their god-damned tools if you want to. It requires a full time IT staff to administer. You have to build an entire layer of tools on top for it to be usable. The benefits compared to simpler, lighter-weight solutions do not outweigh the disadvantages. I can't think of a piece of software I loath so much, with the possible exception of RealPlayer.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Clearcase is better if you need exclusive checkouts and multiple sites/repositories (IMHO).

    CVS is better otherwise (easier to administer, faster).

    If you have a big team (i.e., you'll want exclusive checkouts to keep them from tripping over themselves) and/or a team in multiple locations (i.e., you'll need something like Multisite/Clearcase), you should go with Clearcase. Otherwise, give CVS a shot. If you don't like it, migrate to Clearcase later.

  • 10 Gig is not that big. Trust me. If you store models, documentation etc. as well as source code (which is pretty much common practice), that gets eaten up very quickly!!
    I used both but must admit that Clearcase has the shout when it comes to LARGE corporate projects. When it comes to parallel development in large teams, it really comes into it's own. But don't get me wrong. CVS is excellent too. It just depends on what you're after. Clearcase is a big beast to administer and anybody who contracts in that market knows the money is good.
    People tend to forget when comparing these two that there is more than just version control to Clearcase. As well as the delta saves, branching capabilities etc. it also uses derived objects to determine the rebuild strategy instead of timestamps. This means it can reuse objects built by other people which it knows is the same ones you would get in your configuration, but without the need for rebuilding them.
    It also supports parallel builds across multiple machines, although one could argue that you could do this with CVS using the parallel build features of GNU make and other technologies.
    Also, many large corporations use an awful lot of other tools (like Rational Rose, Clearquest, VC++ etc.) which all integrate nicely with Clearcase. CVS doesn't do this to that extent. If you're an open source house, you will probably find that CVS DOES integrate nicely (take KDevelop as an example).

    It's all swings and roundabouts until you put a firm specification on the table which maps out your needs. Until then, the comparison cannot be made.
  • This sums it up nicely. For a big organisation, the initial cost is nothing compared to what you'll get in return. CVS doesn't scratch the surface compared to Clearcase but maybe you don't need all the extra features (a bit like Word! - although the extra features in Clearcase ARE useful).
  • I've used Clearcase for 3 years on a big project that involved 70-90 developers spread out over 4 sites (Rochester NY, Sydney Australia, Palo Alto CA, London England). We had a full time ClearCase administrator, and we needed it.

    Right now I'm working on a much smaller development project, only 20 people in one office, and you just can't justify the expense of ClearCase for such a small project, so we're using CVS. Frankly, I'd rather have ClearCase.

    My main objection to CVS versus ClearCase is that the support for branching in CVS sucks. Sure, you can branch, but every time somebody makes a change in the main branch, even in files you haven't touched in your branch, you have to merge the changes into your branch. In ClearCase, if you haven't modified a file in your branch, then you see the one in the main branch all the time, even if it changes. This means that unlike CVS, you don't have to run nightly cron jobs to keep merging everybody else's changes in area "A" of the code into your project that is only touching the code for area "B".

    Besides that, the other thing I miss about ClearCase is the "-merge -xmerge" functionality for graphically resolving merge conflicts.

    ClearCase's "winking" business I can do without on a small project like this. On the one where I was using ClearCase before, a full compile with no winking in took about 20 hours, so winking was a useful thing.
  • We are thinking of installing CVS here, since Visual Source Safe has actually corrupted files for us. The only problem I'm having with convincing management is..

    1) CVS's storage of binary files.
    2) I prefer to put CVS on a Unix server, and they want it on NT.

    If I put it on a unix server, is there a problem with put the repository on an NT server via a samba share?
  • I have to agree w/ folks who cite cost and support requirements as serious drawbacks to Clearcase. The per-seat licenses for Clearcase add up quickly. If your project spans domains, add the cost of additional Multisite licenses at a 1:1 ratio for each Clearcase license you own and you're talking buckets o' cash. Our company also has a full-time team of IT folks who do nothing more than support Clearcase - administering VOBs, writing trigger scripts, etc. So there's additional cost there, although I suspect there'd be a similar burden associated with CVS if you wanted to do anything really clever with it. That said, our project requires Clearcase for a couple reasons. The biggest? Most of our software organization has embedded it deeply in their processes. More sensibly? We have a team of people, all working on the same files simultaneously, so being able to manage multiple checkouts via branches is really useful. If we were working with hand-written C-code, I think I would find their merge and diff tools to be invaluable. As it is, we're using autocoders and graphical packages that decide to restructure the source files on a whim, making merges nearly impossible. Honestly though, if my downstream customers weren't committed to Clearcase, I probably could figure out how to get my work done w/ something like CVS. Bottom line? DO USE SOME SORT OF CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE! I can't imagine life without CM.
  • by The Pim ( 140414 ) on Thursday January 04, 2001 @05:51AM (#532356)
    I'm surprised there are so few supporters of Clearcase here. Yes, it has two primary disadvantages: it is big, expensive, slow, bulky, and administor-intensive (I'm only counting that as one :-) ); and the repository is binary and opaque, accessible only via Clearcase commands.

    But it is so much more elegant than CVS if your use of version control is at all sophisticated! (Which, if your development effort is even medium size, I would argue it should be--this is stuff that pays off. But that is a separate discussion.)

    For starters, there are some simple correctness issues. Clearcase tracks files across renames, which I gather CVS does not. Moreover, it versions directories, so if you look at an old view of the repository, you see the old names. This allows everything from corrections to badly chosen filenames, up to reorganization of the repository, without any fuss.

    Clearcase also has a "findmerge" command with "common ancestor" support. This basically means, when it's time to merge, you always know exactly what you need to merge, with previous merges taken into account. I honestly don't know how you could live without this. (Note this is distinct the tool that actually performs merges, which is nothing special--I just use GNU diff3, myself.)

    Second, clearcase has (to me) a killer feature, filesystem support. This means that that you get an ordinary-looking unix filesystem that automatically gives you the latest versions that you're interested in. Further, using an "extended" filename syntax, you can look at any version right from the filesystem. So if you want to see what's going on in the foo branch, you just vim code.c@@/main/foo/LATEST, or if you want to figure out which mainline versions use the fooble API, grep fooble code.c@@/main/*. This is addictive. NB: the filesystem support is not available in Linux :-(

    Third, clearcase is very unix-friendly. While this is not a major difference with CVS, it is still worth pointing out (since many commercial products "don't get" unix). Most clearcase commands are close to their unix analogs (or in the same spirit, when there is no analog), and the documentation is in man pages. For me, this made learning clearcase easy, and adds a significant comfort factor.

    To me, version control is not just about making sure I can work on my stuff without getting stepped on by anyone else. (CVS is fine for that.) It's also about expressing, understanding and managing the relationships between various versions and branches. This is a conceptually more difficult activity, and I frankly think many posters here don't see its value (it takes a while). But if you do, clearcase wins hands-down.

    I admit that, while I have used CVS, I have only had day-to-day experience with clearcase (and Visual SourceSafe--bleh!), so I don't have a good sense of the "CVS routine". It perhaps includes some practices that mitigate the lacks I've cited. But, as long as someone else is taking care of the cost and administration and resources (under these circumstances, I have found clearcase reliable, if still a bit pokey), and I don't have to interoperate with outside developers who don't have clearcase, I would take clearcase in a second.

  • Now about the size of your project ? 10G+ was it ? ? exactly what are you going to be storing ? ? Thats a whole lot of code, and as i keep telling ppl. here, data does not belong in the repo..... only code that you want to get back to.... DATA should be kept on a FS with good naming, like a simple (filename)_(date)_(version).* BUT ten G's is going to be one hell of a freaking checkout!!!!

    Data most certainly needs to be revision-controlled.

    Data/config files, images/icons, documentation, anything that goes into a release needs to be under control. If you ever fix a bug in a product you want to be able to build the identical file-set that went into that project. Over time, data files get updated, images/icons change, and if you have to go poking around on backup tapes for the original images, you are wasting time. I've worked on several large commercial products using ClearCase and EVERYTHING went into the database, even directory structures (something I wish you could do for real with CVS).
  • Quick point, the latest (4.1) clearcase release has just stated shipping for Linux with the filesystem (MVFS) component. There are conditions (mainly limited choice of vendor and kernel versions it will run on) but it is ther now, and the range of compatible Linux environments for it should improve over time.

    Disclaimer: I work as a ClearCase support Engineer for Rational, I may be seriously biased in anything I post in this thread!

    'The truth is out there.. but the lies are all in your mind.'
  • somewhat offtopic but...

    Subversion looks to be a promising, well thought out, version control system, incorporating the major features of CVS, but also adding and simplifying/clarifying/refining some features (directories can be versioned also, finally; merging and ancestry is also cleaned up and simplified).

    A detailed design doc describing the various layers, and example diagrams of branching and merging, and various other goodies is at:

    CVS is just barely good 'nuff...but it really feels incredibly hackish. I think it's about time there is a well thought out version control system, built from the ground up, independent of any legacy stuff like RCS.
  • Your post caused me to recall a big "pro" that I neglected to mention in my original post. You're quite correct in pointing out the ability to manage relationships. I take for granted that Clearcase allows me to manage complex collections of files. The ability to build complex config specs and affix labels to multiple files across branches and VOBs is indispensible. Can CVS do this at all? Even with lots of script-fu?
  • the latest (4.1) clearcase release has just started shipping for Linux with the filesystem (MVFS) component.

    thank you thank you thank you thank you! Looks like I have something to do this weekend!

    (And I'm sure I will have a great time trying to build a kernel that it likes, since I run Debian. Note to rational: you should create a system that allows a user to upload a kernel tarball and automatically compiles your modules against it. Unsupported, of course.)

  • I have never seen a source control tool as pathetic as VSS. But then again, I like CVS and prefer ClearCase, so your milage may vary.
  • I once worked at a place that migrated from Clearcase to Perforce because the former was just too damned expensive. I did lots of work with perforce, and I found it to be lightweight and easy to understand.... no filesystem access, but you get fancy merging like clearcase. Plus, there's a client for pretty much any platform you can think of. But you'll still need a dedicated admin for any installation of size.
  • I used CVS back in 97-98 (ancient history, no doubt) and I liked it a lot. The basic model of "you get all the files, modify whatever you like and sync them when you're ready" was cool [*]. But I prefer the easy branching and versioning of ClearCase. It blows away everything I have ever seen with CM.

    I use ClearCase daily (I do the merges/integration/releases) and I'd hate to use anything else. It supports concurrent development better than anything else I've seen.

    The point that you leave out about ClearCase is the learning curve. I work with folks who have used it for years and still don't quite get the differences between branches and views. It is without a doubt the most complicated configuration managemnt philosophy that I've ever seen. But I think it is worth it.

    - doug

    PS: I agree 100% with you about VSS. It is pure crap.

    [*] ClearCase now (since 4.0) has something called a SnapShot View that seems to have the same basic functionality. I've never used it, so I can't say for sure.
  • Just a quick note from a past ClearCase user to anyone confused by the terminology used at the end of the parent post -- "winking-in" is the phrase ClearCase uses to describe its ability to grab someone else's derived object (say, another developer's .o file) instead of invoking whatever utility (in this case, a compiler or assembler) would normally be used.

    Only a system that fully understands the relationships between the derived file and all its source files (including not only a .c, .s, .f, and included files, and so on, but also the compiler, its version, options used to compile, etc.) can do this kind of thing sufficiently safely.

    Otherwise developers would risk having the too-frequent need to try debugging things that turned out to be subtle differences between using a winked-in derived file vs. one built from scratch by a given developer.

    ClearCase handles most of that stuff. But, IIRC, we had to deal with the occasional instance of ensuring we were not chasing down a bug due to winking a particular developer's derived file, or a particularly sensitive derived, file, in versus having it built from scratch.

    And doing that required disabling winking-in for a build, at which point the (apparent) overhead of ClearCase became, well, annoying -- though I don't have enough expertise to really know how much of that overhead was due to other things (NFS and other servers, for exaample).

  • by MemRaven ( 39601 ) <> on Thursday January 04, 2001 @09:19AM (#532366)
    The Perforce Website []

    I've used CVS, PVCS, VSS, (but not ClearCase), and Perforce is the best system I've ever used, bar none. Let me go through some of the key points:

    • Quality of Support. I put this first becuase I think it's that important. I get same-day turnaround whenever I contact them and it's not a weekend (and I've gotten turnaround within an hour at 1am on sunday, so even then you often do), their tech support people know what they're doing and are willing to go the extra mile.
    • The Model's Like CVS. I think this is actually important. To get all the "advantages" of clearcase, you have to be using the ClearCase file system, which basically means that your compiles are over NFS. Do you really want that? P4 gives you a local copy of all the files, just like CVS.
    • Server Centric Model. While this can impose some difficulties for fully disconnected access, it saves your ass in a lot of places. Thinking of deleting a file and want to know if someone's working on it? You can see. Thinking of doing a branch and want to see the status of the branch on people's current machines? You can see. This can save you quite a few times.
    • Multi-Platform Support Rocks. I've NEVER found a platform which P4 doesn't support. Mac, Win, Linux (we're using it on Intel and Alpha), Solaris, even IA-64 if you've got one, they run on everything. Very nice.
    • Ease of Use. If you've got people who are familiar with ANY local-file based source control, they can be up to speed extremely quickly. I've got people who are familiar with CVS who are working extremely well in like 2 hours with P4, rather than weeks of training in CVS. So your training costs are virtually nil with P4 if your people already know CVS or VCC.
    • Speed. It's FAST. REALLY fast. Because of the server-centric model, it's able to determine extremely easily what you need to download and what you don't. It uses things like MD5 digests to determine whether you're actually in sync, it uses its database of what you've stored, etc. And then it just downloads a compressed delta of the file and modifies it locally. If you've got people working over not-so-fast links, this will save your ass.
    • It's TRANSACTIONAL. The basic unit of transactions is the Changelist. When you check stuff in, it's completely atomic. Either everything's submitted, or nothing is. That's it. So at any time you have, without labelling, a complete, transactional history of everyting that you've ever done, and it means that you can never download in inconsistent states. Everyone is consistent all the time. This also means that you don't have to constantly label everything, because the transaction ID acts as a unique identifier for the state of the database at any given point in time.
    • Branching/Merging Rocks. I've never had a case where P4's branching/merging support didn't work perfectly. They detect three way merges, they detect multiple lines of integration/development, it all just WORKS. I can't stress how important this is for quality development, and it's infinitely better than the support in CVS.
    • Ease of Administration. I administer 2 perforce servers. I spend, on average, about 2 minutes doing administration. The thing just works perfectly.
    • Cheap Hardware. Unlike Clearcase, you can get a fairly cheap box for P4. We're running 25 users with about 70 clients on a $5k box (and most of that is RAM and RAID array), and it's so fast that most people never even notice, because its downloads are about as fast as a filecopy on the network.
    • Stores in digested RCS files. So it gets around the corruption issue with some tweaking, but the core files are basically RCS files, which means that if you decide to give it the boot for whatever reason, you can integrate them into another source control system very easily. CVS will have the same issues with corruption that VSS does, because they dont' attempt to deal with the problems that RCS file corruption can incur.
    I'm a little partial, but it's an amazing system that you really should evaluate. I think that if you're looking at CVS and ClearCase, P4 gives you the happy medium: faster and cheaper than ClearCase, more enterprise-friendly than CVS.
  • 1) CVS's storage of binary files.

    While it's not ideal space-wise, you can check in binary files by adding them with the "-kb" flag, as in cvs add -kb binary_file. Older versions of CVS might need you to use "-ko" instead.

    If you accidentally check in a binary file w/out "-kb", you're ok until try to check in an update to the file. In that scenario, you can use cvs admin to fix your boo-boo. See the Per Cedarqvist manual for details.

  • In reference to your complaint about making changes in area A only, and having to keep merging because of changes made in another branch to area B --

    If the two areas are really that distinct, so that you know your changes will compartmentalized, then you can solve this by making the two "areas" be CVS modules, which will keep their own separate branching history. So your code tree is made up of two modules, one on a main branch, the other on your private development branch.

    If they are really extremely disconnected, then you might even keep them in different repositories.
  • I supported a very large Clearcase installation for a multinational company. We had servers all over the world on HP-UX and NT. The license cost while high, is not quite that bad if you use a proper license server and don't do a per seat scheme. I don't know any site where EVERY user has to be logged into the VOB ALL the time. So for a site with 100 users we had 18 licenses and 10 multisite licenses. The ratio of licenses for ClearCase and Multisite does not have to be 1:1. Once properly setup, ClearCase is rather easy to manage. I had to write no more than two perl scripts to do some local view cleanups when computers were removed without releasing the views, but other than that everything is really simple.

    Given this though I have to aggree that Clearcase is not the optimal solution for small groups of developers regardless of the Storage requirements. It's main power lies in its MultiSite component and binary abilities. Note that CVS can store binaries but can not do diffs of them. The ONLY real reason I have seen for anyone to put binaries into the repository is for Windows Developers that were strictly required to keep VERY thorough documentation in MS Word format. The repository makes sense for this in that the Documentation is as easy to get to and update as the code itself.

    Just my 3 cents worth....
  • Sure, if you know it's going to be compartmentalized and you know how it's going to compartmentalize ahead of time. But with Clearcase several people could be making changes in the same directory and seeing the other guy's changes as soon as he merged it back to the main. Not with CVS. Instead, I have to run a nightly cron job that merges changes in whole other directories into my branch.
  • Let me just second this opinion! I've never used ClearCase, but I use both CVS and P4.

    CVS doesn't understand that multiple files can be part of a signle atomic change. This is the biggest failing in CVS. If I change a function's interface, I'll probably also change the calls to the function to use the new interface. This change should be able to be backed out or applied completely atomically. P4 lets you do that. CVS keeps a history of each file, while P4 keeps a history of each change. A subtle, yet importantant, distinction.
  • Well, that's exactly the mode I operate under with CVS. It's just that the "merging back to the main" step is replaced by a "cvs commit" to the branch we are both working on (main or otherwise). I check out a copy of the files; I edit and compile and run and test; I do a cvs commit, and it warns me that someone else has committed changes since I checked them out, so I do a cvs update and get those changes merged into the local copy, test again, then commit.

    One thing that I sometimes did is make a separate repository local to my system for extended work on something, and then only put the end product in the main project repository.

    With ClearCase, do you have a local copy of the code at all ? I was confused by some of these references to a clearcase file system, and of the build process being integrated to the point that it took other developers object files instead of recompiling provided it met the dependancies. Can you work disconnected from the "repository" ? I used to check out code onto my laptop, work on it on a plane trip, and then commit it from my destination. Would I be able to compile if my machine couldn't talk to the repository ?
  • I think of Perforce ( []) as CVS on steroids. My employer looked at a whole bunch of different SCM tools (including ClearCase) and chose Perforce. Having not personally used ClearCase, I cannot comment on it, but I have heard that it is very intrusive in the way you work. It's also very pricey compared with Perforce.

    If you use CVS or RCS to manage your source trees, moving to Perforce will not be that much of a stretch since your nightly build scripts will not need much tweaking (you do have nightly builds, don't you?). Indeed there is at least one CVS-style frontend to Perforce available from their website.

    Perforce's big wins over CVS:

    • atomic checkins: either all files get updated or none do
    • integration records: you can tell where a revision was branched/merged to (and from!)
    • handling of deleted files is less clunky

    I am never going back to CVS, Perforce wins hands down (and, yes, it's available for Linux (and *BSD too)).

  • I've used Clearcase for about 2.5 years, and have previously used CMS, RCS, DesignSync and some others. Plus, I've written the basics of a CfgMgt from the ground up in Perl, on at least two occasions (don't ask).

    Technically, CC has one major advantage over the vast majority of CfgMgt tools: directories are just another element being managed.

    There's a slew of minor cutes - such as winkin; decent branches; a workable multisite solution; very powerful triggers and the choice of dynamic or manually updated views.

    There are a few technical downsides: on NT/W2K the registry use is opaque (very hard to do something non-standard w.r.t usage model); the API is proprietry (no 'use ClearCase;': I write lots of 'qx+cleartool...+')

    Commerically, it has been reliable; it is feature rich; supports wizards and a CLI; well supported (good manuals and good technical support); and robust. There's a large user base with lots of experience which means that it is .
    I didn't say it was cheap. But it's cheaper than a man-month of lost schedule.

    It need not be difficult to maintain. There is an admin learning curve. (And the 'Rational U' exists for exactly this reason.) There is absolutly no excuse for "it lost all my data". (Is anyone seriously suggesting that you need't backup prior to letting a newbie install an unknown CfgMgt tool?)


    If you want CfgMgt but don't want to spend cash, use RCS or write one.

    If you have a commercial environment and a team of more than one person, then it is worthy of serious consideration.

    Personally, I've been very happy with it.


  • Ive used a bunch of systems over the years, clearcase, source-unsafe, rcs, pvcs, sccs, truechange and I must say the two that I have been the most impressed with have been ClearCase and TrueChange. Cvs is ok, but from a power users perspective, its a toy.

    Subversion is shaping up nicely... Ive been monitoring it for a while now. It will be what cvs should have been years ago. When people start using subversion they will never want to go back to cvs.

    --John Cavanaugh
  • I'm currently working on a big project for Air Trafic Control in France and we're using clearcase. VOB space resides on an enormous DEC Alpha-Server with plenty of RAM, plenty of disk and is accessed through a fast LAN. We compile and
    link on separate hosts mounting the views with the
    MVFS feature : a network filesystem crossed with a version controlling system. It's quite funny since you can access versionned files just like regular unix files but it can cost a lot !!!

    Here are some performance measurements for a medium size file written in C...

    1) clearcase view:

    real 2m29.403s
    user 0m10.630s
    sys 0m25.653s

    => cpu = 36.283s / wait = 113.120s

    2) Local partition:

    real 0m13.522s
    user 0m8.911s
    sys 0m3.391s

    => cpu = 12.302s / wait = 1.220s

    Running uptime on the VOB server and the compiling
    host reveals that the compiling host is often idle, waiting for the overbusy server (cpu 100%) to complete VOB requests...

    Be idle with clearcase !
  • I've seen a lot of good comments... only ones I really disagree with are the Clearcase haters. If you fully understand and use all the features Clearcase is one best code management and development systems I've ever used. Some comments about Clearcase I didn't see mentioned... it is very picky about the OS patch level. Because it is highly integrated into the OS filesystem, the support for new OS versions lags each version by a few months. Also I think things like CVS perform better in a WAN and dialin environment. Clearcase kind of assumes a fast network and a LAN. I've seem some robustness issues with CVS. Not that it is buggy per se, but because it keeps the client state on the local client filesystem (in the CVS/ directories) it can be corrupted and then it does strange things. Developers can do some pretty strange things in their local environment and they just expect CVS to figure it out... and CVS gets confused sometimes. I have a growing appreciation for Perforce (P4). It gives you everything CVS does, it is robust and does branching and merging to rival Clearcase. The "atomic" checkins of P4 is very nice over CVS and the reporting of checkin history and other info is a lot faster and better than CVS.
  • I recommend the book "Open Source Development with CVS". It is easier to understand and use than the Cederdqvist manual.

    You can find most of the book online here: []

  • You might also take a look at ODE [], the OSF Development Environment. Like CVS, it's layered on top of RCS. I beleive it has more support for branching than CVS.

    Tom Swiss | the infamous tms |

  • I'll qualify this from the start by saying that I haven't used Clearcase. I have used PVCS, MS-VSS, RCS and CVS and I have to say that in the propietary format for the repository's storage turns PVCS and MS-VSS into big the losers for the projects that I have run. Furthermore, setup of a MS-VSS repository on a project over this summer ate 2 weeks of my time which was critical since the project was on a 3 month long timeline. These two experiences really have me liking CVS since the organization of the repository is not proprietery and it's easy to setup and administer. I would remain openminded about clearcase but I would really see if there is a necessity to store all 10G of your project. From what other posters have said 10G is going to be a problem with cvs' pserver program. Ecks
  • The nice thing about the CVS checkout-less model is that the code hogs (you know, the guys who won't commit until Friday afternoon) get stuck with merging changes in if they wait too long and let their source get stale. This is nice because everyone else is free to grab the latest version, do a quick fix, and commit without hounding Mr. Code Hog to check it in.
  • AMEN! ClearCase rocks! If you can afford it go for it. Things like the visual tools for branch management are heaven. It is a bit of a monster to set up, but it's worth it - ESPECIALLY when you have dozens of developers working on the same project.
  • >>I loath so much, with the possible exception of RealPlayer. i agree - realplayer is nasty, but clearcase? I'm in heaven. The visual branch management just rules. I just switched companies and now i'm back using VSS. Kill me now please.....
  • Rational products cost a lot. What you get is minimal. CVS does 90% of what ClearCase does, it doesn't require full-time staff to support, it doesn't get fucked-up constantly by the full-time support staff (because it doesn't have any), and you're new developers don't need a two week training course on how to use it. Oh, and it's free. For the amount that ClearCase costs money-wise, you could hire another developer for a year. For the amount that ClearCase costs time-wise, gads - you can do a lot.

    Some have talked about wonderful "visual" merges. Frankly, if you're using branches that much and doing that much merging, you are over doing it. Merging branches is time-consuming and fraught with potential gotchas. I suggest finding a new development process that will avoid those problems (like XP). Anyway, you can visually access branches on CVS if you use a free client like WinCVS. It's great. Makes dealing with a CVS repo just like dealing with your file system.

    Using ClearCase will likely lead you down a bad path of more complicated development processes. And that is a bad thing. Keep it simple.

    The rest of Rational's toolset isn't much better. Our requirements people use Requisite Pro to store requirements. The development group is always asking them to see the requirements (duh!), but we don't have requisite pro, so we never seem to get them. They always say they can print out versions that we could see, but what they do print out or send us doesn't display right in Word or whatever, and usually they just can't be bothered to do the work necessary to output a format we can read. If they would just use a simple program, things would be so much easier...

    They say developers are nuts for stupid toys - at least our stupid toys don't cost everyone time and money!

  • I used clearcase about 2 years ago in a large software project, 50+ developers, and it worked really well most of the time. The big problem is that you must have a trained clearcase admin that knows what they are doing. If they don't, it will break badly and often. (The worst mistake I've seen was when the VOBs were served off the same machine serving up user accounts. When the VOBs crashed the machine, all of /home went away...)

    Clearcase's graphical tools, like the graphical merging tool, and the ability to see and compare branches and versions from within their gui is definitely a bonus.

    The ability to merge clearcase with DDTS bug tracking was a definite pain in the ass. At least the way our CM management set it up. ("You mean I have to register and be assigned a software defect just to add a new feature???")

    Managing labels can be a pain, especially when the nightly build breaks, and you need a new feature that was introduced in that build... Again, make sure your clearcase admin knows what they are doing or you could have a nightmare with the precedence that labels are searched to find "your" version)

    I've just recently used CVS on a couple of small projects with just a handful (5) developers. The definite advantages are that almost anyone can maintain a CVS repository, and you still get some of the branching and merging features, but they seem to be a bit more crude than clearcase features. (Though clearcase can be pretty dumb with the auto merge. Have two developers add identical versions of the same function in two different locations in the same file, and it's happy to merge them both in without a peep.)

    I've hit some weird snags with things like scripts that worked on Solaris, but broke on cygwin/NT because the binary flag didn't get set in CVS. I've also had directories that I couldn't remove from the CVS repository, and kept reappearing with every checkout. Probably just due to limited exposure to CVS so far...

    Anyway, CVS's main advantages are the price, and its ease of maintainence. On the down side, support for gui interfaces to it don't seem to be standard across platforms. What gui you really like for linux probably doesn't exist for NT.

    If you have the monetary and support resources to handle clearcase, it may be worth it. But if the price is just too scary, or your project just doesn't seem big enough to warrant it, then CVS is a good tool that should help meet your needs with a much smaller price tag.
  • The ability to merge ClearCase with DDTS bug tracking was a definite pain in the ass. At least the way our CM management set it up. ("You mean I have to register and be assigned a software defect just to add a new feature?")

    I set up something similar between DDTS and good 'ol SCCS. By turning on the "MR" flag in the s-file, and specifying a script as the "validation" program (which, in my case, didn't have to do any actual validation), every file check-in logged itself to the proper DDTS entry. True, the DDTS entry had to exist first, but that was no problem in practice -- to add a new feature, just create a new DDTS entry, assign it to yourself, and log any changes there. Recording new features in DDTS also gave us one central source of info when it came time to write the documentation on "what's new in this release".

    Integrating the version control tool with DDTS was so simple that, in my opinion, any version control tool which can't do that easily is broken and should be rejected.

  • by MemRaven ( 39601 ) <> on Friday January 05, 2001 @08:44PM (#532387)
    I'm sorry, but I've worked on XP projects. Once you get the project above 5-10 people, you can do XP, but you HAVE to do it in XP groups. In other words, you find a group of like 10 people, give them control over a subproject, and then give them their own branches.

    What about stable release lines? Your team might have already started working on 2.0, but now you find a bug in 1.1. You expect all your customers to take an unstable 2.0 version? (and don't give me all this "always ready to ship" crap....if you don't have all the functionality ready, you're not ready to ship). You need to have multiple branches from there. Without good branch capabilities, you can't merge the fix in the 1.1 line with the 2.0 development.

    So you're saying that you NEVER branch, and thus NEVER merge? How do you handle long-running projects? Projects with multiple releases? Projects with 100 developers?

    I agree that complicated processes are bad. But processes should be there to help developers do their job. A good source control system with good branching and merging helps you when you need it.

  • I'm not quite sure why you have a full-time team administering VOBs etc. A properly setup environment will more or less run itself, acts of gods excluded. You need someone who knows details on hand for those minor things which always pop up, but there's no way it should require a full-time admin.
  • We do create branches for releases and their bug fixes. That's it though. So, the bug fixes that go into 1.1 will get merged back into the main branch. CVS has no problem doing merges, and it's quite simple to use.

    Creating a separate branch for each develoment team, though, strikes me as nightmarish (though, it's not as bad as the clearcase way of separate branches for each *developer*). If you have 100 developers working on the project, I would hope the project has enough sub-packages to warrant it. What does the branching get you, anyway?

    If you create 5 branches to let those 100 developers work concurrently in them, then how do you know their code will merge well? How do you know the merge won't result in the introduction of bugs (and bugs caused by such large merges are very hard to find)? If your answer is that the development teams must communicate effectively, then I would say, if they were communicating effectively, then branching wasn't necessary in the first place.
  • I agree that the documentation that DDTS adds is valuable, but the process we got stuck with for using DDTS was bad.

    We had some horrible policy along the lines of "A developer can create an entry. A manager must then assign that entry to the developer who entered it." And so on... whoever configured the system required a manager's approval to do almost everything.

    The one hole they left was that the developer could change the person who received all the checkin/checkout email for the clearcase branch. So you wait till someone takes a day off, and bombard them with a checkout/cancel of the entire source tree... ;->
  • I came here from metamod. So probably I won't get much answers :(

    As for version control, I only know VSS. So I'd like people to comment (rationally, I can flame Microsoft myself) on its advantages and disavantages, relative to other products.

    We are a small team (< 10) and all in the same building.

    As for disavantages, I can say that I tried to move teh database to another machine and the only way to get it right was deleting all local data and getting the lastest version from the new location.

Are you having fun yet?
